Tubby example sentences

Related (13): chubby, plump, roly-poly, corpulent, portly, fleshy, overweight, obese, chunky, pudgy, rotund, round, ample.



tubby (adjective) · tubbier (comparative adjective) · tubbiest (superlative adjective)

  - (of a person) short and rather fat:

  - (of a sound) lacking resonance; dull:


chubby, plump, stout, dumpy, chunky, portly, rotund, buxom, ample, round, rounded, fat, overweight, fleshy, paunchy, bulky, corpulent, pudgy, beefy, porky, blubbery, podgy, fubsy, zaftig, pursy, abdominous, thin, slender, skinny

"Tubby" Example Sentences

1. The tubby little boy waddled down the street.
2. The tubby old dog struggled to get up from his bed.
3. The tubby puppy stumbled on his chubby little legs.
4. The tubby toddler crawled across the floor laughing.
5. The tubby man squeezed into the small car seat.
6. The tubby woman carried her shopping bags with difficulty.
7. The tubby baby tried to roll over but couldn't quite manage it.
8. The tubby baby grinned and giggled on his mother's lap.
9. The tubby sumo wrestlers took their places for the match.
10. The tubby cat stretched out in a sunbeam on the floor.
11. The tubby duck waddled after its similarly shaped companions.
12. The tubby penguin flapped its flippers inelegantly.
13. The tubby child toddled over to his mother.
14. The tubby boy panted as he struggled up the hill.
15. The tubby calf followed its mother into the barn.
16. The tubby panda bear munched on its bamboo shoots.
17. The tubby pig oinked happily as it rolled in the mud.
18. The tubby girl wheezed as she ran to catch her ball.
19. The tubby polar bear lumbered across the ice.
20. The tubby hamster scurried around its wheel.
21. The tubby kitten meowed pitifully as it tried to climb on a shelf.
22. The tubby rabbit sat placidly and nibbled on lettuce leaves.
23. The tubby elephant trumpeted as it raised its front legs.
24. The tubby dachshund panted at the top of the stairs.
25. The tubby prince snorted as he rode by on his pony.
26. The tubby recruit marched with difficulty during basic training.
27. The tubby hedgehog trundled across the garden path.
28. The tubby mouse strained as it tried to carry the piece of cheese.
29. The tubby sailor waddled along the deck of the ship.
30. The tubby lion lay sleeping in the sun.
31. The tubby tortoise slowly made his way across the grass.
32. The tubby snowman beamed his jolly smile.
33. The tubby seal clapped its paws in the show.
34. The tubby frog croaked from its perch on the lilypad.
35. The tubby queen sat on her golden throne.
36. The tubby anteater ambled through the forest.
37. The tubby teenager struggled to zip up his pants.
38. The tubby horses strained as they pulled the wagon.
39. The tubby goat bleated as it butted its head against the fence.
40. The tubby woodchuck sniffed at the garden plants.
41. The tubby gnome sat on his mushroom watching the sunset.
42. The tubby man breathed heavily as he climbed the stairs.
43. The tubby jockey rode his steed around the track.
44. The tubby monk chanted his prayers.
45. The tubby cow ambled over to the fence.
46. The tubby beaver slapped its tail on the water.
47. The tubby hippo opened its huge jaws to yawn.
48. The tubby employeewaddled down the hall.
49. The tubby pig ran around the sty.
50. The tubby toddlers tumbled into the ball pit.
51. The tubby parrot squawked from its perch.
52. The tubby angel perched on top of the Christmas tree.
53. The tubby owl hooted from its nest in the tree.
54. The tubby bulldog panted and lay down on the porch.
55. The tubby donkey brayed as it ambled down the road.
56. The tubby puppies snuggled together in their basket.
57. The tubby bumblebee buzzed around the flowers.
58. The tubby octopus waved its tentacles.
59. The tubby turtle crawled across the grass.
60. The tubby boy clambered down from the slide.

Common Phases

1. The tubby little puppy waddled after his mother.
2. The tubby toddler could barely walk as his chubby legs struggled to carry him.
3. The tubby cat slept peacefully on the cushion, snoring softly.
4. The children laughed at the tubby clown with his striped stockings and round wig.
5. She pinched the tubby cheeks of her infant nephew as he giggled and cooed.
6. The tubby duck wobbled across the pond to get to the pile of breadcrumbs.
7. The little tubby bee buzzed and bumbled from flower to flower.
8. The tubby little groundhog cautiously peered out of his burrow to see if winter was over.
9. The tubby bumblebee struggled to climb to the top of the flower.
10. The tubby old badger ambled out of its sett, in search of food.
11. The tubby teddy bear sat in the corner, well-loved and worn.
12. The tubby penguin slid on its belly across the icy floor.
13. The tubby child squealed with joy as the fairground ride sped around.
14. The tubby grey squirrel sat up chattering, begging for nuts from the visitors.
15. The tubby piglet oinked happily as its mother fed it milk from her teats.
16. The tubby seal pup flopped around on the beach, bellowing for its mother.
17. The tubby elephant sucked up water into its trunk and sprayed it over its back.
18. The tubby guinea pig wheeked for more lettuce from its owners.
19. The tubby sausage dog panted and struggled to climb the stairs.
20. The tubby dachshund shuffled along behind its taller companions.
21. The tubby panda munched on bamboo shoots in its enclosure.
22. The tubby hamster scurried around its exercise wheel, searching for escaped seeds.
23. The tubby goldfish swam lazily around its bowl, pausing to gulp air at the surface.
24. The tubby chick peeped for food from its mother hen.
25. The tubby baby rolled from side to side, giggling with delight.
26. The tubby toddler waddled along behind his mother, unable to walk very fast.
27. The tubby pigeon sat preening its feathers, utterly unfazed by the crowds rushing by.
28. The tubby mice scurried in and out of the holes in the wall as the cat watched from afar.
29. The tubby rabbits binkied around their hutch, chasing each other in play.
30. The tubby figures stood guard outside Buckingham Palace.
31. The tubby emperor penguin huddled with its comrades to stay warm in the Antarctic winter.
32. The tubby people watched the procession go by from their window seats in the cafe.
33. The tubby baby's cheeks were rosy and dimpled when he smiled.
34. The tubby prince lived a life of luxury and indulgence.
35. The tubby man chuckled as he tucked into his second helping of dessert.
36. The tubby toddlers ran around the playground, crashing into each other with giggles.
37. The tubby figure skater spun and twirled around the ice with surprising grace.
38. The tubby monk sat cross-legged, deep in contemplation.
39. The tubby boy waddled over to the cake stand and helped himself to a second slice.
40. The tubby figures huddled around the campfire, warming their hands.
41. The tubby lords and ladies of the court gathered in the Great Hall for the banquet.
42. The tubby panda rolled onto its back for a nap after eating its fill of bamboo.
43. The tubby man-of-war balloon floated high above the battlefield.
44. The tubby cherubs hovered above them, trumpeting their joy.
45. The tubby climber plodded slowly but determinedly up the hill.
46. The tubby fluffy bunny sat eating lettuce from its bowl.
47. The tubby emperor lounged on his throne, surrounded by servants and sycophants.
48. The tubby little boy waddled after his kite, which was flying away on the wind.
49. The tubby sumo wrestlers slammed into each other with tremendous force.
50. The tubby bird hopped around the feeder, eagerly waiting its turn.
51. The tubby knight clanked along in his armor, barely able to walk.
52. The tubby toddler giggled as his mother lifted him up into the air.
53. The tubby figure took up far more than its fair share of space on the bus seat.
54. The tubby badger shuffled out of its sett after a long winter's sleep.
55. The tubby human figure stood proudly next to its thin companion statue.
56. The tubby king reclined on his throne, eating grapes fed to him by a servant.
57. The tubby bowler waddled up to the crease to take his turn.
58. The tubby pig grunted and snorted as it rooted around in the mud.
59. The tubby Buddha sat happily meditating under the Bodhi tree.
60. The tubby toddler struggled to put on her coat, wriggling and squirming with the effort.

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