Tutelage example sentences

Related (11): guidance, support, mentoring, coaching, supervision, tutelary, apprenticeship, training, education, guardianship, oversight

"Tutelage" Example Sentences

1. He learned the trade under the tutelage of a master craftsman.
2. She studied piano for many years under the tutelage of a renowned teacher.
3. The young athlete's talents flourished under the tutelage of a great coach.
4. I was fortunate to study grammar under the tutelage of an expert linguist.
5. The young artist developed her talents under the tutelage of a kind mentor.
6. She blossomed as a writer under the tutelage of her wise professor.
7. The tutelage of an experienced teacher helped him improve his skills.
8. The young musician honed his abilities under the tutelage of a famous conductor.
9. Her political views were shaped under the tutelage of her radical professors.
10. The young novice learned the spiritual path under the tutelage of an enlightened guru.
11. His manners were polished under the tutelage of a strict etiquette teacher.
12. The fledgling author developed her craft under the tutelage of a revered novelist.
13. Under the tutelage of an experienced coach, she improved significantly as an athlete.
14. The young scholar developed under the tutelage of an erudite professor.
15. He took up painting under the tutelage of a gifted master.
16. She spent years under the tutelage of a renowned fashion designer.
17. Her philosophical thinking developed under the tutelage of a great thinker.
18. He developed his acting skills under the tutelage of an award-winning director.
19. I put myself under the tutelage of a venerated elder to learn wisdom.
20. The young writer's style blossomed under the tutelage of a brilliant editor.
21. The aspiring diplomat learned statecraft under the tutelage of an experienced mentor.
22. The ward fell under the tutelage of a stern but loving governess.
23. The young scientist flourished under the tutelage of an esteemed professor.
24. The novice monk practiced meditation under the tutelage of an ancient abbot.
25. She learned French cuisine under the tutelage of a Michelin-starred chef.
26. The young prince was educated under the tutelage of private tutors and regents.
27. The boy's manners and behavior improved markedly under the tutelage of a strict governess.
28. She learned leadership and strategy under the tutelage of a brilliant commander.
29. The trainee worked under the tutelage of an experienced master.
30. I studied rhetoric and oratory under the tutelage of an expert speechwriter.
31. The young dancer developed grace and skill under the tutelage of a famous choreographer.
32. The boy's penmanship improved under the tutelage of a patient instructor.
33. The young man learned diplomacy under the tutelage of his wise father.
34. Her legal mind was shaped under the tutelage of a revered judge.
35. She studied mathematics under the tutelage of a prize-winning professor.
36. He learned horsemanship under the tutelage of an accomplished equestrian.
37. The aspiring writer honed her craft under the tutelage of an award-winning novelist.
38. The intern learned business under the tutelage of an experienced CEO.
39. His musical talents flourished under the tutelage of a gifted mentor.
40. The student learned philosophy under the tutelage of a sage scholar.
41. The young chef developed his skills under the tutelage of a Michelin-starred master.
42. The neophyte theologian studied under the tutelage of an eminent priest.
43. The young gardener learned horticulture under the tutelage of an expert mentor.
44. Her attitudes and opinions were shaped under the tutelage of her radical professors.
45. The protégé trained under the tutelage of an accomplished mentor.
46. The novice learned the trade under the tutelage of an experienced master.
47. The initiate studied the spiritual path under the tutelage of an enlightened master.
48. Her judicial thinking developed under the tutelage of an erudite professor of law.
49. The fledgling photographer learned composition and lighting under the tutelage of a famous artist.
50. The intern worked under the tutelage of an experienced surgeon.
51. The aspiring poet studied poetry under the tutelage of a revered writer.
52. His spiritual knowledge expanded under the tutelage of a wise guru.
53. The young jazz musician honed his improvisational skills under the tutelage of veteran players.
54. The eager student learned philosophy under the tutelage of a wise scholar.
55. The apprentice learned her trade under the strict tutelage of a demanding master.
56. The young heiress learned social graces under the tutelage of a high-society dame.
57. The young lawyer's legal thinking developed under the tutelage of a sagacious professor.
58. She learned arbitration and mediation under the tutelage of an esteemed judge.
59. The boy learned etiquette and propriety under the strict tutelage of his governess.
60. The student improved her playing under the watchful tutelage of an accomplished instructor.

Common Phases

1. He learned classical guitar under the tutelage of a renowned master.
2. The young painter studied art under the tutelage of a famous artist.
3. She learned ballet dancing under the tutelage of a veteran ballerina.
4. The student completed his apprenticeship under the tutelage of the experienced craftsman.
5. He grew up under the tutelage and guidance of his wise grandfather.
6. She trained to become an opera singer under the tutelage of a world-famous voice coach.
7. The cub became a mighty lion under the tutelage of his strict but wise father.
8. Her business acumen grew rapidly under the tutelage of her demanding but insightful mentor.
9. The young actor improved his acting skills under the tutelage of a seasoned drama teacher.
10. He learned knife-making skills under the tutelage of an old master bladesmith.
11. The young scientist made rapid progress under the tutelage of his brilliant Nobel Prize-winning advisor.
12. The cub eased into adulthood under the watchful tutelage of his parents.
13. The athlete honed his abilities and smashed records under the tutelage of a prolific coach.
14. She developed her flair for writing under the tutelage of the numerous classics she read as a child.
15. He learned the secrets of business under the tutelage of his shrewd and calculating grandfather.
16. His mathematical genius blossomed under the tutelage of gifted mathematicians.
17. She learned to swim under the careful tutelage of her patient swimming coach.
18. The cub fell under the tutelage of the wise old owl who taught him everything he knew.
19. She learned the piano under the tutelage of a kindly piano teacher.
20. The young apprentice learned rope-making skills under the tutelage of his aging but able-bodied master.
21. His moral values were shaped under the tutelage of loving but strict parents.
22. The young reporter improved her writing skills under the careful tutelage of seasoned journalists.
23. The curious young mind fell under the tutelage of knowledgeable teachers who made learning fun.
24. The young mind thirsted for knowledge under the tutelage of passionate, insightful professors.
25. He learned the trade under the strict tutelage and watchful eye of his master craftsman father.
26. The lucky student fell under the tutelage of a gifted and inspiring teacher.
27. Under the strict tutelage of his austere master, the young monk's mind was opened to wisdom.
28. Her skill on the violin blossomed under the tutelage and careful guidance of her first teacher.
29. The cub fell under the strict tutelage of his wise and cautious mother.
30. Her business acumen grew rapidly under the tutelage of a series of demanding but insightful mentors.
31. The tennis protégé developed his game under the tutelage of one of the world's best coaches.
32. The protégé learned his trade under the careful tutelage and watchful eye of his mentor.
33. The cub fell under the gentle but firm tutelage of his papa bear.
34. His character was shaped under the tutelage of kindly grandparents.
35. The troubled young soul fell under the watchful tutelage of a wise old monk.
36. The student eagerly lapped up knowledge under the inspiring tutelage of brilliant professors.
37. The cub learned life's lessons under the tutelage of his aged but wise grandfather lion.
38. His skills on the cello blossomed under the tutelage of a series of demanding teachers.
39. The young athlete grew stronger under the strict tutelage of his uncompromising track coach.
40. The student's understanding of history deepened under the tutelage of inspiring professors.
41. The cub fell under the tutelage of his watchful and wise mama.
42. The cub learned wisdom under the tutelage of his grandfathers.
43. The cub flourished under the strict but caring tutelage of his mother.
44. The cub learned the ways of the wild under the tutelage of his papa.
45. The cub learned patience under the tutelage of the wise old turtle.
46. The curious cub fell under the tutelage of the wise old owl.
47. The student developed sound study habits under the benevolent tutelage of a mentor.
48. His understanding of complex mathematical concepts blossomed under the tutelage of skilled teachers.
49. The cub learned survival skills under the watchful tutelage of his papa.
50. The young mind blossomed under the tutelage of dedicated teachers.
51. His tennis game improved rapidly under the tutelage of a pro.
52. The cub fell under the wise tutelage of his grandparents.
53. The lucky student fell under the tutelage of an inspiring teacher with a gift for making learning come alive.
54. His philosophies deepened under the tutelage of wise mentors.
55. Under the watchful tutelage of knowledgeable elders, the cub blossomed into adulthood.
56. The eager student lapped up knowledge under the tutelage of inspiring professors.
57. Her love of classical music blossomed under the tutelage of gifted teachers.
58. The cub learned the ways of his species under the strict tutelage of his parents.
59. Her understanding of psychological concepts deepened under the tutelage of insightful professors.
60. The cub learned the ways of the jungle under the strict but wise tutelage of his parents.

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