Typify example sentences

Related (9): epitomize, represent, embody, exemplify, symbolize, illustrate, personify, characterize, portray

"Typify" Example Sentences

1. Her selfless acts typified her caring nature.
2. The dark clouds typified the grim mood of the town after the tragedy.
3. The run-down buildings typified the poverty of the neighborhood.
4. His cruel treatment of animals typified his monstrous personality.
5. The packed stadium typified Americans' love of sports.
6. The long lines and hours of waiting typified the problems with the healthcare system.
7. The endless gridlock of traffic typified the city's congestion issues.
8. The smoggy skies typified the environmental issues the city faced.
9. The aging infrastructure typified the country's economic problems.
10. The long lines typified the inefficiency of the large bureaucracy.
11. The crowded classrooms typified the problem of overcrowding in public schools.
12. The ancient ruins typified the lost grandeur of past civilizations.
13. The tumultuous crowd typified the chaos and unrest of the times.
14. The heavy security presence typified the paranoia of the totalitarian regime.
15. The alarmingly high statistics typified the severity of the public health crisis.
16. The nonstop workflow typified the office's intense work culture.
17. His incessant questioning typified his insatiable intellectual curiosity.
18. The large bureaucracy typified the inefficiency of the government program.
19. The menial tasks typified the monotonous nature of the job.
20. His face lit up in a wide grin that typified his cheerful personality.
21. The drab office space typified the uninspired corporate culture.
22. The vacant stares typified the numbness and hopelessness of poverty.
23. The filthy alleyways typified the squalor and neglect of the slums.
24. The overpriced menu items typified the elitism of the exclusive restaurant.
25. The outdated technology typified the company's resistance to change.
26. The long lines, paperwork, and impersonal treatment typified the troubles of the welfare system.
27. His political history of contradictions and flip-flopping typified his opportunistic character.
28. The callous remarks typified his boorish and uncouth personality.
29. His long working hours typified his workaholic nature.
30. The wailing sirens typified the constant state of emergency in the crime-ridden city.
31. The sleek luxury cars typified the materialism and excess of Hollywood.
32. His tendency to exaggerate typified his compulsion to embellish every story.
33. The torrential downpour typified the dreary weather of the Pacific Northwest.
34. The endless litany of complaints typified her negative outlook on life.
35. Her genuine smile and warmth typified everything great about her personality.
36. The constant angst typified the emotional turmoil of adolescence.
37. The palatial mansions typified the lavish excess of the super rich.
38. Their distrust of outsiders typified the insular nature of small town life.
39. The sprawling limestone mansion typified the Gilded Age opulence of the wealthy family.
40. The immense creature typified the power and ferocity of prehistoric times.
41. His frequent bouts of anger typified his inability to control his emotions.
42. The dilapidated housing stock typified the effects of urban decay and neglect.
43. The throngs of people typified the festive atmosphere of the celebration.
44. The packed stadiums typified Americans' obsession with professional sports.
45. The overflowing shopping carts typified consumers' spendthrift ways during the holiday season.
46. The oppressive heat and humidity typified the uncomfortable climate of the region.
47. Her endless patience typified the loving nature of a good parent.
48. The wide range of options on the menu typified the eclectic fusion cuisine of the restaurant.
49. Their differing positions on political issues typified the ideological divisions within the party.
50. The frantic pace of work typified the hectic nature of life in the big city.
51. The emotional outburst typified her dramatic flair for the theatrical.
52. The physical pain and exhaustion typified the grueling nature of military training.
53. His sarcastic wit typified his acerbic personality.
54. The dreary mood typified the bleak outlook of the characters in the novel.
55. The catchy pop tunes typified the bubblegum pop genre of the decade.
56. The bumper-to-bumper traffic typified the notorious congestion of the city.
57. The benevolent acts typified his generous nature.
58. The disheveled appearance typified her bohemian lifestyle.
59. The constant pessimism typified his gloomy personality.
60. The outburst of violence typified the intense hatred between the two warring groups.

Common Phases

1. Her cheerful attitude typified the optimism of the era.
2. The run-down buildings and trash littering the streets typified the decay of the once prosperous neighborhood.
3. His self-centered and narcissistic behavior typified the '80s.
4. The Beatles famously typified the youth and exuberance of the '60s.
5. The old sedan with the rust and peeling paint typified the classic 'beater car.'
6. The empty wine bottles and cigarette butts littering the floor typified the party scene.
7. The lavish spending and material excess of the decade typified the '80s.
8. His grace and poise typified old-world etiquette and manners.
9. The congestion and gridlock typified the daily commute.
10. The packed cafés and bistros typified the city's vibrant café culture.
11. The jaw-dropping views and sweeping vistas typified the national park's natural beauty.
12. Her generous donations typified her spirit of philanthropy.
13. Their hard work and long hours typified the ambitious startup culture.
14. The strong sense of community typified the quaint small town.
15. The hustle and bustle typified the excitement of the holiday season.
16. Her wisdom and kindness typified the benevolent grandmother stereotype.
17. The lavish banquets and overflowing tables typified the sheer excess of the event.
18. The trendy attire and energy drinks typified the latest youth culture.
19. The turbulence and conflict typified the tumultuous decade.
20. Their disregard for authority and rules typified teenage rebellion.
21. His punctuality and organization typified his military upbringing and training.
22. The empty cardboard boxes littering the lawn typified the chaos of moving day.
23. The packed schedules and timetables typified the rigidness of the school system.
24. The tension and mistrust in the room typified the breakdown in communication.
25. His caution and cowardice typified his timid personality.
26. The notoriously chaotic traffic queues typified the frustrating commute.
27. The unkempt garden and weeds typified years of neglect.
28. The beach umbrellas and drunken tourists typified the stereotypical view of the resort town.
29. The chatrooms and social media platforms typified the rise of online community.
30. Their shiny suits and designer shoes typified their ostentatious wealth.
31. The aging buildings and infrastructure typified years of underinvestment.
32. The abundance of chain stores and restaurant franchises typified the lack of originality in the strip mall.
33. His nonchalant attitude and indifference typified his generation's ennui.
34. The river of traffic typified the daily grind.
35. The jam-packed shelves and aisles typified a hoarder's obsessive collecting.
36. The rusting hulks of abandoned vehicles typified the blight of urban decay.
37. The quiet introspection and reverie typified contemplative happiness.
38. The fine clothing and lavish surroundings typified aristocratic wealth.
39. The outdoor tents, beer stalls and food trucks typified the festival atmosphere.
40. The cars lining the curbs typified the popularity of the tourist attraction.
41. The busy queues and crowded aisles typified a typical Saturday at the mall.
42. Their frugality and practical nature typified the typical stereotype of their ethnic group.
43. The scattered toys and piles of clutter typified the chaos of busy parenthood.
44. The labyrinth of dirt paths typified the lack of infrastructure in the rural area.
45. The overflowing inboxes and endless meetings typified the work environment.
46. The steady decline in values and integrity typified the end of the Roman era.
47. Their lack of progress and ambition typified the malaise of the era.
48. The traffic jams and honking horns typified rush hour.
49. The amber waves of grain and rolling hills typified the iconic images of the heartland.
50. The dusty books and cramped shelves typified his lifelong love of reading and literature.
51. The endless calls and requests typified her selfless dedication to helping others.
52. The guys sitting around drinking beer typified the stereotypical 'college boys' picture.
53. The noise, chatter and chaos typified school lunchtime.
54. The tropical music and fruity drinks typified the laid-back atmosphere of the resort.
55. The long lines and brand new releases typified the excitement surrounding the product launch.
56. The garish decor and ostentatious building design typified Las Vegas excess.
57. Her implacable determination typified the human spirit.
58. The crumbling buildings and eroded statues typified the remnants of a lost civilization.
59. The harsh conditions and arduous work typified frontier life.
60. The bookish students clad in dark shades typified the stereotypical image of Parisian intellectuals.

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