Udderlike example sentences

Related (4): teat-like, mammary, glandular, lactiferous

"Udderlike" Example Sentences

1. The swollen udderlike sac on the cow's underbelly required immediate attention from the veterinarian.
2. The silicone implants gave her breasts an unnatural, udderlike appearance.
3. The lump on her neck was udderlike and made her self-conscious.
4. The plant's bulbous, udderlike structure seemed to pulsate with life.
5. The sea creature had a long, udderlike appendage that it used to feed.
6. The witch's familiar had a peculiar, udderlike protrusion on its stomach.
7. The tumor in her abdomen had an unusual, udderlike shape.
8. The fungus had mushroomed into a large, udderlike growth on the tree trunk.
9. The insect's larvae emerged from the udderlike pods on the plant.
10. The strange creature had an udderlike sac that it used to store its food.
11. The farming equipment was specifically designed to milk the cow's udderlike glands.
12. The fruit resembled an udderlike pouch filled with sweet nectar.
13. The alien's reproductive organ was shaped like an udderlike sac.
14. The chef used an udderlike syringe to inject the sauce into the meat.
15. The tumor looked eerie and unnatural, with its udderlike shape.
16. The haunted house had a room filled with udderlike globs hanging from the ceiling.
17. The plant had developed an unusual, udderlike growth that made it impossible to grow any further.
18. The sculpture was bizarre, with its udderlike forms reaching out in all directions.
19. The tumor was so large that it had enveloped the entire udderlike structure.
20. The artist used a variety of udderlike shapes and colors to create an abstract painting.
21. The cow's udderlike teats were sensitive and required gentle handling.
22. The fungus had grown into a grotesque, udderlike mass that oozed green pus.
23. The sea creature used its udderlike appendages to camouflage itself in the murky depths.
24. The witch's potion had a thick, udderlike consistency and a pungent smell.
25. The plant's udderlike sacs burst open, releasing clouds of spores into the air.
26. The tumor was causing the udderlike growth to become inflamed and painful.
27. The farmer's hands were expert at milking the cow's udderlike glands.
28. The sea creature's udderlike appendage was covered in slimy, tentacle-like suckers.
29. The bizarre plant had a trunk that split into several udderlike branches, each producing a different kind of fruit.
30. The alien's udderlike organ was able to produce several different liquids, each with a unique purpose.

Common Phases

1. The bloated balloon looked udderlike;
2. Her dress was made out of a material that appeared udderlike;
3. The milk jug had an udderlike shape to it;
4. The clouds in the sky resembled an udderlike shape;
5. The football was pumped up so much it resembled an udderlike ball;
6. The pillow had an udderlike appearance due to its shape;
7. The watermelon was so round and large, it had an udderlike appearance;
8. The pastry chef made a cake with an udderlike shape.

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