Umbilicalmedieval example sentences

Related (2): umbilical, medieval

"Umbilicalmedieval" Example Sentences

1. The umbilical cord is a vital lifeline between the mother and unborn baby during pregnancy in medieval times.
2. The umbilical vein transports nutrients and oxygen-rich blood from the placenta to the developing fetus in medieval medical practice.
3. During medieval childbirth, cutting the umbilical cord was a delicate and crucial procedure.
4. Evidence suggests that umbilical hernias were common in medieval Europe, particularly among the working classes.
5. The umbilical links between family members were highly valued in medieval society.
6. In medieval art, depictions of the Virgin Mary often include the Christ child with a visible umbilical scar.
7. The umbilical cord has long been a symbol of unity and connection in medieval literature and folklore.
8. Medieval midwives were skilled in the art of umbilical massage, which was believed to help stimulate fetal movement and prepare for labor.
9. The practice of eating the placenta and umbilical cord was considered a dietary supplement in some medieval cultures.
10. The umbilical cord was thought to contain spiritual power in medieval mysticism.
11. Many medieval religious orders were founded on the principle of an "umbilical" connection between God and humanity.
12. The use of umbilical blood in medieval bloodletting was a controversial practice.
13. Medieval medical texts suggest that the umbilical cord should be cut when it stops pulsating and turns white.
14. The medieval belief in the "six degrees of separation" was based on the idea of an umbilical connection between all things.
15. Umbilical cord prolapse, a potentially life-threatening complication during childbirth, was common in medieval times due to lack of medical intervention.
16. In medieval times, the umbilical cord was often dried and preserved as a talisman of good luck and protection.
17. Medieval physicians believed that the color and appearance of the umbilical cord could reveal important medical information about the developing fetus.
18. The practice of umbilical cord stem cell banking has roots in medieval medical theory.
19. Medieval art often depicted figures with an "umbilical halo" representing their divine connection.
20. The umbilical cord was believed to transmit psychic energy in medieval alchemy.
21. Medieval herbalists used the umbilical cord to create a powerful tincture for fertility and childbirth.
22. The umbilical artery carries waste products and carbon dioxide away from the fetus in utero during medieval times.
23. The concept of the umbilical primacy of the mother, which emphasizes the importance of maternal bonding, dates back to medieval philosophy.
24. The medieval practice of using "umbilical scissors" to cut the cord was considered more precise and less traumatic than other methods.
25. The umbilical cord was seen as a sacred conduit in medieval mythology, linking the mortal world with the divine.
26. Medieval physicians believed that cutting the umbilical cord too soon could lead to developmental problems later in life.
27. The umbilical cord was often used in medieval medical experiments to study the effects of bloodletting and transfusions.
28. Medieval folklore held that an umbilical cord left unburied could be used by witches to cast spells and curses.
29. The umbilical cord was considered a symbol of regeneration and renewal in medieval alchemy.
30. In medieval times, the practice of preserving the umbilical cord in a family tree was a way of tracing ancestry and lineage through generations.

Common Phases

1. Umbilicalmedieval fashion was characterized by elaborate embroidery and heavy fabrics;
2. The medieval town was connected to the outside world only by a thin umbilicalmedieval road;
3. The castle was built using umbilicalmedieval construction techniques, which made it impregnable;
4. The doctor used an umbilicalmedieval remedy to cure the patient's ailment;
5. The artwork in the church depicted scenes from umbilicalmedieval life.

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