Umbrage example sentences
Related (7): offense, irritation, annoyance, displeasure, resentment, pique, aggrievement
"Umbrage" Example Sentences
1. She took umbrage at his critical remarks.
2. His words gave great umbrage to the queen.
3. The minister took serious umbrage at the newspaper's insinuations.
4. The ambassador took umbrage at the perceived slight and filed a formal complaint.
5. The article gave umbrage to many readers for its racist overtones.
6. The senator took umbrage at the accusations and demanded an apology.
7. The duke took grave umbrage at the king's suggestion.
8. The writer gave umbrage to many in the literary community with his controversial critique.
9. The minister quickly sought to mollify those who had taken umbrage at his poorly chosen words.
10. The secretary took umbrage at being left out of the meeting.
11. He quickly sought to soothe those who had taken umbrage at his careless comment.
12. The council members took umbrage at the mayor's dismissive attitude toward them.
13. The students took umbrage at being labeled lazy by the professor.
14. The judge took serious umbrage at the defense lawyer's insinuations.
15. The relatives took umbrage at being left out of the will.
16. The officer took great umbrage at being publicly upbraided by his superior.
17. Many took umbrage at the article's politically incorrect tone.
18. The prime minister quickly realized he had given umbrage and apologized.
19. The prince took grave umbrage at the duchess's accusations.
20. Umbrage was taken at his disparaging remarks.
21. The committee took umbrage at the report's misleading conclusions.
22. The editor took umbrage at being left out of important discussions.
23. The author quickly sought to soothe those who had taken umbrage from his ill-considered words.
24. The pope took umbrage at the king's encroachment on church affairs.
25. She took umbrage at constantly being left out of meetings.
26. The CEO took umbrage at being blindsided by the news.
27. The professor took umbrage at her students' accusations of unfair grading.
28. Umbrage was quickly taken at his ill-considered joke.
29. The court took umbrage at the defense's frivolous claims.
30. The journalists took umbrage at constantly being misled by officials.
31. The gamblers took umbrage at being accused of cheating.
32. The vice president took umbrage at being bypassed for an important duty.
33. The rivals took umbrage at perceived slights and insults.
34. Anger and umbrage were taken at the false news report.
35. The senator took umbrage at the paper's thinly veiled accusations.
36. The actors took umbrage at constantly being upstaged.
37. The novelist took umbrage at critics' dismissive reviews.
38. Family members quickly took umbrage at perceived slights during the reading of the will.
39. The legislators took umbrage at the governor's patronizing tone.
40. The professor took umbrage at constantly being interrupted by her students.
41. The chairman took umbrage at being contradicted in front of subordinates.
42. The board members took umbrage at constantly being left out of important decisions.
43. The assistant took umbrage at constantly being given menial tasks.
44. The rival party took umbrage at perceived insulting remarks.
45. The colleague took umbrage at constantly being given meaningless work.
46. Umbrage was quickly taken at his carelessly racist joke.
47. The relatives quickly took umbrage at being left out of the monetary gifts.
48. Her rivals quickly took umbrage at her perceived bragging.
49. Umbrage was quickly taken at his derisive comments.
50. The retired couple took umbrage at constantly being called "the old folks."
51. Umbrage was taken by many at the misleading news report.
52. The spokesman quickly sought to mollify those who had taken umbrage at his inappropriate aside.
53. The columnists took umbrage at constantly being criticized by the editor.
54. Her children quickly took umbrage at being left out of her will.
55. The author quickly tried to soothe those who had taken umbrage at his careless remarks.
56. The plaintiff took umbrage at the defense lawyer's patronizing language.
57. Umbrage was quickly taken at the reporter's prying questions.
58. The general took umbrage at the criticisms of his recent victory.
59. The concubine took umbrage at constantly being overlooked by the king.
60. The aide took umbrage at constantly being assigned menial tasks.
Common Phases
1. She took umbrage at his rude comment.
2. The minister took great umbrage at the journalist's accusations.
3. The snide remark caused no little umbrage.
4. They treated his umbrage with indifference.
5. His words gave her justification for umbrage.
6. The article gave cause for umbrage among critics.
7. He brooked no umbrage from his subordinates.
8. The diplomat offered no umbrage at the egregious mistake.
9. The visitors offered no umbrage at the dreary reception.
10. Their lack of umbrage worried the host.
11. She took no umbrage at his tardiness.
12. The flawed logic gave him little umbrage.
13. The rude behavior led to umbrage on both sides.
14. The poorly written critiques caused umbrage for the authors.
15. His umbrage knew no bounds at her apparent indifference.
16. Her lack of umbrage offended him more than her words had.
17. His umbrage was short-lived and soon forgotten.
18. They feared taking umbrage would only make the situation worse.
19. His umbrage soon turned to amusement.
20. The umbrage faded as quickly as it had come.
21. She mustered no umbrage for his silly advice.
22. His umbrage transformed into amusement.
23. Their tact avoided causing umbrage.
24. The criticism led to much umbrage from opponents.
25. The clumsy joke caused no umbrage.
26. He quickly dismissed his initial umbrage.
27. Her umbrage showed in her tight smile.
28. She forgave his comment and set aside her umbrage.
29. Her umbrage threatened to overflow into anger.
30. He swallowed his umbrage and kept a civil tongue.
31. They earned umbrage for their petty criticisms.
32. I took umbrage at her insinuations.
33. He offered no umbrage at her forgetfulness.
34. She feigned umbrage to gain attention.
35. Their umbrage turned to indignation.
36. His umbrage soon passed into forgetfulness.
37. They dismissed his umbrage as mere bluster.
38. His umbrage was sincere and could not be ignored.
39. The letter caused great umbrage among readers.
40. His umbrage quickly passed.
41. She walked away without giving umbrage.
42. Their umbrage turned into full outrage.
43. She laughed off their umbrage.
44. Their umbrage faded with time.
45. My umbrage surprised even me.
46. Try to avoid taking umbrage where none is intended.
47. I fancied I detected a hint of umbrage in his voice.
48. Her umbrage knew no moderation.
49. His umbrage soon became irrelevant.
50. Their umbrage surpassed all reason.
51. My umbrage proved misplaced.
52. The umbrage seemed more jest than serious.
53. His umbrage soon turned to amusement at his own foolishness.
54. He masked his umbrage behind a smile.
55. Their umbrage soon turned to outrage.
56. Her umbrage dissolved into embarrassment.
57. The umbrage faded with an apology.
58. I took umbrage at her unfounded accusations.
59. Her umbrage quickly turned to hysteria.
60. His umbrage faded to forgetfulness.