Unabated example sentences

Related (9): continuing, relentless, persistent, unceasing, infinite, endless, ongoing, constant, perpetual

"Unabated" Example Sentences

1. The rain continued to fall unabated throughout the night.
2. Despite the recession, the demand for luxury goods remained unabated.
3. The fires raged unabated, destroying everything in their path.
4. The protest march continued unabated, with thousands of people in attendance.
5. The athlete's determination to win remained unabated despite the injury.
6. The traffic congestion in the city has been growing unabated for years.
7. The company's profits have been growing unabated since last year.
8. The sales of the product continued unabated, surpassing all expectations.
9. The wind continued to blow unabated, making it difficult to walk.
10. The construction work in the area has been going on unabated, disturbing the residents.
11. The political instability in the country has been continuing unabated.
12. The noise from the party next door has been going on unabated for hours.
13. The fight between the two rival factions has been continuing unabated for weeks.
14. The increase in crime rate in the city has been going unabated for some time.
15. The protests against the new law have been continuing unabated across the country.
16. The journalist's determination to uncover the truth remained unabated despite the risks.
17. The economic growth in the region has been continuing unabated for years.
18. The number of people infected with the virus has been growing unabated.
19. The conflict between the two countries has been continuing unabated for decades.
20. The hunger strike by the activists has been continuing unabated for over a month.
21. The popularity of the celebrity has been growing unabated, with millions of fans around the world.
22. The number of refugees fleeing the war has been growing unabated.
23. The drought in the region has been continuing unabated, causing widespread suffering.
24. The football match continued unabated despite the heavy rain.
25. The corruption in the government has been continuing unabated, causing public outrage.
26. The price of essential commodities has been rising unabated, causing hardship to the common people.
27. The insecurity in the region has been continuing unabated, with frequent terrorist attacks.
28. The breakdown of law and order in the city has been continuing unabated, with increasing incidents of violence.
29. The pollution in the river has been continuing unabated, posing a serious threat to the environment.
30. The drug abuse problem in the country has been continuing unabated, with young people being the most affected.

Common Phases

not use more than 3 phrases in one sentence.
1. The storm rages on unabated; the winds howl relentlessly.
2. The fire continued to burn unabated; smoke filled the air.
3. The pandemic's impact has continued unabated; people continue to suffer.
4. The protests persisted unabated; demands for justice grew louder.
5. The drought in the region persisted unabated; crops withered and died.
6. The conflict escalated unabated; casualties increased on both sides.
7. The traffic noise continued unabated; I couldn't concentrate on my work.
8. The businessman's ambition drove him unabated; he never settled for less.
9. The pain in my back persisted unabated; it made me immobile.
10. The avalanche of criticism continued unabated; the politician's reputation suffered.

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