Unattested example sentences

Related (10): unconfirmed, unverified, unsupported, uncorroborated, unsubstantiated, unproven, untested, unestablished, unvalidated, unendorsed.



unattested (adjective)

  - not existing in any documented form:



"Unattested" Example Sentences

1. The theory remains unattested in scientific literature.
2. Many of his claims are unattested by any credible sources.
3. His version of events is completely unattested by eyewitnesses.
4. The incident is unattested in any official records.
5. The legend has no unattested basis in historical fact.
6. Scholars dispute the unattested claim as apocryphal.
7. Due to a lack of surviving manuscripts, his authorship remains unattested.
8. The manuscript is the sole unattested source of that quotation.
9. The quotation is widely attributed to him, though its authenticity remains unattested.
10. Archaeologists have found no unattested evidence of the lost civilization.
11. The hypothesis is so far completely unattested by empirical research.
12. Without unattested documentary evidence, the story seems unlikely.
13. No historical records unattested his version of events.
14. His account of the meeting is unattested by anyone else present.
15. The origin of the species remains wholly unattested.
16. Scholars consider the story unattested based on a lack of evidence.
17. Unattested anecdotes circulated for years after his death.
18. His claims of heroic deeds during the war remain wholly unattested.
19. Archaeologists found no unattested remains of the alleged ancient temple.
20. Without unattested evidence, his story seems dubious.
21. Despite years of searching, no unattested artifacts have been uncovered.
22. The poem's attribution to him remains unattested by any definitive source.
23. Cataloguers listed the painting as "attributed to him" due to unattested provenance.
24. The diagnosis was based on unattested patient reports.
25. Without unattested corroboration, his story seems highly suspect.
26. The account has no unattested basis in fact and seems apocryphal.
27. Unattested anecdotes about his antics circulated for decades.
28. The biography relied heavily on unattested stories passed down over time.
29. His version of historical events remains wholly unattested by any firsthand sources.
30. The relics' authenticity remains hotly debated due to a lack of unattested evidence.
31. No unattested documents corroborate his version of events.
32. Archaeologists found only unattested ruins, with no intact artifacts.
33. The chronicler's account remains largely unattested by any other sources.
34. No historical records unattested the alleged conspiracy.
35. The origin and meaning of the phrase remains wholly unattested.
36. Despite years of searching, researchers have found no unattested proof of alien visitation.
37. The etching's authenticity remains unattested due to a lack of documentary evidence.
38. His account of wartime deeds remains completely unattested.
39. Unattested information from unnamed sources fueled the media frenzy.
40. The supposed secret text remains wholly unattested by scholars.
41. The manuscript is the sole unattested source for the putative gospel.
42. The diary remained unattested until its purported discovery a century later.
43. Reports of his heroism during the battle remain completely unattested.
44. The poem's attribution to her remains largely unattested.
45. Researchers found no unattested artifacts supporting the supposed Viking settlement.
46. The inscription's authenticity remains hotly debated due to a lack of unattested evidence.
47. Her version of events remains wholly unattested by any documentation.
48. Historians consider the anecdote apocryphal due to a lack of unattested sources.
49. Archaeologists found no unattested artifacts from the alleged civilization.
50. The account of her life relies heavily on unattested anecdotes passed down over time.
51. The plaque's authenticity remains unattested due to an absence of documentation.
52. Unattested by any remaining records, the origin of the ritual remains a mystery.
53. Scholars consider the document an obvious forgery due to wholly unattested claims.
54. No unattested evidence supports his account of historical events.
55. Researchers found no unattested evidence of ancient trade with China.
56. Due to a lack of unattested records, his version of events seems unlikely.
57. Historians consider the story of his heroics to be wholly unattested.
58. Scholars dismiss the apocryphal account as wholly unattested.
59. No unattested eyewitness accounts corroborate his version of events.
60. Historians find the supposed ancient origin of the ritual wholly unattested.

Common Phases

1. The theory remains unattested by any scientific data.
2. There are no known examples or evidence to support the unattested claim.
3. The legend has persisted for centuries, though the events remain unattested in any historical record.
4. While interesting, the concept is purely speculative and unattested in actual practice.
5. His stories of adventure seemed fantastical and unattested by any evidence or documentation.
6. Archaeologists argue that the unattested civilization is likely mythical.
7. The creepy ghost sightings in the abandoned house were entirely unattested by any photos or eyewitnesses.
8. Their unattested allegations were dismissed for lack of any credible proof.
9. Historians consider the unattested account to be more folklore than fact.
10. Critics dismissed the politician's unattested claim as baseless speculation.
11. Without any previous examples or documentation, the strategy remained untested and unattested.
12. Experts considered the unattested report to be an urban myth rather than a credible news story.
13. The unattested anecdote about the president's college years made for an amusing story but lacked any verifiable details.
14. Scientists urged caution regarding the unattested wonder drug's supposed health benefits.
15. His unattested hypothesis lacked supporting evidence needed to gain acceptance within the scientific community.
16. The study of unattested languages relies heavily on reconstructions and hypothesized forms.
17. The unattested text raised more questions than answers due to numerous plot holes and factual inaccuracies.
18. The so-called miracle cure remained unattested by any reputable medical studies.
19. Archaeologists dismissed the story of a lost golden city as historically unattested.
20. Critics labeled the supposed alien encounter as an unattested event without corroboration or validation.
21. The theory of an ancient hidden library rested on unattested legends and folklore.
22. Scholars consider the unattested historical account to be more mythology than fact-based history.
23. Critics argued that the success story remained unattested based on any verifiable facts or data.
24. The supposed health benefits were unsupported and unattested by any actual clinical studies.
25. With no previous examples to draw from, the plan remained largely unattested and untested.
26. Experts dismissed the unattested cure as an old wives' tale rather than actual medical breakthrough.
27. The unattested conspiracy theory lacked evidence to gain mainstream credibility.
28. His unattested claims of alien sightings failed to persuade skeptics.
29. The supposed ancient ritual remains historically unattested and undocumented.
30. The recipe had been passed down for generations but remained largely unattested for its actual effectiveness.
31. The unattested events he described lacked corroborating evidence to support their likelihood.
32. Critics labeled his unattested assertions as mere speculation without factual basis.
33. The article's unattested claims about historical events lacked citations and credible sources.
34. She dismissed his unattested cure as quackery without any legitimate medical testing.
35. Critics argue the unattested word is unlikely to have actually existed in the ancient language.
36. His theory rests on unattested sources and lacks a strong empirical foundation.
37. The significance of unattested words remains difficult to assess without contextual examples of their usage.
38. The historical account could not be corroborated due to a lack of secondary attestations.
39. Experts argue the purported magical artifact is a myth that remains historically unattested.
40. The unattested healing method lacked any scientifically valid studies to demonstrate its effectiveness.
41. Her unattested hypothesis failed to gain traction without supporting evidence.
42. The unattested account from an unnamed source lacked credibility.
43. Critics labeled his unsubstantiated assertions as pure fantasy without any confirming facts.
44. The unattested miracle lacked any eyewitnesses or documentation needed to validate its occurrence.
45. The supposed ancient wisdom remains historically unattested and unlikely to have actually existed.
46. His unattested claims of incredible feats were met with skepticism by reasonable listeners.
47. The ancient artifact remains historically unattested and suspected to be a forgery.
48. The so-called wonder drug remained unattested by any clinical studies as to its actual health benefits.
49. The unattested events he described sounded more mythical than historical.
50. His research focused on reconstructing unattested vocabulary and grammar of the ancient language.
51. The unattested report lacked any verifiable details needed for confirmation.
52. Due to a lack of textual attestations, the word remains historically unattested in the ancient language.
53. The supposed prophecy remained unattested in any known religious texts.
54. Experts consider the purported discovery to be a hoax due to a lack of attestations.
55. Archaeologists dismissed the unattested claims of a lost city as pure fantasy.
56. His research relies on unattested sources and his hypotheses remain highly speculative.
57. The unattested cure lacked evidence needed to gain mainstream credibility.
58. Critics labeled his unattested story a myth rather than historical fact.
59. Without secondary attestations, the passage remains historically unattested and likely inauthentic.
60. The unattested remedy lacked evidence it actually worked as advertised.

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