Untested example sentences

Related (8): inexperienced, novel, uncertain, unproven, speculative, unknown, untried, experimental.

"Untested" Example Sentences

1. The new medication remains untested and potentially dangerous.
2. Consumers are wary of untested health fads and cures.
3. Scientists warn against using untested chemicals in food additives.
4. Many new diets and exercise routines remain largely untested.
5. Doctors are reluctant to prescribe untested drugs.
6. Investors are cautious of putting money into untested startups.
7. The experimental procedure is still largely untested.
8. The theory remains untested and lacks evidence.
9. The product's design was untested and unable to withstand the stress.
10. The agency warned against deploying the new software until it was properly tested and not still in its untested alpha stage.
11. Critics question the wisdom of launching such an untested spacecraft.
12. New treatments should undergo rigorous testing before they are declared safe and no longer considered untested.
13. The new technique was promising but still largely untested.
14. The untested notion lacked credibility with scientists.
15. The flight was canceled due to concerns over the plane's untested software system.
16. The design was too untested for proper evaluation.
17. Safety regulators warn against using untested chemicals.
18. Skeptics advise against following untested health trends.
19. Consumers are cautious of buying new products with untested features.
20. The safety of the untested drug has not been proven.
21 . Scientists were skeptical of the results from untested experiments.
22. NASA was cautious about launching an untested rocket design.
23. The untested product failed to meet quality standards.
24. The theory remained untested and controversial.
25. Investors passed on funding the untested business idea.
26. The technology was too untested to risk a manned mission.
27. The professor advised students to avoid citing untested hypotheses in their papers.
28. Critics question the safety of deploying an untested AI system.
29. The software was rushed to market before being properly tested and debugging untested bugs.
30. The spacecraft was grounded until engineers could test and resolve issues with its untested propulsion system.
31. The new drug remained untested and had not received FDA approval.
32. Scientists are wary of untested gene editing techniques.
33. Experts advise avoiding untested slimming products and trends.
34. The idea remained largely untested and unproven.
35. Scientists advised further testing the untested chemical before exposing humans.
36. The social theory remained largely untested and speculative.
37. The danger of the untested technology became apparent after the accident.
38. The new genome editing technology remains largely untested and raises ethical concerns.
39. Regulators issued a warning about the untested health product's potentially harmful side effects.
40. The theory was interesting but remained largely untested and unproven.
41. NASA decided to further test the rocket's engines before launching an untested design.
42. The untested hypothesis was presented as theory, not proven fact.
43. Critics questioned the safety of deploying an untested AI system for medical diagnostics.
44. The professor advised students to avoid citing untested ideas as facts in their papers.
45. Doctors are cautious about prescribing untested medications.
46. The untested idea was fascinating but too theoretical to be useful.
47. The company decided to further test the software before releasing it in its apparently untested state.
48. Safety regulators warn against the dangers of untested chemicals in household cleaners.
49. Investors passed on funding the startup's promising but untested business model.
50. Scientists are skeptical of data from untested experiments that have not been replicated.
51. Critics warn of potential problems with deploying untested autonomous vehicle technology.
52. Regulators warned consumers against using untested health products with dangerous side effects.
53. NASA decided to further test the rocket's engines before launching an untested design into space.
54. The untested theory lacked any evidence to support it.
55. Skeptics advise caution when considering untested health fads and supposed "miracle cures."
56. The untested chemical compound presented potential risks that had not been adequately studied.
57. Engineers stressed the need for rigorous testing before launching an untested spacecraft.
58. The experiment was intriguing but needed to be tested and repeated before any untested conclusions could be drawn from it.
59. The untested software failed numerous quality tests before being patched and released.
60. Experts advise against exposing humans to untested gene therapies that have not been proven safe.

Common Phases

1. The scientists hesitated to release the vaccine before it had been properly tested, worried that the untested formula could have unintended side effects.
2. The plane was an untested prototype built by an inexperienced engineer, so there were serious concerns about its safety.
3. The business was built on an untested idea with little market research, so its long-term prospects were uncertain.
4. The marketing strategy relied on untested assumptions that might not hold true in practice.
5. The candidate's radical policy proposals had never been tried before and were politically untested.
6. The new prescription medication received emergency FDA approval before completing all the required testing, so doctors were wary of prescribing the untested drug.
7. The start-up company attracted a lot of investment money based on its ambitious vision, despite having an untested business model.
8. The new hypothesis was interesting but remained largely untested by experimental evidence.
9. The product launch faltered as the company had not adequately tested its untested assumptions about consumer demand.
10. We advise caution in implementing untested legal reforms before fully understanding their potential consequences.
11. The surgeon was ill-advised to perform an untested procedure on his first patient.
12. The remedies hawked by the herbalist were untested by modern medical science.
13 The ski resort embraced the untested idea of offering mountain biking as a summer attraction.
14. The computer program contained untested code that could introduce bugs into the software.
15. The economist argued that the theory still needed to be tested against empirical data before drawing sweeping conclusions based on untested assumptions.
16. Investors were wary of pouring money into the popular crowdfunding campaign for an untested technology without a proven track record.
17. The military was reluctant to deploy the untested missile defense system in a real combat scenario until it had been thoroughly simulated and stress tested.
18. The dietary supplement, though popular, contained ingredients that had not been rigorously tested for safety or effectiveness.
19. The explorer set out on an untested expedition that challenged conventional wisdom about what was possible.
20. The bridge design incorporated construction materials that had been untested for that purpose.
21. The politician's job creation plan relied on untested economic theories with little historical precedent.
22.The captain took a risk by altering course based on an untested theory proposed by a novice crew member.
23. Scientists sought to test the untested hypothesis through carefully controlled experiments.
24. The experimental program launched without proper feasibility studies or testing of the untested procedures.
25. The painter adopted an untested technique for mixing the oil paints in search of new aesthetic effects.
26. The company launched their new product line based on an untested marketing strategy.
27. The banking reforms of the 1930s were untested on such a large scale.
28. Critics dismissed the research as lacking experimental verification of the untested claims.
29. The report outlined ambitious yet largely untested policy proposals.
30. The athlete broke two records with his untested training regimen.
31. The athlete's seemingly superhuman performance raised suspicion that his untested training methods involved banned substances.
32. The software developer hesitated to deploy the untested code without thoroughly analyzing its potential ramifications.
33. The museum exhibit showcased untested artworks from undiscovered talent.
34. The party leadership did not fully vet the candidate's untested policy positions.
35. Critics were skeptical of the plan's reliance on untested economic theories.
36. The theory had promising implications but remained largely untested.
37. The doctor prescribed an untested experimental treatment that could have unpredictable side effects.
38. The untested chemical compound showed potential but also posed unknown risks.
39. The entrepreneur bet his fortune on an untested venture with unknown prospects for success.
40. The professor warned his students against drawing conclusions based on untested premises.
41. The professor advocated for further testing of the intriguing yet untested research findings.
42. The blogger dismissed the research paper's untested claims as mere speculation.
43. Critics called for more evidence to back up the book's many untested assertions.
44. The reviewer challenged the author to provide data to support her untested theories.
45. The author had many controversial yet largely untested views.
46. The corporation released an untested product riddled with defects.
47. The new model relied on many untested design features.
48. The report called for further testing of the untested technology before full deployment.
49. The negotiator based his strategy on untested assumptions about the other side's positions.
50. The entrepreneur struggled to secure investment for his many untested business ideas.
51. The cookbook contained recipes built around untested culinary theories.
52. The free market policies were socially untested on such a large scale.
53. The untested invention showed promise but lacked critical refinements.
54. The foreign policy doctrine relied on assumptions that were untested in practice.
55. The untested medication caused unforeseen adverse reactions in some patients.
56. The bizarre artistic vision seemed intriguing yet socially untested.
57. The experiment sought to test the validity of the theorist's many untested claims.
58. Their pop song formula relied on musically untested progressions.
59. The alternative energy technology remained largely untested at an industrial scale.
60. The scientist advocated for further testing of the intriguing yet scientifically untested hypothesis.

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