Unbury example sentences

Related (5): exhume, excavate, unearth, disinter, disentomb

"Unbury" Example Sentences

1. The archeologists spent weeks unburying the ancient tomb.
2. It took considerable effort to unbury the car after it was snowed in all winter.
3. The search and rescue team worked tirelessly to unbury the victims of the avalanche.
4. The crew rushed to unbury the survivors trapped under the rubble of the collapsed building.
5. Each day, we would get up early and unbury our car and shovel the sidewalks and driveway from the feet of snow that fell overnight.
6. I dug and shoveled for an hour to unbury my mailbox from the snowdrifts.
7. I dug through leaves and debris to unbury the hose connector.
8. I spent the afternoon unburying and watering my plants that had been covered by fallen branches after the storm.
9. My dog kept digging in the yard trying to unbury the bone I had buried years ago.
10. The beached shipwreck was still half buried by sand, though explorers had begun trying to unbury it.
11. With a spade and brush, we carefully began to unbury the fossilized bone that was half exposed in the cliffside.
12. After the storm passed, my coworkers and I grabbed shovels to unbury the back door of the restaurant.
13. I spent hours unburying my car after shoveling paths in the driveway and on the street.
14. The remains of the cat, half buried in leaves, had to be unburied and removed.
15. We found the old jeweled comb buried in dirt under a cherry tree and spent the afternoon carefully unburying it.
16. I carefully unburied my tulip bulbs from under the fallen leaves in the garden.
17. After the snowplow finally came through, I spent two hours unburying my mailbox and shoveling the snow from my cars.
18. We slowly and gently unburied the rusting lockbox that had been buried in the sand for decades.
19. I unburied the old axe head and hammer that had been buried in the garden for years.
20. The gardener spent the morning unburying the rosebushes from under the layer of wet leaves.
21. The groundskeepers worked methodically to unbury the statues and lawn ornaments that had become snowed in during the blizzard.
22. Every spring I have to get outside and unbury the garden hoses and outdoor furniture from under the fallen leaves.
23. The construction crew carefully unburied the gas and water lines before they began digging the foundation.
24. I stayed up late into the night unburying my pickup truck after the plow came through and piled snow on either side of it.
25. I spent an hour unburying the lawn mower and clearing snow off the deck furniture.
26. After days of rain, we took shovels to the yard trying to unbury the sandbox and patio furniture.
27. The children rushed outside to unbury the outdoor toys that had been covered by the snow.
28. We used hand tools to slowly and gently unbury the deteriorating wooden crate.
29. The lawn became littered with various rusted objects that we unburied while working in the garden.
30. I unburied the flowerpots and garden hose reels that had become buried under piles of fallen leaves.
31. Each spring I have to carefully unbury the bulbs and perennials that have become covered in decaying leaves and branches.
32. The landscape crew spent the day unburying the irrigation system that had fallen into disrepair after being snowed in all winter.
33. I had to unbury my trash cans from under the snowdrifts left by the plow the night before.
34. After weeks of rain, I had to dig up the back lawn to unbury the drainage pipes that had become clogged.
35. We found an old rusty padlock half buried in the dirt, and spent an afternoon trying to unbury it without damaging it.
36. I spent hours unburying my car after coming home from work to find it completely covered in snow from the overnight storm.
37. We tried our best to gently unbury the unusual clay pot that had been half buried in the forest for decades.
38. After a hard freeze, I had to unbury and wrap the exposed pipes to prevent them from bursting.
39. As a rite of spring, I spend weekends unburying the flowerbeds, raking leaves and preparing the yard for the coming summer.
40. At dawn we began carefully unburying the skeleton to gain a better understanding of its origins.
41. The gardener used a rake and trowel to unbury the perennial bulbs, preparing the flowerbeds for the coming season.
42. My dog stayed outside for hours trying to unbury her favorite bone that had become covered during the last big snowstorm.
43. I spent the day clearing leaves and unburying the lawn furniture to prepare for summer barbecues and outdoor gatherings.
44. I had to unbury the exposed plumbing fixtures around my house after the frozen pipes had thawed.
45. The hikers carefully unburied the small animal carcass that had become frozen and covered in snow during the winter months.
46. Every spring I have to unbury the hoses and wind chimes that have become covered in a blanket of fallen leaves.
47. After digging for days, the archeologists finally uncovered the bust that had been buried for centuries and began the delicate process of unburying it fully.
48. We rummaged through piles of leaves and debris in an effort to unbury the broken and rusted lawnmower parts.
49. The volunteer crews worked for weeks to clear debris and unbury the buses and streetcars that were snowed in.
50. I dug up rotting leaves, snowdrifts and branches to finally unbury the back patio and deck.
51. The gardener spent hours unburying the sprinkler system from under a thick layer of wet leaves and debris.
52. After the spring thaw, I had to unbury the outdoor furniture and children's toys that had become snowed in all winter.
53. Cleaning up after a bad winter always involves raking leaves, unburying the yard and patching up any damage from the weather.
54. I finally unburied my bicycle from under the snowdrifts and set about cleaning and oiling the chain for spring rides.
55. The construction crew had to use heavy equipment to carefully unbury the pipes and electrical lines before tearing down the old garage.
56. As winter turns to spring, I enjoy getting outside to unbury my yard and prepare my garden for the coming growing season.
57. After days of shovelling, I was finally able to completely unbury my car from the snowbanks left behind by the snowplows.
58. It took hours with a rake and broom to unbury the porch furniture, toolshed and grill after the blizzard.
59. The floodwaters receded slowly, leaving piles of mud and debris that had to be shovelled away to finally unbury lawns and property.
60. The first warm week of spring always calls for me to get outside, unbury my gardening tools and prepare the flowerbeds.

Common Phases

unbury oneself - To dig oneself out after being buried or covered
"I had to unbury myself from the pile of leaves before going inside."
start to unbury - To begin the process of revealing something that has been buried
"The archeologists started to unbury the ancient vase they discovered."
carefully unbury - To slowly and gently uncover something that has been buried
"They carefully unburied the old coins they found in the garden."
work to unbury - To put effort into revealing something that has been covered
"The rescue workers worked for hours to unbury the trapped victims."
finally unbury - After a long time, to uncover something that has been hidden
"We finally unburied the old chest we had buried in the backyard as kids."
completely unbury - To reveal fully something that has been entirely covered
"They completely unburied the dinosaur skeleton they had discovered."
make an effort to unbury - To try hard to uncover something that has been buried
"I made an effort to unbury the outdoor furniture that had become snowed in."
struggle to unbury - To have difficulty uncovering something that has been covered
"They struggled to unbury the front door of the house after the blizzard."

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