Under example sentences

Related (3): below, beneath, underneath

"Under" Example Sentences

1. The cat sleeps under the table.
2. Put your coat under the chair.
3. There is a box under the bed.
4. She is sitting under the tree.
5. The book fell under the sofa.
6. The keys are under the rug.
7. There are ants under the stone.
8. He hid under the blanket.
9. Put your backpack under your desk.
10. The dog is lying under the porch.
11. The children played under the waterfall.
12. You have to sign under your name.
13. Pass the book to me under the table.
14. He hid the money under his mattress.
15. Don't drive over the speed limit or you'll be under arrest.
16. He is under a lot of stress at work.
17. Working under pressure can be difficult.
18. Sign here under my name.
19. Fold the paper in half lengthwise and then in half under that.
20. There is a pool under the house.
21. You have to file that form under 'M' for miscellaneous.
22. She is under the care of a therapist.
23. Put the cat under your coat to sneak him inside.
24. They built the house under a big oak tree.
25. Keep the medicine bottle closed and under lock and key.
26. He is under contract to work for the next 5 years.
27. Don't walk under the ladder! It's bad luck.
28. We live under a democracy.
29. The bed is under the window.
30. Many creatures live under the sea.
31. He spoke in a tone under his breath.
32. Her face flushed red under his gaze.
33. Several ships sank under the waves during the storm.
34. Put the tools away under the garage shelf.
35. The coins were under the rock he flipped over.
36. Go under the table and fetch my slipper.
37. His grades fell under the required minimum.
38. That car is under warranty for the next 2 years.
39. He fell asleep under the shade of a tree.
40. The mouse darted under the cupboard.
41. We have to pass under the bridge to get to the river.
42. The leaves were falling under the autumn sun.
43. The swimming pool is under renovation.
44. Her scarf fell under the heater and caught fire.
45. The cloud cast its shadow over the field under it.
46. The flowers blossomed under the warm spring sunshine.
47. They stood under an umbrella during the rainstorm.
48. The thugs attacked the man under cover of darkness.
49. She crouched under the staircase to avoid being seen.
50. The stock market is under great pressure lately.
51. He whispered something under his breath.
52. The doctor examined him under anesthesia.
53. The painting was sold under the table for cash.
54. He raced under the stop sign without stopping.
55. The frog disappeared under a rock.
56. All students must register under their legal name.
57. The house is under renovation.
58. Illiteracy rates are under 10 percent in that region.
59. The thugs hid under the overpass.
60. The children played under the pinball machine.

Common Phases

1. The cat slept under the table.
2. Keep all items under 50 pounds.
3. The umbrella kept them dry under the rain.
4. The students gathered under the large oak tree.
5. She hid under the blanket.
6. The construction workers shoveled under the snow.
7. The boat docked under the bridge.
8. They crowded under the small shelter.
9. The caterpillars nested under the leaf.
10. The dandelions grew under the grass.
11. The treasure was buried under the old oak tree.
12. The wallet fell under the seat.
13. He worked under intense pressure.
14. The plane flew under the clouds.
15. The witness testified under oath.
16. They walked under the moonlight.
17. She is under his care.
18. The book is printed under his name.
19. They reunited under happy circumstances.
20. He hid under false pretenses.
21. The dog crawled under the fence.
22. The lake could be seen under the clear sky.
23. The basement flooded under heavy rain.
24. They built a shelter under the tree.
25. The children crouched under the table.
26. The store operated under new management.
27. She is under a lot of stress.
28. The bill passed under unanimous consent.
29. The ground thawed under the warm sun.
30. The cabin was built under the hill.
31. The water flowed under the bridge.
32. The documents were filed under various headings.
33. The criminals acted under cover of darkness.
34. We walked under the stars.
35. The lights glowed under the water.
36. The dog slept under the porch.
37. The heating ducts run under the floor.
38. The ship sailed under full steam.
39. The tourists gathered under the awning.
40. The laws were created under a democratic system.
41. The soldiers fought under their general's command.
42. The roads were icy under the snow.
43. They rescued the children under dangerous conditions.
44. The fugitives hid under the floorboards.
45. The book fell under the couch.
46. The city was built under ancient ruins.
47. The city thrived under his leadership.
48. She lived under an assumed name.
49. The water main burst under the street.
50. The ground collapsed under the heavy rain.
51. The crowd gathered under the tent.
52. The holiday spirit was felt under every roof.
53. The workers went on strike under unsafe conditions.
54. We traveled under terrible weather.
55. The plan worked under ideal circumstances.
56. The account was overdrawn under my name.
57. The miners worked under dim lights.
58. The animal hid under cover.
59. The package arrived under damaged wrapping.
60. The movie was filmed under harsh conditions.

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