Undergoing example sentences

"Undergoing" Example Sentences

1. The patient is currently undergoing surgery.
2. The city is undergoing rapid urban development.
3. The new technology is still undergoing testing before being released to the public.
4. The business is undergoing major restructuring to adapt to changing market conditions.
5. The company is undergoing a period of transformation.
6. The industry is undergoing huge changes due to technological advances.
7. After undergoing chemotherapy, she is now in remission.
8. The decommissioned submarine is undergoing dismantling.
9. The damaged car is currently undergoing repairs at the mechanic's shop.
10. The building is undergoing renovations.
11. The metal alloy is undergoing testing to determine its strength and durability.
12. The computer program is still undergoing beta testing.
13. The students are undergoing training for their new roles.
14. The patient is undergoing physical therapy to regain mobility after an injury.
15. The apprentice is undergoing various craft lessons from the master.
16. Police are undergoing active shooter response training.
17. The singer is undergoing vocal coaching to improve her range and technique.
18. The soil sample is currently undergoing analysis in the lab.
19. The understudy is undergoing rehearsals for the lead role.
20. The soldiers are undergoing drills and military exercises.
21. The archaeological site is undergoing further excavation.
22. The reforms are currently undergoing debate in Parliament.
23. She is undergoing grief counseling to cope with the loss of her spouse.
24. The new employees are undergoing orientation.
25. The applicant is currently undergoing background and security checks.
26. The country is undergoing a period of political instability.
27. The fruit is undergoing ripening in the warm room.
28. The wine is undergoing aging in wooden barrels.
29. The CIA agents are undergoing various types of difficult training.
30. The artwork is currently undergoing restoration.
31. The infected area is currently undergoing disinfection.
32. The damaged roof is currently undergoing repairs.
33. The oil field is undergoing exploration to determine its production potential.
34. The forest is undergoing reforestation after the wildfire.
35. The investigation is currently undergoing by the police department.
36. The patient is undergoing all the necessary tests required by the insurance company.
37. The children are undergoing developmental stages at different rates.
38. The intellectual is undergoing a crisis of faith regarding his long-held beliefs.
39. The country is undergoing an economic recession.
40. The athlete is undergoing intense conditioning and training for the upcoming season.
41. The spacecraft is undergoing maintenance checks before its next launch window.
42. The new student is currently undergoing an orientation program at the university.
43. The corporation is undergoing an antitrust investigation.
44. The army base is undergoing upgrades to its security systems and technology.
45. The victim is undergoing counseling to recover from the trauma of the accident.
46. The company is undergoing a drastic reorganization of its management structure.
47. The crops are undergoing pollination by bees and other insects.
48. The materials are currently undergoing testing for chemical contamination.
49. The rebels are undergoing torture in an attempt to extract information from them.
50. The country is undergoing political reforms in order to become more democratic.
51. The skin is undergoing a healing process after being burned.
52. The nuclear reactor is currently undergoing safety checks.
53. The rock formation is undergoing weathering and erosion over time.
54. The suspect is undergoing interrogation by police detectives.
55. The mining company is undergoing an environmental impact assessment.
56. The accelerator is currently undergoing calibration to ensure precise measurements.
57. The data is currently undergoing analysis by researchers.
58. The engine is undergoing repair after seizing up last week.
59. The witness is undergoing memory recovery therapy to recall details about the crime.
60. The planet is undergoing climate change due to human activity.

Common Phases

1. The company is undergoing major restructuring this year.
2. The patient is undergoing chemotherapy treatment for cancer.
3. The new students are undergoing orientation this week.
4. The city is undergoing a period of rapid growth and development.
5. The political system is undergoing massive changes.
6. The manufacturing process is undergoing automation.
7. The surgical procedure takes several hours and requires the patient to be undergoing general anesthesia.
8. The town has been undergoing huge changes over the last decade.
9. The country's economy is undergoing major difficulties.
10. The building is undergoing extensive renovations.
11. The athletes are undergoing intense training for the Olympics.
12. The technology is undergoing constant innovations.
13. The treatment is undergoing clinical trials to test its efficacy.
14. The crop is undergoing a severe drought this year.
15. The staff is undergoing various training programs to improve their skills.
16. The nation is undergoing a transitional phase after the regime change.
17. The animals are undergoing tests at the research facility.
18. The children are undergoing psychological therapy.
19. The forest is undergoing deforestation at an alarming rate.
20. The planet is undergoing rapid climate changes.
21. The car is undergoing repairs at the mechanic's shop.
22. The government is undergoing significant changes following the elections.
23. The highway is undergoing major expansion and improvements.
24. The infrastructure is undergoing extreme deterioration.
25. The company's reputation is undergoing damage due to the scandal.
26. The species is undergoing rapid extinction.
27. The prisoners are undergoing interrogation by the police.
28. The industry is undergoing major structural changes.
29. The product is undergoing final testing before distribution.
30. The university is undergoing accreditation by an external body.
31. The city is undergoing infrastructural development.
32. The environment is undergoing adverse changes from pollution.
33. The procedure is undergoing final approval from the regulators.
34. The land is undergoing erosion from flooding.
35. The system is undergoing major upgrades.
36. The review is undergoing final checks before publication.
37. The employees are undergoing performance evaluations.
38. The children are undergoing psychological conditioning.
39. The facilities are undergoing modernization.
40. The nation is undergoing demographic changes.
41. The evidence is undergoing forensic analysis.
42. The attitude is undergoing changes among the younger generation.
43. The alloy is undergoing corrosion under certain conditions.
44. The experiment is undergoing revision based on preliminary results.
45. The software program is undergoing beta testing.
46. The machines are undergoing maintenance work.
47. The relic is undergoing conservation treatment.
48. The processes are undergoing optimization.
49. The patients are undergoing physical therapy.
50. The roof is undergoing repairs due to damage from the storm.
51. The foundations are undergoing stabilization work.
52. The business is undergoing rapid expansion.
53. The refugees are undergoing trauma.
54. The asset is undergoing depreciation.
55. The metals are undergoing corrosion from the acidic environment.
56. The data is undergoing analysis by researchers.
57. The organization is undergoing internal changes to adapt to new trends.
58. The area is undergoing urbanization at an unprecedented rate.
59. The city is undergoing infrastructure expansion.
60. The hospital is undergoing expansion and renovation.

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