Uneconomical example sentences
Related (7): inefficient, wasteful, impractical, unprofitable, extravagant, costly, uneconomic.
uneconomical (adjective)
- wasteful of money or other resources; not economical:
spendthrift, thriftless, unthrifty, wasteful, prodigal, profligate, extravagant, squandering, lavish, immoderate, excessive, shiftless, feckless, imprudent, irresponsible, incautious, careless, reckless, rash, impetuous, hasty, thoughtless, thrifty, cautious"Uneconomical" Example Sentences
1. Using so much packaging makes the product uneconomical.
2. Producing such a small number of units would be uneconomical.
3. Shipping goods via air freight is usually uneconomical.
4. Operating the machine at such low speeds is uneconomical.
5. Running the furnace at that temperature is uneconomical.
6. Maintaining such large inventories would be uneconomical.
7. Holding meetings with so few attendees is uneconomical.
8. Printing such a small volume of brochures would be uneconomical.
9. Operating the plant at partial capacity is uneconomical.
10. Producing samples in such small quantities is uneconomical.
11. Hiring additional staff at this time would be uneconomical.
12. Distributing products in that manner would be uneconomical.
13. Offering such a large discount makes the sale uneconomical.
14. Maintaining the inventory at that level is uneconomical.
15. Shipping each order individually would be uneconomical.
16. Using ground transportation would be uneconomical for that route.
17. Producing such a wide variety of products is uneconomical.
18. Running the presses at those speeds is uneconomical.
19. Distributing goods in that way would be uneconomical.
20. Employing additional part-time staff would be uneconomical.
21. Purchasing goods in that quantity would be uneconomical.
22. Operating the machine for such short cycles is uneconomical.
23. Distributing products to such a small customer base is uneconomical.
24. Providing such an extensive warranty is uneconomical.
25. Offering delivery for small orders is uneconomical.
26. Running the lathe at those speeds is uneconomical.
27. Advertising in that medium would be uneconomical for our small business.
28. Producing goods in such small batches would be uneconomical.
29. Providing that level of service is uneconomical.
30. Stocking such a narrow range of products would be uneconomical.
31. Manufacturing components in-house would be uneconomical for our needs.
32. Sourcing materials from that supplier would be uneconomical.
33. Expanding production to that level would be uneconomical at this time.
34. Producing parts with that level of precision is uneconomical for our purposes.
35. Transporting goods by truck would be uneconomical for that distance.
36. Running the mill for such short periods is uneconomical.
37. Maintaining multiple warehouse locations would be uneconomical.
38. Upgrading equipment at this time would be uneconomical.
39. Processing orders individually would be uneconomical.
40. Producing components to those specifications is uneconomical.
41. Purchase orders below that amount are considered uneconomical to process.
42. Employing contractors for such work would be uneconomical.
43. Maintaining inventory at such high levels is uneconomical.
44. Manufacturing parts with that level of quality is uneconomical for our product line.
45. Hiring consultants for that project would be uneconomical.
46. Producing goods for such a short season is uneconomical.
47. Distributing products in that manner does not prove economical.
48. Running the machinery for such short cycles is uneconomical.
49. Offering those discounts renders the sales uneconomical.
50. Shipping individual orders in that manner would be uneconomical.
51. Expanding operations at this time would prove uneconomical.
52. Running the equipment under those conditions proves uneconomical.
53. Distributing goods in that manner would not prove economical.
54. Maintaining safety stocks at that level is uneconomical.
55. Employing additional seasonal staff would prove uneconomical.
56. Running the plant at partial capacity would prove uneconomical.
57. Producing goods in such short runs is uneconomical.
58. Distributing products through that channel proves uneconomical.
59. Shipping goods by air freight is usually uneconomical for heavy items.
60. Offering customer service at that level proves uneconomical.
Common Phases
1. The company decided to close the plant due to high operating costs and uneconomical production levels.
2. Due to the declining demand for the product, continuing production would be uneconomical.
3. During the recession, the company found that maintaining all of its locations was uneconomical.
4. It would be uneconomical to provide service for such a small number of customers in that remote area.
5. As the car aged, repair costs became increasingly uneconomical.
6. The widget sold at such a low price that production was practically uneconomical.
7. Running the air conditioning all day long would be uneconomical and a waste of resources.
8. Driving such a large truck just to commute to work would be uneconomical and bad for the environment.
9. Maintaining the old machinery is uneconomical; we should invest in new equipment.
10. After evaluating the costs, it was determined that retooling the factory would be uneconomical.
11. In today's market, constructing a new coal-fired power plant would be uneconomical and unwise.
12. The small volume of sales made importing the product uneconomical.
13. Uneconomical production levels forced the company to either raise prices or cut costs.
14. With fewer customers each year, continuing to rent this large facility has become uneconomical.
15. Purchasing raw materials in such small quantities results in uneconomical prices.
16. The infrastructure repairs needed are so extensive that they would be uneconomical.
17. After investigating costs and production levels, management concluded that continuing operations in that location would be uneconomical.
18. Frequent repair and maintenance made the machine uneconomical to operate.
19. With transportation costs so high, producing this product domestically would be uneconomical.
20. Developing a new product for such a tiny niche market would likely prove uneconomical.
21. The small population in that rural area made installing high-speed internet uneconomical for private providers.
22. Producing customized versions of generic drugs would be highly uneconomical.
23. Due to its poor fuel economy, the car quickly became uneconomical to maintain and operate.
24. Only producing a single unit of that model would be uneconomical due to large fixed costs.
25. Having a dedicated team of customer service representatives for such a small client base would be uneconomical.
26. Maintaining that facility at such minimal utilization levels has become uneconomical.
27. Flying the company plane for such short distances between sites proved uneconomical.
28. Operating the factory at less than half of its production capacity rendered operations uneconomical.
29. Producing such small volumes of the product would be uneconomical given the high manufacturing costs.
30. Constructing an entire new building to house only a few employees would be uneconomical.
31. The high repair costs made maintaining the old vehicle uneconomical.
32. Growing the crop in such poor soil would yield an uneconomical return on investment.
33. Purchase orders for such tiny amounts of inventory rendered the transaction uneconomical.
34. Operating the equipment for only a few hours each week was deemed uneconomical.
35. With high training costs and infrequent usage, hiring a full-time employee would be uneconomical.
36. Updating the obsolete equipment would be uneconomical given the age and wear.
37. Shipping costs rendered processing the order uneconomical.
38. Purchasing artwork in such small quantities at those high prices would prove uneconomical.
39. The cost of the software license was uneconomical for a customer base of that size.
40. Producing gold ornaments in such minute quantities would be uneconomical.
41. Given the large amount of scrap produced, continuing current production methods would be uneconomical.
42. The small equipment rental generated uneconomical profits for the company.
43. Manufacturing customized parts in such small volumes was deemed uneconomical.
44. Developing proprietary technology for that market niche would likely prove uneconomical.
45. Shipping costs rendered filling custom orders from overseas uneconomical.
46. Generating electricity with that fuel at current prices would be uneconomical.
47. Printing such a tiny run of brochures would prove uneconomical.
48. With high overhead costs and infrequent usage, renting the conference room proved uneconomical.
49. The low returns on investment made continuing the project uneconomical.
50. Outsourcing for less than one full workday each month was deemed uneconomical.
51. Labor costs rendered repairing the machinery uneconomical.
52. Mining operations at such a small scale would likely prove uneconomical.
53. The construction company decided smaller repairs or upgrades would be uneconomical.
54. Realizing such meager profits for all that effort proved uneconomical.
55. Operating a shuttle to serve such a small number of clients would likely be uneconomical.
56. The outdated equipment generated uneconomical returns on investment.
57. Manufacturing the product in such tiny quantities would be uneconomical.
58. Processing orders below a certain amount was deemed uneconomical.
59. Managing inventory levels at such minimal amounts proved uneconomical.
60. Shipping costs rendered filling international orders uneconomical.
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