Unitary example sentences

Related (6): centralized, consolidated, undivided, indivisible, integrated, cohesive

"Unitary" Example Sentences

1. The company operates as a unitary organization with a single headquarters.
2. The government has adopted a unitary system of administration.
3. The state follows a unitary system of governance.
4. The nation adopted a democratic and unitary system of rule.
5. The school system operates as a unitary authority.
6. The firm has a strong unitary corporate culture.
7. The management structure is highly centralized and unitary in nature.
8. The nation is governed under a unitary system of rule.
9. The leadership promotes a strong unitary culture within the organization.
10. The political system follows a parliamentary form of unitary government.
11. The company operates as a single unitary legal entity.
12. The administration moved towards a more unitary system of power.
13. The government opted for a decentralized form of unitary government.
14. The political structure is built on principles of unitary sovereignty.
15. The unitary government has authority over all local administrations.
16. The constitution established a unitary form of government.
17. The school board functions as a unitary authority.
18. The nation adopted a system of unitary parliamentary democracy.
19. The country is governed under a highly centralized form of unitary government.
20. The corporation upholds a strong unitary corporate identity.
21. The government has moved towards a more federalized form of unitary rule.
22. The organization maintains a tight unitary chain of command.
23. A unitary system of rule implies sovereign authority rests with the central government.
24. The nation transitioned from federalism to a unitary system of government.
25. The form of government exhibits characteristics of a unitary republic.
26. The structure and nature of the corporation is essentially unitary.
27. A unitary system of rule implies undivided sovereignty.
28. The government maintains a unitary chain of command.
29. The system promotes a sense of unitary corporate identity.
30. The unitary government retains full authority over local and regional bodies.
31. The country operates a constitutional monarchy within a unitary framework.
32. The state operates as a single unitary whole.
33. The unitary nature of the nation-state requires strong central authority.
34. The council operates as a unitary local authority.
35. The unitary sovereignty of the state extends to all regions and provinces.
36. The kingdom has adopted a system of unitary parliamentary monarchy.
37. The administrative structure demonstrates strong unitary characteristics.
38. The company presents itself as a single unified unitary brand.
39. The territory is administered under a centralized unitary system.
40. The structure of the company is essentially unitary in nature.
41. The nation transitioned from a federal to a unitary system of governance.
42. The government promotes a coherent unitary brand across all departments.
43. The unitary state has legal sovereignty over all provincial administrations.
44. The company's unitary corporate identity unifies all branches and divisions.
45. The central government retains full legislative and executive powers under unitary rule.
46. The government pursues a policy of maximum centralization within a unitary framework.
47. The leadership works to build and maintain a strong unitary corporate culture.
48. The council serves as a unitary authority for the provision of public services.
49. The structure is organized along highly centralized and unitary lines.
50. The administrative apparatus functions as a unitary local authority.
51. The system of government exhibits strong unitary characteristics.
52. The unitary ethos permeates all levels of the organization.
53. The unitary corporation operates as a single legal entity.
54. The unitary identity binds together all branches of the organization.
55. The monarch rules under a unitary system of parliamentary monarchy.
56. The sovereignty of the unitary state extends to the entire territory.
57. The organization strives to maintain a strong unitary corporate identity.
58. The unitary state retains sovereignty over all regional and local governments.
59. The structure of the nation-state exhibits strong unitary tendencies.
60. The system of government adheres to principles of unitary sovereignty.

Common Phases

1. Unitary executive theory - A theory of presidential power that argues that the U.S. president has ultimate authority over all federal executive branch actions.
2. Unitary governance - A system of government in which one central authority has power over all subnational units, such as provinces and territories.
3. Unitary state - A state governed as a single power in which the central government is ultimately sovereign over all national affairs.
4. Unitary sovereignty - The concept that sovereignty rests fully and exclusively with the central government of a unitary state.
5. Unitary system - A system in which political power is concentrated in a central authority that has jurisdiction over all parts of the territory.
6. Unitary authority - A unitary form of local administration that combines multiple local government functions within a single authority.
7. Unitary actor - An individual or organization seen as acting as one cohesive, rational unit, with a single preference ordering.
8. Unitary corporation - A corporation organized as a single legal entity that owns all assets and is responsible for all debts and liabilities.
9. Unitary system of local government - A system in which local government is organized under a single local authority responsible for multiple functions.
10. Unitary message - A simple, clear and consistent message repeated frequently that serves as the core element of an organization's brand.

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