Unprecedentedly example sentences

Related (9): unprecedentedly, exceptionally, uncommonly, extraordinarily, remarkably, notably, significantly, distinctly, outstandingly

"Unprecedentedly" Example Sentences

1. The performance of the athlete was unprecedentedly impressive during the Olympics.
2. The company managed to achieve an unprecedentedly high profit margin this year.
3. The demand for the new product was unprecedentedly high, resulting in sold-out stock.
4. The response to the charity event was unprecedentedly positive, raising a record amount of money.
5. The weather conditions were unprecedentedly severe during the storm, causing power outages.
6. The team's performance was unprecedentedly poor this season, resulting in their elimination from the playoffs.
7. The movie's opening weekend box office results were unprecedentedly high, breaking records.
8. The number of attendees at the conference was unprecedentedly low this year, possibly due to the pandemic.
9. The advances in technology have led to an unprecedentedly high level of connectivity around the world.
10. The peace treaty between the two nations has led to an unprecedentedly long period of stability in the region.
11. The level of public support for the environmental cause has grown unprecedentedly in recent years.
12. The weather patterns this year have been unprecedentedly unpredictable, causing disruptions in various industries.
13. The amount of time spent on social media has reached an unprecedentedly high level among young adults.
14. The number of students enrolling in science courses has increased unprecedentedly in recent years.
15. The data collected by the research team has provided unprecedentedly detailed insights into the subject.
16. The growth of the e-commerce industry has been unprecedentedly rapid, leading to a shift in consumer behavior.
17. The improvement in the healthcare system has resulted in an unprecedentedly low mortality rate.
18. The political landscape has been unprecedentedly volatile in recent years, causing uncertainty among citizens.
19. The rise of renewable energy sources has led to an unprecedentedly low dependency on fossil fuels.
20. The number of women in leadership positions has grown unprecedentedly in the corporate world.
21. The use of AI technology in various industries has led to unprecedentedly efficient and accurate processes.
22. The increase in remote work has led to unprecedentedly high demand for digital communication tools.
23. The level of transparency in government policies has improved unprecedentedly in some countries.
24. The level of investment in startups has reached an unprecedentedly high level, leading to a flourishing entrepreneurial culture.
25. The level of economic growth in some countries has been unprecedentedly high, resulting in rapid development.
26. The level of innovation in the tech industry has been unprecedentedly high, with new breakthroughs emerging frequently.
27. The level of security in airports has been unprecedentedly tight, with advanced screening technologies in place.
28. The level of collaboration between different scientific disciplines has been unprecedentedly high in recent years, resulting in new discoveries.
29. The changes in consumer preferences have been unprecedentedly rapid, forcing industries to adapt quickly.
30. The rise of mobile technology has led to unprecedentedly convenient and personalized access to information and services.

Common Phases

1. The pandemic has unprecedentedly affected global economies; businesses are struggling to stay afloat.
2. The hurricane caused an unprecedentedly high number of fatalities; residents are still dealing with the aftermath.
3. The company's profits have grown unprecedentedly in the past year; investors are pleased with the results.
4. The election saw unprecedentedly high voter turnout; both parties were surprised by the surge in participation.
5. The scientific breakthrough has opened up an unprecedentedly new field of research; scientists are excited about the possibilities.

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