Unsighted example sentences

Related (6): blind, sightless, unaware, unobserved, hidden, concealed.

"Unsighted" Example Sentences

1. The unsighted man used a cane to navigate the unfamiliar city streets.
2. My unsighted grandmother had an amazing sense of hearing and touch.
3. The unsighted musician amazed the crowd with her skill on the piano.
4. The unsighted boy learned to read braille at a young age.
5. The unsighted woman lived independently with the help of assistive technologies.
6. They hired unsighted tutors to help train their guide dogs.
7. The unsighted runner competed in marathons with the help of a sighted guide.
8. The unsighted students used adapted computers and software at school.
9. The unsighted engineer designed innovative products to aid the visually impaired.
10. My unsighted neighbor still mows his own lawn because he enjoys the outdoors.
11. Many unsighted people use smartphones through voice commands and gestures.
12. The unsighted girl walked her dog to school every morning.
13. The unsighted actor's performance on stage moved the audience to tears.
14. The unsighted librarian sorted and organized books for patrons.
15. The unsighted ornithologist identified bird songs with great accuracy.
16. Many unsighted youth play sports through programs designed for visually impaired athletes.
17. The unsighted mother patiently read her children's favorite books aloud to them.
18. The unsighted student enjoyed learning braille in school.
19. The unsighted writer composed beautiful poetry that moved her readers deeply.
20. My unsighted grandfather loved to garden and grew the most magnificent roses.
21. Unsighted individuals often learn the layout of unfamiliar places through touch.
22. Advocates work to increase accessibility for the unsighted in public spaces.
23. The unsighted hiker climbed difficult trails with the help of a sighted guide.
24. Unsighted chefs develop skills using their senses of touch, taste, and smell.
25. The unsighted yoga instructor taught classes with an adapted physical practice.
26. My unsighted great-aunt cooked the most delicious home-cooked meals.
27. The unsighted zookeeper cared for many different animals.
28. Unsighted artists express themselves through tactile mediums like clay, wood, and metal.
29. Organizations for the unsighted work to increase independence and opportunities.
30. The unsighted composer wrote beautiful musical scores that were performed worldwide.
31. Many unsighted people can still enjoy watching movies through audio description.
32. Unsighted individuals often develop heightened senses of touch, sound, and smell.
33. The unsighted girl loved to ride her bike around the neighborhood.
34. The unsighted student aced her history exam by memorizing facts and dates.
35. Unsighted children need adapted learning materials and technologies to succeed academically.
36. The unsighted man adored listening to jazz and could identify his favorite musicians by their playing.
37. With adapted equipment and training, the unsighted boxer entered the ring.
38. The unsighted teacher challenged her students to think deeply and critically.
39. Unsighted travelers make journeys independently or with the help of guides.
40. The unsighted surgeon conducted a difficult operation with great expertise and focus.
41. Unsighted shoppers use techniques like familiarizing themselves with product layouts.
42. The unsighted dancer performed graceful moves with ease and elegance.
43. The unsighted photographer skillfully captured moments through the lens of his camera.
44. Unsighted readers turn pages using finger placement or tactile markers.
45. The unsighted cab driver knew the layout of the city like the back of his hand.
46. The unsighted ballet dancer practiced her arabesques and leaps every day.
47. The unsighted nurse carefully monitored her patients' vital signs.
48. The unsighted runner pounded the pavement with determination and perseverance.
49. Unsighted students learn through listening, braille, and adapted materials and technologies.
50. The unsighted carpenter crafted beautiful furniture pieces with precision and care.
51. Unsighted individuals live fulfilling lives through adaptive skills and technologies.
52. The unsighted scientist carefully measured chemical compounds in the lab.
53. Unsighted restaurant patrons explore menus through Braille, large text, or audio description.
54. The unsighted historian expertly taught complex subjects to attentive students.
55. The unsighted baseball player listened carefully for the crack of the bat.
56. Unsighted judokas compete in tournaments using audio signals instead of visual cues.
57. The unsighted voting official diligently confirmed identification and signatures.
58. Unsighted campers enjoy many of the same outdoor activities with creative adaptations.
59. The unsighted carpenter measured and sawed lumber with great accuracy.
60. The unsighted human rights activist fought tirelessly for equal access and opportunities.

Common Phases

1. The unsighted man walked carefully along the crowded sidewalk.
2. She worked as a teacher, helping unsighted children learn and develop skills.
3. The guide dog helped the unsighted woman cross the busy intersection safely.
4. The unsighted man relied on his hearing and sense of touch to navigate the world around him.
5. The classroom had tools and aids specifically designed for the unsighted students.
6. The group home for unsighted adults provided a safe and supportive environment.
7. The unsighted woman listened intently to the audio book.
8. Her vision became impaired as she aged, making her increasingly unsighted over time.
9. The unsighted child excelled at music, playing the piano by ear.
10. They organized a benefit concert to raise funds for programs that help unsighted individuals.
11. The library offered audio versions of books and other resources for the unsighted community.
12. She learned braille as a child to help cope with being unsighted.
13. They taught the unsighted boy how to navigate the city using a white cane.
14. The workshop aimed to provide job skills training for unsighted adults.
15. Advocates fought for increased accessibility and accommodations for unsighted people.
16. The unsighted woman listened for the sound of the crossing bell before crossing the street.
17. Technology like screen readers helped make life easier for the unsighted.
18. Unsighted since birth, she had learned to navigate the world independently.
19. Sunglasses helped hide the fact that he was unsighted from strangers.
20. Her unsighted friend taught her to appreciate the beauty in things not visible to the eyes.
21. The unsighted man learned to identify people by the sound of their voice and footsteps.
22. They developed skills to help them cope and succeed despite being unsighted.
23. The unsighted boy embraced the advantages technology could provide.
24. The unsighted woman appreciated works of art through touch and description.
25. They offered reading services and companionship for unsighted seniors.
26. Unsighted since a young age, he worked every day to overcome his limitations.
27. She learned to proofread documents to provide work assistance for unsighted colleagues.
28. Her unsighted uncle inspired her with his optimistic attitude and joy for life.
29. The unsighted woman relied on public transportation to get around the city.
30. They developed tactile aids and instructional tools for unsighted students.
31. Unsighted but unafraid, he lived life to the fullest.
32. The unsighted boy loved to listen to audiobooks on adventures and new discoveries.
33. Authorities worked to improve accessibility for unsighted individuals at public venues.
34. His blindness made him unsighted but not unseeing.
35. The unsighted man attended the concert and enjoyed the music with his hearing.
36. She read aloud texts and documents to assist her unsighted coworkers.
37. They fought stigmas and prejudices against unsighted individuals.
38. The unsighted teen learned braille, adaptive technologies and orientation skills.
39. When she became unsighted, her other senses grew more acute.
40. Unsighted people could still live independently with proper support.
41. The unsighted woman used a white cane to navigate public spaces.
42. Resources for the unsighted should be made equally available.
43. The unsighted boy excelled at math and enjoyed solving complex problems.
44. Training guide dogs brought much joy to individuals who were unsighted.
45. Unsighted but not helpless, he navigated the world with confidence.
46. His unsighted friend taught him the value of truly seeing with one's heart.
47. Unsighted individuals faced many accessibility barriers in daily life.
48. Her unsighted mother taught her the spiritual benefits of "seeing" with one's soul.
49. He advocated for the rights and needs of the unsighted community.
50. Unsighted since birth, she developed a keen awareness of sounds and smells.
51. The unsighted chef relied on his other senses in the kitchen.
52. They campaigned to raise awareness of the challenges faced by unsighted individuals.
53. Unsighted people made valuable contributions to society.
54. The unsighted man listened to sports radio to keep up with the latest games and scores.
55. She volunteered reading skills and companionship to unsighted seniors.
56. The unsighted woman had a talent for art, using color and texture to express herself.
57. Unsighted programs and opportunities should be provided equally.
58. The unsighted boy missed seeing flowers, sunrises and other beautiful sights.
59. Despite being unsighted, he lived a full and happy life.
60. The unsighted woman utilized special devices to help her read printed text.

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