Usurpare example sentences

Related (4): usurp, usurpation, usurper, usurpatory

"Usurpare" Example Sentences

1. The new manager tried to usurp the CEO's power.
2. The rebel group is planning to usurp the government.
3. The ambitious employee attempted to usurp his colleague's position.
4. The king feared that someone would try to usurp his throne.
5. The young prince managed to usurp his uncle's kingdom.
6. The dictator was notorious for his tendency to usurp parliament.
7. The company president was accused of trying to usurp the board of directors.
8. The ambitious politician was determined to usurp the incumbent's seat.
9. The student tried to usurp the teacher's role as the class leader.
10. The aggressive athlete often tried to usurp the coach's authority.
11. The group of rebels attempted to usurp the military base.
12. The company founder was forced out of his own business by someone trying to usurp him.
13. The ambitious executive attempted to usurp control of the company from his partners.
14. The cunning criminal managed to usurp the throne of the underworld.
15. The dishonest employee tried to usurp the company's assets.
16. The ruthless warlord was known for his ability to usurp the land of rival tribes.
17. The cunning politician managed to usurp the support of his opponent's party.
18. The greedy landlord was accused of trying to usurp his tenant's rights.
19. The aspiring actor tried to usurp the lead role from his co-star.
20. The ambitious entrepreneur attempted to usurp his partners' shares in the business.
21. The scheming rival tried to usurp the love of his competitor's partner.
22. The revolutionary leader was determined to usurp control of the government.
23. The cunning salesman tried to usurp the accounts of his colleague.
24. The ambitious lawyer aimed to usurp his senior partner's position.
25. The determined group aimed to usurp control of the corporation from the board of executives.
26. The clever thief tried to usurp the valuable artwork from the museum.
27. The cunning politician managed to usurp the support of the entire nation.
28. The ambitious student tried to usurp the role of the teacher by dictating the lesson content.
29. The scheming rival company tried to usurp their competitor's clients.
30. The overbearing boss attempted to usurp control of his employees' decisions.

Common Phases

1. Il governo ha cercato di usurpare il potere del popolo; ma la gente ha protestato e ha lottato per i propri diritti.
2. L'imprenditore rivale ha cercato di usurpare il mercato della mia azienda; ma abbiamo adottato nuove strategie e siamo rimasti competitivi.
3. Il ladro ha cercato di usurpare il portafoglio di un anziano signore; ma ha avuto la sfortuna di essere catturato dalla polizia.
4. Il rivale in amore ha cercato di usurpare la mia relazione con il mio partner; ma, fortunatamente, il nostro amore era solido e non ha funzionato.
5. Il dittatore ha cercato di usurpare il potere del paese attraverso la forza; ma i cittadini si sono uniti per rovesciare il regime.

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