Varicellas example sentences

Related (7): chickenpox, zoster, shingles, VZV, fever, malaise, headache

"Varicellas" Example Sentences

1. She was diagnosed with varicellas, a common childhood disease.
2. He had to stay in bed for a week due to varicellas.
3. My mother contracted varicellas when she was a child.
4. The doctor prescribed medication to help with the varicellas.
5. My sister got varicellas when she was in kindergarten.
6. I was vaccinated against varicellas when I was a baby.
7. The nurse gave me a shot to prevent varicellas.
8. I had to miss a week of school because of varicellas.
9. Varicellas is a contagious virus that is spread through contact.
10. I was given a cream to help soothe the varicellas rash.
11. My son was quarantined for two weeks because of varicellas.
12. The doctor said I would need to get a booster shot for varicellas.
13. I was told to take a few days off work due to varicellas.
14. My cousin had to spend the weekend in the hospital with varicellas.
15. The varicellas virus can cause a mild fever and rash.
16. We disinfected the house after my daughter got varicellas.
17. My brother was given a vaccine to protect him from varicellas.
18. I was prescribed antibiotics to help fight the varicellas virus.
19. The doctor said it was important to get rest while recovering from varicellas.
20. The nurse gave me a prescription for a cream to help with the varicellas.
21. I had to stay home from school for two weeks because of varicellas.
22. My grandmother warned me to be careful as varicellas is highly contagious.
23. My friend had to take medication to help his body fight the varicellas virus.
24. I was told to avoid contact with other people while I had varicellas.
25. The doctor said I needed to drink plenty of fluids to help with the varicellas.
26. My aunt had to get a booster shot for varicellas when she was in her thirties.
27. The nurse gave me some advice on how to care for my varicellas rash.
28. My father was given a vaccine to protect him from getting varicellas.
29. I was told to take a few days off work to help my body fight the varicellas virus.
30. My brother had to miss a week of school because he had contracted varicellas.
31. The doctor said I would need to get a booster shot for varicellas in a few years.
32. My sister was given a prescription for a cream to help with the varicellas.
33. I was advised to get plenty of rest while I was recovering from varicellas.
34. My mother had to take antibiotics to help her body fight the varicellas virus.
35. I was vaccinated against varicellas when I was a baby to prevent me from getting it.
36. My best friend got varicellas when she was in kindergarten and had to stay home from school.
37. My grandmother was diagnosed with varicellas, a common childhood disease.
38. The nurse gave me a shot to help my body fight the varicellas virus.
39. The doctor prescribed medication to help with the symptoms of varicellas.
40. I had to stay in bed for a week due to the varicellas virus.

Common Phases

"Varicellas" is the medical term for chickenpox; It is a contagious disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus; Symptoms of chickenpox include an itchy rash, fever, and fatigue; Treatment for chickenpox typically includes rest and over-the-counter medications for itching; Complications from chickenpox can include skin infections, pneumonia, and encephalitis.

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