Vendetta example sentences

Related (6): Revenge, grudge, feud, retribution, retaliation, vendetta-driven.

"Vendetta" Example Sentences

1. The two families had an ongoing vendetta that had lasted for generations.
2. After losing the election, he vowed to get even with his opponent and began a vendetta against him.
3. The detective was determined to solve the old vendetta between the two suspects.
4. I don't understand why he has such a vendetta against me - we barely know each other.
5. The mafia boss ordered a hit on his rival as part of a vendetta that had been brewing for years.
6. Despite the apologies and attempts to make amends, she still had a vendetta against him.
7. The journalist uncovered a story about a corrupt politician and became the target of his vendetta.
8. The rivalry between the two sports teams had escalated into a vendetta that affected the entire town.
9. He felt like he was fighting a personal vendetta against his own demons.
10. She didn't want to continue the family vendetta, but felt obligated to protect her loved ones.
11. The bitter divorce had turned into a vendetta that neither party seemed willing to let go of.
12. The historical novel depicted the vendetta between two powerful medieval families.
13. He believed that he had been wronged in the past and sought revenge through his vendetta against his ex-boss.
14. The dueling politicians had a vendetta against each other, which made for some fierce debates.
15. The detective was convinced that the vendetta between the two suspects was rooted in a childhood incident.
16. After years of bullying, he began a vendetta against his tormentor that spiraled out of control.
17. The prisoner had a vendetta against the warden and caused frequent disruptions in the prison.
18. Once they got wind of each other's vendetta, the rivals were constantly on high alert.
19. He felt ashamed of the vendetta he had waged against his own family and vowed to make amends.
20. The gang leader had a vendetta against the rival gang that had killed his brother.
21. She couldn't understand why he held a vendetta against her, as she had always been kind to him.
22. The vendetta between the two factions had resulted in several deaths and extensive property damage.
23. It wasn't until he faced his own mortality that he realized how pointless his vendetta had been.
24. The small town was torn apart by the vendetta between two prominent families.
25. She had a vendetta against authority figures and constantly challenged their rules and regulations.
26. The long-standing vendetta between the two business partners eventually led to the downfall of their company.
27. His vendetta against injustice fueled his passion for activism and social change.
28. The two boxers had a vendetta against each other that was only fueled by their intense rivalry.
29. Her vendetta against her ex-boyfriend had caused her to become bitter and resentful towards all men.
30. Despite their differences, they were determined to put an end to the vendetta once and for all.

Common Phases

1. She held a vendetta against him for years; constantly plotting her revenge.
2. His vendetta was fueled by anger and bitterness; he couldn't let go of the past.
3. The two families had a vendetta spanning generations; no one knew how it began.
4. The politician had a vendetta against the media; constantly attacking them in speeches.
5. The CEO had a vendetta against the former employee; refusing to give them a job recommendation.
6. The athlete had a vendetta against the opposing team; determined to beat them at any cost.
7. The detective had a personal vendetta against the suspect; determined to prove their guilt.
8. The artist had a vendetta against criticism; refusing to listen to any negative feedback.
9. The student had a vendetta against the teacher; constantly questioning their authority.
10. The millionaire had a vendetta against the government; refusing to pay taxes.

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