Veneer example sentences

Related (7): coating, mask, gloss, cover-up, superficiality, pretense, pretension

"Veneer" Example Sentences

1. The furniture has a thin plastic veneer covering the cheap wood.
2. The new building looks impressive with its marble veneer, but inside it's poorly constructed.
3. Behind the charming exterior was a veneer that hid her cold heart.
4. The toy car had a veneer of wood grain glued onto the plastic.
5. The decaying building had an elaborate plaster veneer.
6 The CEO tried to maintain a veneer of respectability while carrying out nefarious business dealings.
7. Underneath the slick corporate veneer lay a manipulative culture.
8. The veneer of civility quickly faded as tempers flared.
9. His good manners were merely a veneer to hide his nasty personality.
10. The veneer of politeness hid a grudge that festered for years.
11. The town maintained a quaint facade and veneer of rural idyll.
12. The elegant veneer concealed a dilapidated interior.
13. The luxury sedan had high quality leather seats and wood veneer trim.
14. The gourmet restaurant maintained an upscale veneer to attract customers.
15. The affordable furniture has a convincing veneer of mahogany.
16. The book's scholarly tone and complex prose helped give it an academic veneer.
17. The new cabinetry has an attractive oak veneer finish.
18. She maintained a veneer of calm through years of tumult.
19. Over time, the veneer began to peel away, revealing the underlying reality.
20. His polite mannerisms were merely a veneer to conceal his rude behavior.
21. Underneath the veneer of sophistication was an ill-mannered brute.
22. The veneer of respectability hid years of scandalous behavior.
23. The politician maintained a veneer of honesty while carrying out corrupt dealings.
24. The cherry veneer instantly upgraded the conference table from drab to sophisticated.
25. The veneer of success hid years of hardships and struggle.
26. Students are taught to maintain a veneer of civility while arguing for their position.
27. The veneer of tradition concealed radical changes in policy.
28. The company prides itself on its corporate veneer and professional image.
29. The wood veneer doors gave the office a warm, homey feel.
30. The building has an elaborate stone veneer façade.
31. The plastic toy had a convincing walnut veneer finish.
32. The cheap coffee table came with an oak veneer laminate.
33. His concern for his fellow man was just a thin veneer to hide his selfish motives.
34. The modern automobile has wood veneer and leather trim for an upscale feel.
35. The grand hall maintained an elegant veneer despite years of financial hardship.
36. Her polite demeanor was merely a thin veneer concealing years of bitterness and anger.
37. The laminate flooring has an oak veneer finish for durability and style.
38. The veneer of invincibility quickly faded after a series of public failures.
39. The building has elaborate plaster veneer façades meant to mimic ashlar stonework.
40 The institution maintained a veneer of neutrality while taking a partisan position.
41. A walnut veneer finish adds elegance and sophistication to the conference table.
42. The marble veneer interior hides crazed walls and uneven floors.
43. The firm maintained a veneer of ethical business practices while employing questionable tactics.
44. Mahogany veneer panels give library shelves a traditional timeless appearance.
45. His manners and cultured speech were merely a veneer hiding deeper crudeness.
46. The veneer of health and strength hid serious, deteriorating conditions.
47. The marble veneer lobby contrasts starkly with the bare concrete hallway.
48. The thin plastic veneer covering the table has started to peel away in corners.
49. The laminate flooring has an oak veneer texture to mimic a hardwood finish.
50. The administration maintained a veneer of academic freedom while cracking down on dissent.
51. The oak veneer desktop provided an upscale workspace at an affordable price.
52. His sympathetic words were merely a veneer to cover up his true indifference.
53. The politician maintained a veneer of action while accomplishing very little of substance.
54. The pseudo wood veneer countertop added a natural look at an affordable price.
55. The veneer of wealth and sophistication hid years of financial difficulties and struggle.
56. Behind the veneer of authority lay an insecure and incompetent administrator.
57. The modest home had an elaborate Victorian plaster veneer on the exterior.
58. The cheap knockoff had a thin veneer of gold to imitate the real thing.
59. The restaurant maintained an upscale veneer with linen tablecloths and candelabras.
60. The firm maintained a veneer of concern for employees while implementing layoffs.

Common Phases

1. Behind the veneer of civility, there was a darker side to his personality.
2. The table had a veneer of polished mahogany wood.
3. The washing machine had started to peel and chip, revealing the cheap plastic underneath the veneer of sophistication.
4. He tried to put forward the veneer of being calm and collected, but inside his anxiety was threatening to overwhelm him.
5. The veneer of wood made the table seem more expensive than it actually was.
6. The entire house had an elegant veneer, but everything was fake.
7. His words suggested kindness but his tone gave away the veneer of sincerity.
8. Behind the shiny veneer of the company website, the reality was disorganization and mismanagement.
9. The glossy magazine presented a veneer of wealth and glamor that was far from reality.
10. The veneer of success masked deep self-doubt and insecurity.
11. The veneer of civilization is paper thin.
12. The veneer of respectability hid serious financial problems.
13. Her smile offered a veneer of politeness that barely covered her anger.
14. The project still looked fine on the surface, but beneath its veneer of progress, serious issues were brewing.
15. The veneer of control finally cracked, and he started sobbing uncontrollably.
16. While putting forward a veneer of agreeability, they planned their betrayal in secret.
17. The veneer of sophistication helped distract customers from the subpar products.
18. Beneath the veneer of a smiling professional, he harbored racist views.
19. His good manners formed a mere veneer over deeply ingrained uncouth habits.
20. The city provided an elegant veneer but the reality was much grimmer.
21. The company put forward a veneer of environmental responsibility for marketing purposes.
22. Their veneer of erudition barely hid their ignorance on the subject.
23. Her reaction was polite, though with barely enough veneer to conceal her dislike.
24. The glossy veneer of sophistication hid a crumbling infrastructure.
25. The well-manicured lawns offered a veneer of order that hid the disarray within.
26. The veneer of calm remained intact only because of tremendous effort.
27. His argument was superficial, lacking substance beneath the veneer of eloquence.
28. The new office building had a shiny veneer of modernity.
29. The scandal soon pierced the veneer of respectability surrounding the institution.
30. The city's historic buildings provided a stately veneer to an otherwise shabby downtown area.
31. Underneath the veneer of manners, she detected a hint of malice.
32. His politeness was nothing more than a thin veneer over deep prejudice.
33. Their behavior had a veneer of gentility but lacked true kindness.
34. The charity offered a veneer of helping the community while enriching only its executives.
35. They maintained a veneer of politeness even as arguments raged between them.
36. The restaurant presented an upscale veneer but the food was mediocre.
37. Behind the veneer of wealth, his life was characterized by chaos and anxiety.
38. His meaningless smile was barely a veneer masking his true feelings.
39. The decor's elaborate veneer was meant to distract from the lack of content.
40. His argument offered a veneer of authority but lacked firm evidentiary support.
41. Underneath her calm veneer, she felt like screaming.
42. Their views were couched in diplomatic language as a mere veneer of civility.
43. Their curriculum provided a veneer of rigor, but students were not challenged.
44. Her smile provided a veneer of warmth, but there was no joy behind it.
45. The politician's speech offered a veneer of progressivism that concealed little substance.
46. Behind the veneer of professionalism, the staff were incompetent and often rude.
47. The celebratory mood offered a veneer that thinly masked profound grief.
48. His proposal had an veneer of sophistication but was full of logical holes.
49. Her elegant veneer disguised years of heartache and disappointment.
50. Their decision offered a veneer of morality but was ultimately self-serving.
51. His veneer of authority barely concealed deep ignorance on the subject.
52. The new signs offered a veneer of modernity while obscuring decades of neglect.
53. Her compliments were merely a veneer disguising continued distrust.
54. The department offered an academic veneer, but teaching standards were low.
55. The shiny new office provided a veneer of success, though finances were precarious.
56. His niceties formed a mere veneer disguising malicious intent.
57. The church represented an elegant veneer, though services were sparsely attended.
58. The staff's cheerful demeanor provided just enough veneer to mask low morale.
59. The cafe provided an arty veneer but the food and drink were mediocre.
60. The student's well-written essay provided a veneer of critical thought while lacking substance.

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