Ventilationist example sentences

Related (4): airflow, aeration, respiration, oxygenation

"Ventilationist" Example Sentences

1. The ventilationist recommended installing air purifiers in every room of the house.
2. The HVAC technician was a strong advocate for ventilationist practices.
3. The building inspector praised the ventilationist measures taken in the new construction.
4. The office manager consulted with a ventilationist to improve the air quality for employees.
5. The hospital implemented ventilationist strategies to reduce the spread of infectious diseases.
6. The hotel chain hired a ventilationist to upgrade their ventilation systems to prevent mold growth.
7. The ventilationist demonstrated the benefits of natural ventilation over mechanical ventilation.
8. The school district invested in ventilationist upgrades to create a healthier learning environment for students.
9. The ventilationist explained how proper ventilation can reduce carbon dioxide levels in a room.
10. The architect incorporated ventilationist principles into the building design to enhance indoor air quality.
11. The ventilationist recommended opening windows in the morning to increase fresh air circulation.
12. The restaurant owner consulted a ventilationist to improve the comfort of diners on hot summer days.
13. The factory implemented ventilationist practices to protect workers from harmful dust particles.
14. The ventilationist suggested using ceiling fans to improve air circulation in the home.
15. The construction crew followed ventilationist guidelines to ensure adequate air flow during construction.
16. The ventilationist recommended using low-VOC paints to reduce indoor air pollution.
17. The gym invested in ventilationist improvements to reduce unpleasant odors and improve air quality.
18. The landlord consulted with a ventilationist to address tenant complaints about stuffy air in the rental units.
19. The hospital administrator hired a ventilationist to help prevent hospital-acquired infections.
20. The ventilationist suggested installing HEPA filters to improve air quality in the office.
21. The building superintendent followed ventilationist guidelines to ensure proper air flow through the building’s ductwork.
22. The school board implemented ventilationist policies to reduce the risk of students and staff getting sick.
23. The ventilationist recommended investing in a whole-house ventilation system to increase air flow throughout the home.
24. The hotel maintenance crew followed ventilationist guidelines to avoid mold growth in the rooms.
25. The restaurant owner consulted with a ventilationist to install a more effective exhaust hood in the kitchen.
26. The ventilationist suggested using natural materials for insulation to prevent trapped moisture and mold growth.
27. The office building owner implemented ventilationist strategies to attract tenants looking for a healthier work environment.
28. The hospital maintenance crew followed ventilationist protocols to ensure proper air flow in the operating rooms.
29. The ventilationist recommended using outdoor air intakes to bring fresh air into the building.
30. The school maintenance crew followed ventilationist guidelines to ensure proper indoor air quality during construction work.

Common Phases

1. "The ventilationist recommended installing exhaust fans in the bathroom;"
2. "As a ventilationist, I always stress the importance of proper airflow in the kitchen;"
3. "The ventilationist advised opening a window to improve indoor air quality;"
4. "Our building's ventilationist suggested upgrading the HVAC system to reduce allergens;"
5. "After consulting with a ventilationist, we decided to add more ventilation shafts to our warehouse."

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