Veritable example sentences

Related (45): 1. Genuine, authentic, bonafide, real, true, actual, concrete, factual, sincere, honest, valid, accurate, dependable, trustworthy, legitimate, certified, confirmed, complete, total, utter, thorough, sheer, unadulterated, unmitigated, pure, unqualified, plain, unmistakable, definite, categorical, unequivocal, positive, extraordinary, remarkable, notable, noteworthy, exceptional, outstanding, memorable, dazzling, brilliant, impressive, magnificent, splendid, marvelous.

"Veritable" Example Sentences

1. The valley was a veritable paradise with rolling green hills and colorful flowers.
2. His cluttered desk was a veritable mess.
3. The storm caused a veritable flood that damaged homes and businesses.
4. The forest was a veritable maze of dense trees and overgrown bushes.
5. The painting depicted a veritable feast fit for kings.
6. The museum houses a veritable treasure trove of priceless artifacts.
7. The party turned into a veritable bacchanalian revelry that lasted into the wee hours.
8. The auction provided a veritable smorgasbord of rare collectibles and antiques.
9. Her closet was a veritable cornucopia of designer clothes and accessories.
10. Their complaints formed a veritable litany of grievances against management.
11. His patience seemed inexhaustible - he was the very picture of a veritable saint.
12. Her wit and vocabulary seemed veritably boundless.
13. The city is a veritable cultural hub with world-class museums, art galleries and concert halls.
14. The dining room table groaned under the veritable mountain of delicious food.
15. The guests provided a veritable cacophony of chatter and laughter.
16. The library was a veritable Aladdin's cave full of rare books and first editions.
17. Her apology turned into a veritable litany of excuses and blame-shifting.
18. The discussion turned into a veritable free-for-all with everyone talking over each other.
19. The PowerPoint presentation was a veritable warren of charts, graphs and statistics.
20. Her collection of handbags could be considered a veritable harem in terms of number and expense.
21. The restaurant offered a veritable cornucopia of global cuisines.
22. The billboards along the highway formed a veritable sea of flashing lights and jumbo ads.
23. The superstore is a veritable cathedral of consumerism with its vast expanses and towering aisles.
24. Their luggage formed a veritable mountain of suitcases, bags and boxes.
25. The students provided a veritable chorus of complaints about the new education policies.
26. The charity fundraiser appeared to be a veritable fountain of good deeds and generosity.
27. The lawyer presented a veritable tidal wave of evidence in favor of the defendant.
28. The children's drawings plastered the walls in a veritable explosion of color and creativity.
29. The politician offered up a veritable litany of empty promises and platitudes.
30. Her stash of junk food could rightfully be called a veritable cornucopia of sweets and snacks.
31. The ocean liner cast a veritable city of lights across the dark harbor.
32. The old woman was a veritable fount of wisdom and life experiences.
33. The artist created a veritable explosion of color and texture across the canvas.
34. The mall represented a veritable mecca of consumer delights and temptations.
35. The menus offered a veritable feast of high-calorie, high-fat options.
36. His arguments formed a veritable barrage of criticism against the proposal.
37. The doctor's waiting room played host to a veritable kaleidoscope of human frailties and maladies.
38. The sale offered a veritable treasure trove of bargains and discounts.
39. The teacher faced a veritable pandemonium of noise and disruptions in the classroom each day.
40. The speech turned into a veritable laundry list of the country's problems and injustices.
41. The farewell party turned into a veritable festival of sentimentality, tears and laughter.
42. The debate provided a veritable buffet of opinions on the controversial issue.
43. The weather report predicted a veritable nightmare scenario of flooding, tornadoes and power outages.
44. The comments formed a veritable avalanche of criticism aimed at the speaker.
45. The professor can be a veritable font of knowledge when it comes to her subject.
46. The zoo provides a veritable menagerie of wildlife for visitors to enjoy.
47. The bill included a veritable laundry list of frivolous and unnecessary expenses.
48. The museum shop offered a veritable banquet of pricey souvenirs and gifts.
49. The sky lit up in a veritable fireworks display as the lightning forked across the storm clouds.
50. The thief made off with a veritable hoard of gold coins, jewelry and antiquities.
51. The campaign speech turned into a veritable litany of accusations against the opposing party.
52. The junk drawer contains a veritable cornucopia of random objects like batteries, loose screws and take-out menus.
53. The counter protestors created a veritable din of noise to drown out the main speakers.
54. The tour guide gave a veritable deluge of fascinating historical facts.
55. The story provided a veritable feast for the imagination with its vivid descriptions and characters.
56. We had a veritable feast of delicious food for our Thanksgiving dinner.
57. The box contained a veritable hodgepodge of random items collected over the years.
58. Her explanations formed a veritable labyrinth of complex theories and hypotheses.
59. The scientist's discoveries led to a veritable revolution in the medical field.
60. The session quickly turned into a veritable free-for-all with everyone talking over each other.

Common Phases

1. A veritable treasure trove
2. A veritable cornucopia
3. A veritable feast
4. A veritable nightmare
5. A veritable maze
6. A veritable fountain
7. A veritable explosion
8. A veritable paradise
9. A veritable portrait
10. A veritable jungle

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