Versification example sentences
Related (5): meter, rhyme, stanza, sonnet, haiku
"Versification" Example Sentences
1. The poet made subtle changes in versification from poem to poem.
2. The poet's versification improved dramatically over the course of his career.
3. I studied the versification and rhyme scheme of the romantic poets.
4. Experts analyzed the versification of the ancient poems to determine their origin.
5. The scholar wrote extensively on the versification of Old English poetry.
6. The poet experimented with different styles of versification in his work.
7. Milton's versification in Paradise Lost set a standard for English poets to follow.
8. The versification of the medieval poems reveals influences from French and Latin sources.
9. The poet's versification became looser and freer as he matured.
10. He wrote a seminal study on the versification of French romantics.
11. The versification of the Old English poems contains many alliterative patterns.
12. Scholars analyzed the versification and rhyme scheme to determine the authorship.
13. I studied the versification, rhyme, and meter of Elizabethan sonnets.
14. The expert discussed the versification, rhyme scheme, and poetic devices in the text.
15. The scholar wrote extensively on the versification and meter of Beowulf.
16. The versification of ballads reveals influences from folk traditions.
17. The versification loosened over time from strict meter to free verse.
18. I studied the versification of epic poems from different cultures and eras.
19. The scholar wrote a groundbreaking study on the versification of medieval poems.
20. The versification of poems can reveal much about the poetic tradition of an era.
21. I analyzed the versification, rhyme scheme, and meter of the sonnets.
22. The versification of heroic couplets was perfected during the neoclassical period.
23. The versification of the poems shows similarities to those from medieval France.
24. The versification of Blake's poems was uniquely idiosyncratic.
25. Scholars analyzed the versification and rhyme scheme to authentic the poems.
26. The versification of hymns has a regularity intended to aid singing.
27. The versification of the lyrics reveals French influences.
28. The versification of the medieval poems contains many rhyming couplets.
29. I studied the versification, rhyme, and meter of the poems from different eras.
30. The versification of the poems contains many repeated lines and refrains.
31. The versification became loosened and free as he moved away from traditional forms.
32. Experts analyzed the versification and meter of Old English poetry.
33. The scholar wrote extensively on the versification, rhyme, and meter of the epic.
34. The versification of the poems became looser and freer over time.
35. The versification illustrates the poet's mastery of poetic craft.
36. The scholar wrote extensively on the versification of Shakespeare's sonnets.
37. The versification became more experimental and irregular over time.
38. I studied Milton's versification in his sonnets and Paradise Lost.
39. The versification of the poems reveals influences from French sources.
40. She wrote extensively on the versification of English Romantic poets.
41. I analyzedthe versification and rhyme scheme to determine authorship.
42. The versification shows influences from French classical poetic traditions.
43. The versification of epic poems reveals influences from oral traditions.
44. The versification of the lyrics shows influences from French forms.
45. The versification illustrates the poet's evolving style and craftsmanship.
46. The scholar wrote a groundbreaking study on the versification of romantic poetry.
47. The versification of ballads reveals influences from folk and oral traditions.
48. I studied the versification, meter, and rhyme scheme of the sonnets.
49. The versification gradually loosened and became more irregular over time.
50. The versification reflects the poetic tradition of the time period.
51. The versification of hymns was designed for musical setting and singing.
52. The versification reflects the poet's evolving skills and craft.
53. The versification of Blake's poetry was loose, irregular and idiosyncratic.
54. I analyzed the versification and meter of Old English poetry.
55. The versification reveals influences from older French forms.
56. The versification illustrates the poet's mastery of traditional and experimental forms.
57. The versification reveals influences from earlier poetic traditions.
58. The versification of epic poetry reveals influences from oral tradition.
59. The versification of hymns aims for a regularity to aid musical setting and singing.
60. The versification illustrates the poet's evolving poetic skills and style over time.
Common Phases
1. study the versification of - examine the metrical structure and rhyme scheme of
2. analyze the versification - closely examine the metrical patterns and rhyme structures
3. experiment with versification - try out different metrical structures and rhyme schemes
4. improve versification - develop better metrical patterns and rhyme in poetry
5. loosen versification - make metrical structures and rhyme schemes less strict and more free
6. irregular versification - metric patterns that do not follow strict poetic norms
7. reveal influences on versification - show impacts from other poetic traditions
8. reflect poetic versification of an era - represent the metric and rhyme structures typical of a time period
9. follow classical versification - conform to traditional poetic meter and rhyme
10. write on poetic versification - author scholarly works discussing metrical patterns and rhyme schemes
11. designed for versification - meant to be structured with specific forms of poetic meter and rhyme
12. illustrates versification - demonstrates and exemplifies poetic form through metrical patterns and rhyme