Sonnet example sentences

Related (2): poem, volta

"Sonnet" Example Sentences

1. Shakespeare wrote many beloved sonnets.
2. Petrarch's sonnets set the form for lovers' laments.
3. Wordsworth penned a sonnet about daffodils.
4. She struggled to write a decent sonnet.
5. The sonnet contest drew many entries.
6. He read his sonnet to his college friends.
7. The standard form of a sonnet is fourteen lines.
8. They analyzed the rhyme scheme of the sonnet.
9. The sonnet tradition began with the poets of the Italian Renaissance.
10. Milton wrote several powerful sonnets.
11. The classic sonnet form follows an ABAB CDCD EFEF GG rhyme scheme.
12. The poet's sonnets eloquently expressed universal themes of love and loss.
13. Elizabeth Barrett Browning was a master of the sonnet form.
14. The poet's sonnets capture moments of insight and beauty.
15. The sonnet form constrained him with its brevity.
16. Shakespeare's sonnets explore themes of love, mortality and time.
17. The sonnet tradition stretches from the 14th century until today.
18. The compact form of the sonnet forces economy of expression.
19. The poet's sonnets celebrate the beauty of the natural world.
20. The poet's sonnets eloquently capture fleeting moments of experience.
21. Shakespeare's sonnets examine themes of love and loss.
22. Keats wrote several famous sonnets.
23. The poet wrote sonnets to express his love for his wife.
24. Wordsworth's sonnets capture moments of insight into nature and human experience.
25. The sonnet evolved from the Italian Renaissance forward.
26. The speaker in the sonnet lamented the loss of love.
27. Shakespeare's sonnets explore the theme of time's relentless passage.
28. The poet's sonnet described the beauty of the night sky.
29. The poet wrote a sonnet about the death of his father.
30. The poet's sonnets eloquently express moments of insight and epiphany.
31. The poet struggled to write a decent sonnet for the contest.
32. The judges praised the sonnets for their mastery of the traditional form.
33. The poet's mournful sonnet lamented the death of his child.
34. The sonnet contest drew entries from professional poets and amateurs alike.
35. The sonnet conventionally follows an Italian or English form.
36. The judges praised the sonnets for their evocative language and poignant themes.
37. The poet's sonnet described a moment of epiphany in nature.
38. The sonnet tradition traces back to poets of the Italian Renaissance.
39. The poet's sonnets eloquently describe moments of insight and beauty.
40. The poet's sonnets explore themes of love, loss, and brevity of life.
41. The poet wrote a sonnet to his lover describing her beauty.
42. The sonnet commemorated the 100th anniversary of his birth.
43. The concise form of the sonnet forces economy of expression.
44. The poet's sonnets celebrate moments of insight and epiphany.
45. The poet's sonnet commemorated his father's death.
46. The poet wrote an uplifting sonnet for the contest.
47. The poet's sonnets eloquently express moments of insight and epiphany in nature.
48. The poet's sonnets capture fleeting moments of human experience.
49. The sonnet competition drew entries from professional and amateur poets.
50. The sonnet commemorate the poet's 50th birthday.
51. The poet wrote a sonnet to his dying father.
52. The speaker in the sonnet lamented lost love.
53. The compact form of the sonnet demands brevity and precision of language.
54. The poet struggled to write a satisfactory sonnet for the contest.
55. The judges commended the sonnets for their mastery of language and form.
56. The poet wrote a sonnet describing the beauty of springtime.
57. The sonnet tradition stretches back to the Italian Renaissance.
58. The poet's sonnet commemorated the birth of his child.
59. The judges praised the sonnets for their evocative language and insights into the human condition.
60. Shakespeare's sonnets explore themes of mortality, aging and the passage of time.

Common Phases

1. write a sonnet - to compose a poem with 14 lines following the conventions of a sonnet
2. master the sonnet form - to demonstrate skill and expertise in writing sonnets
3. sonnet tradition - the historical development and evolution of the sonnet poem
4. sonnet contest - a competition where participants submit original sonnets
5. Italian sonnet form - a sonnet with an octave rhyme scheme of ABBAABBA and a sestet of CDCDEE or CDCDCD
6. English sonnet form - a sonnet with a rhyme scheme of ABAB CDCD EFEF GG
7. lament in a sonnet - express sorrow or grief in a sonnet poem
8. capture a moment in a sonnet - depict an instant or scene in a brief yet vivid way in a sonnet
9. celebrate in a sonnet - honor or praise something in a sonnet poem
10. explore a theme in sonnets - examine an idea or subject in multiple sonnets
11. prize-winning sonnet - a sonnet that wins an award in a contest or competition
12. sonnet sequence - a series of multiple sonnets written to develop one central idea or theme

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