Vicinality example sentences

Related (6): proximity, adjacency, contiguity, nearness, closeness, juxtaposition

"Vicinality" Example Sentences

1. The vicinality of this city to the beach makes it a popular tourist destination.
2. The vicinality of the park to the residential area makes it a convenient place for families to play.
3. The vicinality of the mountains to the town means that fresh water is always available.
4. The vicinality of the airport to the city center makes transportation much easier.
5. The vicinality of the shopping center to the highway attracts customers from all over the region.
6. The vicinality of the hospital to the university ensures that students have access to timely medical care.
7. The vicinality of the forest to the campground makes it an ideal location for nature lovers.
8. The vicinality of the train station to the hotel means that guests can travel easily and conveniently.
9. The vicinality of the river to the industrial area provides an important source of water for manufacturing processes.
10. The vicinality of the beach to the residential area makes it an appealing place to live.
11. The vicinality of the park to the school allows for easy field trips and outdoor education experiences.
12. The vicinality of the museum to the historic district preserves the cultural heritage of the community.
13. The vicinality of the theater to the downtown area attracts visitors and supports local businesses.
14. The vicinality of the library to the community center provides important resources for residents.
15. The vicinality of the gallery to the art district draws in art enthusiasts from across the region.
16. The vicinality of the lake to the campground creates an ideal setting for recreational activities.
17. The vicinality of the shopping mall to the entertainment complex provides a variety of options for leisure time.
18. The vicinality of the amusement park to the city center makes it a popular attraction for tourists.
19. The vicinality of the farm to the school allows for farm-to-table education opportunities.
20. The vicinality of the marina to the seaside resort keeps boaters close to the action.
21. The vicinality of the golf course to the country club provides exclusive access to members.
22. The vicinality of the stadium to the downtown area energizes the community during games and events.
23. The vicinality of the ski resort to the town creates a bustling winter recreation industry.
24. The vicinality of the botanical garden to the university supports research and education in botany.
25. The vicinality of the beach to the harbor makes it an important port for commercial shipping.
26. The vicinality of the park to the airport provides a peaceful refuge from the bustle of travel.
27. The vicinality of the casino to the hotel provides entertainment and lodging in one location.
28. The vicinality of the hospital to the fire station ensures quick response times in emergency situations.
29. The vicinality of the race track to the fairgrounds creates a dynamic entertainment complex.
30. The vicinality of the pet store to the veterinarian clinic creates a convenient one-stop-shop for pet care.

Common Phases

1. The concept of vicinality refers to the proximity of an object or event to another;
2. The vicinality of the two buildings is what makes them an ideal location for a shopping center;
3. The study of vicinality in environmental psychology provides insight into how people perceive and interact with their surroundings;
4. The vicinality of the earthquake's epicenter to the city caused significant damage;
5. In urban planning, understanding the vicinality of resources and amenities is crucial for creating livable communities.

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