Viperine example sentences

Related (7): venomous, snake, fangs, hiss, dangerous, deadly, serpentine.

"Viperine" Example Sentences

1. The snake's scales had a viperine appearance.
2. Her necklace was adorned with small, viperine charms.
3. The venom of the viperine snake was potent enough to kill a man.
4. The spider's web had a viperine pattern etched onto it.
5. His eyes had a viperine gleam as he plotted his revenge.
6. The plant had a strong, viperine smell that lingered in the air.
7. The painting captured the viperine beauty of the poisonous snake.
8. The ring had a viperine design that twisted around her finger.
9. The desert sands were marred by the viperine tracks of a snake.
10. The tattoo on his arm depicted a viperine serpent coiled around a skull.
11. The gemstone had a deep, viperine hue that glimmered in the light.
12. The potion had a faint scent of viperine venom, which only made the drinker more cautious.
13. The venom from the viperine snake could be used for medicinal purposes.
14. Her dress was adorned with a viperine pattern that added a touch of danger to her appearance.
15. The midnight sky had a viperine quality to it, as if the stars were flickering like the fangs of a snake.
16. The viperine eyes of the demon were the stuff of nightmares.
17. His hair was styled in a viperine fashion, with sharp spikes shooting in every direction.
18. The dragon's scales had a viperine iridescence, shimmering in shades of green and gold.
19. The forest floor was littered with viperine leaves, each one a danger to the unwary traveler.
20. The storm clouds had a viperine quality to them, swirling with a malevolent energy.
21. The sword had a viperine curve to its blade, slicing through the air with deadly precision.
22. The rug had a viperine pattern that twisted and turned like a snake's path.
23. His voice had a viperine quality, a subtle undertone of danger that left people jumpy and unsettled.
24. The sculpture captured the viperine grace of the big cat, poised for a strike.
25. The potion had a snake-like viscosity, slithering down her throat with a viperine grace.
26. The perfume had a viperine scent, pungent and alluring all at once.
27. The music had a viperine quality to it, the notes rising and falling like the coils of a snake.
28. The painting captured the viperine menace of the serpent, its eyes glinting with malice.
29. The ship's mast was draped with a viperine flag, warning other vessels to stay clear.
30. The cloak had a viperine design etched into its folds, symbolizing the wearer's deadly nature.
31. Her eyes had a viperine glint to them, as if she knew secrets that could destroy a man.
32. The armor had a viperine appearance, with scales and ridges that shimmered in the light.
33. The food had a viperine tang to it, leaving a sharp, metallic taste on the tongue.
34. The dessert was decorated with a viperine pattern of chocolate sauce, adding a touch of danger to the sweet treat.
35. The book contained viperine tales of magic and intrigue, with characters who were just as likely to betray as save.
36. The scarf had a viperine pattern that wove its way around her neck, a symbol of her dangerous nature.
37. The painting captured the viperine intensity of the storm, lightning flashing like the fangs of a snake.
38. His shield had a viperine emblem etched into the metal, a warning to anyone who faced him in battle.
39. The building had a viperine design, with sharp angles and looming spires that jutted against the sky.
40. The tea had a viperine quality, its taste sharp and astringent, leaving a tingling sensation on the tongue.

Common Phases

1. The viperine scales glowed in the sunlight;
2. The viperine venom quickly paralyzed its prey;
3. He stared into the viperine eyes of the dangerous snake;
4. The viperine characteristics of the plant made it hazardous to touch;
5. The viperine movements of the serpent were swift and deadly.

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