Virtues example sentences

Related (15): Honesty, integrity, humility, kindness, courage, patience, diligence, generosity, empathy, loyalty, compassion, wisdom, self-discipline, forgiveness, gratitude.

"Virtues" Example Sentences

1. Kindness and compassion are just two of her many virtues.
2. Her courage and generosity are among her greatest virtues.
3. Honesty, loyalty, and hard work are commendable virtues.
4. Patience, humility, and sincerity are examples of moral virtues.
5. Self-control, prudence, and justice are three classical virtues.
6. Wisdom, temperance, and fortitude are cardinal virtues.
7. His humility and generosity of spirit are admirable virtues.
8. Leadership, patience, and perseverance are essential virtues.
9. Strength of character and moral integrity are important virtues.
10. Courage, justice, and wisdom are known as theological virtues.
11. Truthfulness, sincerity, and discretion are notable virtues.
12. Steadfastness, benevolence, and cheerfulness are excellent virtues.
13. Charity and empathy are considered feminine virtues.
14. Humility, temperance, and forbearance are classic Christian virtues.
15. Integrity, dependability, and duty are virtues of a good worker.
16. Respect, compassion, and gratitude are considered Buddhist virtues.
17. Hard work, dedication, and perseverance are admirable work virtues.
18. Self-discipline, modesty, and self-control are Confucian virtues.
19. Loyalty, honor, and duty are cornerstone military virtues.
20. Kindness, generosity, and empathy are the virtues of a good friend.
21. Hard work and thrift are held up as middle-class virtues.
22. Duty, honor, and country are core values and virtues of service members.
23. Temperance, prudence, and fortitude were classical philosophical virtues.
24. Christian virtues include charity, patience, and faith.
25. Bravery, justice, and temperance are ancient Greek virtues.
26. Family values include virtues like responsibility and respect.
27. Thrift, temperance, and hard work were 19th century virtues.
28. Traditional Asian virtues include filial piety and frugality.
29. Courage, honor, and sacrifice are timeless military virtues.
30. Tolerance, openness and empathy are modern values and virtues.
31. Asian values emphasize virtues like humility, modesty and restraint.
32. Enlightenment values prioritized reason, progress and human virtues.
33. Classical virtues of leadership include valor, justice and magnanimity.
34. Stoic virtues included courage, temperance, justice and wisdom.
35. Traditional female virtues include gentleness, nurturance and self-sacrifice.
36. The Protestant work ethic idealized virtues like diligence and frugality.
37. Ancient Roman virtues included duty, valor, fortitude and civic piety.
38. Republican virtues included self-sacrifice, patriotism and civic virtue.
39. Egalitarian ideals promote virtues like fairness, inclusion and empathy.
40. Aristotle categorized virtues as intellectual, moral and civic.
41. Joyful generosity and charitable giving are Christian virtues.
42. Humility, obedience and deference are traditional female virtues.
43. The Renaissance placed renewed emphasis on classical virtues.
44. Heroic virtues include prowess, audacity and willingness to take risks.
45. Caring, nurturing and self-sacrifice are traditional female virtues.
46. Leadership virtues include integrity, vision and inspiring confidence.
47. Virtues of the enlightenment included reason, tolerance and progress.
48. Corporate values often include virtues like productivity and profitability.
49. Republican virtues include civic duty, patriotism and service to community.
50. Traditional masculine virtues include courage, honor and assertiveness.
51. Asian values emphasize virtues of conformity, duty and obedience.
52. Egalitarian virtues include fairness, inclusion, openness and social justice.
53. Confucian virtues include obedience, propriety, loyalty and self-cultivation.
54. Democratic values embrace virtues like civic participation, compromise.
55. Christian virtues include faith, hope, love, justice, prudence and temperance.
56. Stoic virtues focus on reason, order and maintaining equanimity.
57. Aristotelian virtues fell into categories of moral, intellectual and civic.
58. The Enlightenment advanced virtues of reason, science, progress and humanity.
59. Military virtues include valor, sacrifice, obedience and honor..
60. Capitalist virtues include hard work, frugality, entrepreneurship and ambition.

Common Phases

1. Moral virtues
2. Christian virtues
3. Classical virtues
4. Feminine virtues
5. Masculine virtues
6. Asian virtues
7. Stoic virtues
8. Leadership virtues
9. Republican virtues
10. Democratic virtues
11. Corporate virtues
12. Work virtues
13. Military virtues
14. Traditional virtues
15. Egalitarian virtues
16. Aristotelian virtues
17. Enlightenment virtues
18. Protestant virtues
19. Republican virtues
20. Capitalist virtues

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