Viscid example sentences
Related (10): sticky, adhesive, gluey, gummy, mucilaginous, tenacious, clingy, glutinous, tacky, cohesive
"Viscid" Example Sentences
Common Phases
1. The slug slowly moved across the viscid, mucus-covered surface of the leaf.
2. The spider's web was covered in viscid threads to snare its prey.
3. The honey oozed from the hive in viscid golden droplets.
4. She struggled to remove her hand from the viscid tarlike substance.
5. He grimaced as he pulled his boots out of the viscid mud.
6. The fly struggled in the viscid web but could not escape.
7. The tree sap had hardened into a viscid varnish that coated the wood.
8. The boy pulled his feet from the viscid mud along the riverbank.
9. The snail's trail left behind a viscid silvery path on the garden stone.
10. The flypaper was covered in viscid yellowish glue to trap unwary insects.
11. The swimming pool had become viscid with a film of algae and bacteria.
12. The residue inside the old jar had become a viscid, glue-like mass.
13. The chemical vat contained a viscid multicolored liquid of unknown composition.
14. The viscid juice dripping from the crushed grapes coated his fingers.
15. The vine had formed a viscid tangle of branches blocking the path.
16. The botanist studied the viscid sap secretions of the carnivorous plant.
17. The tar pits emitted a viscid, petroleum-scented stench in the hot sun.
18. The viscid lava oozed from the volcanic vent, covering everything in its path.
19. The fly struggled in the viscid amber, captured for eternity.
20. The viscid pool of oil slowly consumed everything that fell into it.
21. The viscid resinous sap exuded from the old pine tree and hardened into amber.
22. The scientist marveled at the viscid ichor dripping from the ancient fossils.
23. The viscid secretion from the tick stuck to her fingers no matter how she tried to wipe it off.
24. The viscous syrup spilled across the table and left behind a viscid mess.
25. Her hair was tangled with viscid pine resin that was near impossible to remove.
26. The ancient oil lamp had become clogged with a viscid buildup of residue.
27. The botanist noted how the viscid sap of the plant prevented smaller insects from escaping once trapped.
28. The jellyfish left behind a viscid slime trail on the beach rocks.
29. The alchemist studied the viscid properties of various fluids for their possible magical effects.
30. The test tubes contained viscid liquids of iridescent colors and unknown chemical properties.
31. The flypaper was soon covered in viscid remains of insects that had landed on its sticky surface.
32. The frog was stuck fast in a viscid web of mucus from a giant slug.
33. The viscid pond water clung to her skin long after she had climbed out.
34. The viscid petroleum ooze left behind an iridescent rainbow trail in its wake.
35. The viscid ichor of the ancient monster had begun to coagulate into thick globs.
36. The viscid latex from the tree coated her arms and clothing.
37. The jellyfish propelled itself through the water via a viscid secretion released from its underside.
38. Surfaces coated in viscid sap trapped dust and debris until eventually petrifying into amber.
39. The creek banks had become coated with a viscid film of plant pollen and algal blooms.
40. The viscid oil slowly penetrated the feathers of the ducklings trapped on its surface.
41. The viscid residue accumulated on the sides of the pot as the sauce boiled.
42. The viscid organic material left on stones during receding tides attracted insects by the thousands.
43. The leech left behind a viscid trail as it squirmed across the leaf litter searching for prey.
44. The botany student marveled at the viscid qualities of the Venus flytrap's digestive secretions.
45. The viscid remains of previous victims lined the trap of the carnivorous plant.
46. The viscid paste left behind after rain coated the banks and stones of the river.
47. The honeybee became coated in viscid pollen grains as it visited flowers.
48. The viscid residue from the primordial seas formed the earliest forms of fossilized amber.
49. The surfaces of the viscid sphaeroid orbs were tacky enough to trap insects and seeds.
50. The orchid released a viscid liquid to attract pollinating insects to its blooms.
51. The predator was trapped in a viscid cocoon from which it could not escape.
52. The viscid quality of the oil lent it both healing and preservative properties.
53. The viscid fibers of the spiderweb ensnared the struggling moth.
54. The viscid substance melted in the sun, releasing an unpleasant odor.
55. He struggled to remove his fingers from the viscid surface of the caramel apple.
56. The scientists studied the viscid properties of mucus for medical applications.
57. She found the viscid nectar cloying and too sweet.
58. The potion had become viscid as it cooled.
59. The tar baby resisted the viscid embrace of its would-be captor.
60. The viscid lifecycle of the parasite required a complex alternation of hosts.