Visionless example sentences

Related (4): Dull, short-sighted, uninspired, unimaginative.

"Visionless" Example Sentences

1. The mole lives in a visionless world without light.
2. Blinded by the flashbang, the soldier became temporarily visionless.
3. In the dark cave, the caver became momentarily visionless.
4. Deep-sea creatures born in the visionless depths of the ocean do not develop eyes.
5. The visionless fish swam aimlessly around the aquarium.
6. Without their sight, the visionless veterans struggled to reintegrate into society.
7. The darkness made the trapped miners visionless as their light sources failed.
8. Being visionless for so long began to unnerve the astronauts on the long space journey.
9. The visionless newborn kitten mewled pitifully for its mother.
10. He awoke from surgery completely visionless and disoriented.
11. The visionless prisoner felt her way around the dark cell.
12. Their visionless trek across the desert was fraught with danger.
13. Many visionless people rely on assistive technology and guide dogs to navigate the world.
14. Without proper equipment, astronauts could become visionless from the effects of long-term zero gravity.
15. The visionless cavefish provide clues about evolution in the absence of sight.
16. The visionless sea creature drifted aimlessly in the ocean currents.
17. Some visionless organisms have developed extraordinary senses of touch, hearing and smell.
18. The blindfold rendered the test subject temporarily visionless.
19. His visionless condition gradually improved over weeks of physical therapy and rehabilitation.
20. The visionless child relied on Braille, audio descriptions and a cane to navigate the world.
21. Life as a visionless creature without light must be utterly alien, I thought.
22. Profound vision loss renders some people effectively visionless.
23. I woke up in that cave, completely visionless and claustrophobic.
24. The sudden attack left her visionless and disoriented.
25. Visionless aquatic insects rely on chemical signals to find mates.
26. My visionless friend taught me that true vision comes from within.
27. The cord had wrapped around his neck, leaving the newborn visionless at birth.
28. The bandages left him visionless as the wounds healed.
29. My visionless dog relies on smell and hearing to find his way.
30. Some people born visionless adapt to their condition with remarkable resiliency.
31. The microscope allowed him to explore a visionless world teeming with invisible life.
32. Life in a visionless world at first seemed impossibly bleak.
33. The visionless boy felt his way through the familiar hallways of his home.
34. The blindfold rendered me temporarily visionless and utterly dependent on my other senses.
35. Visionless plants rely on internal rhythms and environmental cues.
36. The underwater visionless world suddenly came alive with sound.
37. Animals born visionless often adapt by developing extraordinary senses of smell, touch and hearing.
38. The injury left him visionless and unable to continue his work as a surgeon.
39. The visionless fish's other senses compensate somewhat for the lack of sight.
40. Visionless creatures can teach us a lot about stoicism, independence and appreciating life's joys.
41. Life in a visionless world taught him to value emotions and memories over sight.
42. His visionless stare unnerved me.
43. Deep-sea creatures living in the visionless depths develop unique adaptations and traits.
44. The explosion sent shrapnel into his eyes, leaving him visionless.
45. The visionless crab scuttled along the ocean floor, sensing changes around it.
46. One blind accident rendered him visionless for life.
47. She awoke from surgery visionless and alarmed.
48. He imagined himself a visionless cave creature, dependent on touch and smell.
49. Even temporary vision loss can leave people effectively visionless.
50. Some cave-dwelling creatures remain visionless for their entire evolutionary history.
51. I stumbled through the visionless darkness, hoping to find the exit.
52. The dense fog rendered travelers visionless as they tried to navigate the unfamiliar roads.
53. His visionless friend taught him that inner vision comes from the heart.
54. He became visionless from staring at the sun during the eclipse.
55. The visionless man felt his way along the hallway heading to his room.
56. The visionless salamander showed him that true vision comes from within.
57. The visionless fish lived its entire life in total darkness.
58. The test subject felt visionless and disoriented in the sensory deprivation chamber.
59. He awoke from anesthesia visionless, his surgery a success.
60. Lack of vision renders some people effectively visionless.

Common Phases

1. He wandered the streets, lost and visionless.
2. She refused to live another day visionless and without hope.
3. They marched on, visionless and blind to the truth before them.
4. The visionless leader led his people into despair and ruin.
5. A visionless life is a meaningless life.
6. The visionless soon become hopeless.
7. The visionless shell that once held a dream now lay broken at his feet.
8. The visionless seldom accomplish great deeds.
9. Their visionless eyes could not see the beauty all around them.
10. I refuse to live one more visionless day.
11. His visionless stare could see nothing of the wonders of this world.
12. Wander not down the visionless path, for it leads only to darkness.
13. He stumbled on, aimless and visionless in the stark landscape.
14. Never content to live your life visionless and small, you dream of great change.
15. They struggled on, visionless and weary, not knowing where the path led.
16. Without vision, the people perish; do not live another day visionless.
17. Do not let fear keep you visionless and trapped within walls of your own making.
18. Snap out of your visionless stupor and see the world anew.
19. She longed to escape her visionless prison and behold the wonders outside.
20. A worthy life is never lived visionless.

21. Free yourself from the visionless shadow that darkens your soul.
22. The visionless cannot comprehend the dreams of the inspired.
23. A visionless life decays into bitterness and regret.
24. Awaken from your visionless sleep and reclaim your dreams.
25. Shatter the shell of visionless routine that imprisons your spirit.
26. Break free from the visionless conformity that smothers your soul.

27. The visionless mill endlessly in the circle of mediocrity.
28. He wandered the city, visionless and disconnected from life.
29. The visionless fade into obscurity, unable to change the world.
30. Free yourself from your visionless stupor and embrace your power to change the world.

31. Her visionless stare revealed a mind devoid of dreams.
32. The visionless soon wither into meaningless existence.
33. Their visionless journey led only to despair.
34. I refuse to live another visionless day in the shadows of fear.

35. A worthy life is never lived aimless and visionless.
36. Break the chains of visionless routine and live an inspired life.
37. The visionless fade into the bleak shadows of obscurity.
38. She stumbled on, visionless and devoid of dreams.
39. Escape your visionless prison and behold the wonders waiting beyond.
40. Her visionless existence decayed into bitterness and regret.
41. The visionless dwell in shadows while the inspired change the world.
42. Shatter the dull shell of visionless routine keeping your spirit trapped.
43. Free your mind from its visionless slumber and remember your dreams.
44. Their visionless conformity smothered the flame of their souls.
45. His visionless despair revealed a mind devoid of dreams.

46. Do not let fear keep you visionless and trapped within the walls of your own making.
47. Break free from the visionless conformity that destroys your spirit.
48. The visionless fade into obscurity, unable to see the wonders all around.
49. Free yourself from the dark shell of visionless routine imprisoning your spirit.
50. Do not live another day aimless and visionless in the shadows of fear.

51. Their visionless conformity smothered the flame of their souls.
52. Break the chains of visionless routine keeping your spirit contained.
53. Her visionless path soon led only to despair and darkness.
54. Their visionless conformity kept them blind to the wonders all around.
55. Never content to live your life visionless and small, you were born to change the world.
56. Free yourself from your shell of visionless routine imprisoning your soul.
57. Break free from your visionless prison and live an inspired life.
58. Snap out of your visionless shadow and behold the wonders waiting beyond.
59. Remember who you are and escape your visionless despair.
60. Never content to live visionless and small, you dream of great change.

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