Vitriole example sentences

Related (11): acid, bitterness, animosity, hatred, malice, resentment, venom, acrimony, enmity, spite, spitefulness

"Vitriole" Example Sentences

1. His vitriole-laden speech was a clear indication of his resentment towards the company.
2. The vitriole in her tone made it clear she was not fond of him.
3. She wrote a vitriolic letter to her ex-husband.
4. The vitriolic language used by both sides during the debate was disheartening.
5. The campaign ad was criticized for its vitriolic attacks on the opponent.
6. The vitriol aimed at the referee was uncalled for.
7. The politician's vitriolic speech caused outrage among his opponents.
8. The magazine's vitriolic review of the movie was harsh but fair.
9. Her vitriolic criticism of the policy attracted a lot of attention.
10. I was taken aback by the vitriol in his response to my suggestion.
11. The comment section on the article was filled with vitriolic remarks.
12. The comedian's vitriolic jokes offended many people.
13. The employee was fired for his vitriolic outburst at the boss.
14. The vitriolic emails exchanged between the parties only made the situation worse.
15. The vitriolic attack on her character was baseless and unfair.
16. His vitriolic rant was caught on video and went viral on social media.
17. The blogger received a lot of backlash for their vitriolic post.
18. The politician's vitriolic comments about immigrants were widely condemned.
19. The ex-lovers exchanged vitriolic insults over the phone.
20. The musician's vitriolic lyrics shocked their fans.
21. The vitriolic outburst at the meeting was unwarranted and unprofessional.
22. The news anchor's vitriolic commentary sparked a heated debate online.
23. The author's vitriolic attack on the publisher led to legal action.
24. The social media influencer's vitriolic remarks caused an uproar among their followers.
25. The TV show featured an episode with a vitriolic interview conducted by the host.
26. The singer's vitriolic speech at the awards show received mixed reactions from the audience.
27. The vitriolic message left on his phone was disturbing and threatening.
28. The politician was criticized for their vitriolic tirade against the media.
29. His vitriolic criticism of the government's handling of the crisis was met with applause from his supporters.
30. The heated debate turned into a vitriolic argument that left everyone at the table uncomfortable.

Common Phases

1. She spewed her vitriole at him without a second thought; her anger blinding her to the hurt she was causing.
2. His vitriole was evident as he criticized every aspect of the proposal; it was clear he wasn't pleased.
3. The online comment section was filled with vitriole; the anonymity of the internet seemed to bring out the worst in people.
4. The politician's vitriole against their opponent was relentless; it seemed as though they couldn't say a single positive thing about them.
5. She couldn't contain her vitriole as she recounted the betrayal of her former best friend; the hurt still raw after all these years.

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