Vivisecting example sentences

Related (10): dissecting, experimenting, cutting, analyzing, probing, scrutinizing, exploring, examining, inspecting, studying

"Vivisecting" Example Sentences

1. The mad scientist was notorious for vivisecting animals in the name of research.
2. Many people find the idea of vivisecting animals to be cruel and inhumane.
3. The ethics committee banned vivisecting primates for non-life threatening research.
4. He found his passion for vivisecting small animals during his years of medical school.
5. It was hard for her to stomach the thought of someone vivisecting frogs in biology class.
6. The documentary exposed the brutal reality of vivisecting animals for cosmetic testing.
7. The scientist was criticized for vivisecting a rare species of bird to better understand its anatomy.
8. The thought of vivisecting living beings for cosmetic purposes made her sick.
9. Her research involved vivisecting insects in order to better understand their nervous system.
10. The debate over the ethics of vivisecting animals for medical research was ongoing.
11. The man was sentenced to jail time for vivisecting several cats and dogs in his basement.
12. The college biology course required students to participate in vivisecting rats for lab experiments.
13. Many activists protested against the university’s decision to allow vivisecting animals for academic research.
14. The man was reputed to have a history of vivisecting animals and keeping them as pets.
15. The scientist was accused of vivisecting monkeys without proper anaesthesia, resulting in severe pain and suffering.
16. The prospect of vivisecting innocent animals for the sake of human cosmetics was morally unacceptable.
17. The man’s obsession with vivisecting animals led to a complete breakdown in his mental health.
18. The professor defended the use of vivisecting animals for scientific study, citing its necessity in advancing medical knowledge.
19. The lab technicians were trained to carry out vivisecting procedures with the utmost care and precision.
20. Many animal rights groups strongly condemn the practice of vivisecting animals for scientific research.
21. The government passed strict laws to regulate the practice of vivisecting animals in order to minimize their pain and distress.
22. The study required vivisecting rabbits, a controversial decision that was met with protest by animal rights activists.
23. The scientist’s controversial experiments involved vivisecting living human subjects, which led to widespread outrage and condemnation.
24. The idea of vivisecting animals for sport or fun is completely unethical and should not be allowed.
25. The use of vivisecting animals for testing the toxicity of foreign chemicals was considered standard practice in the industry.
26. Vivisecting animals for aesthetic research purposes is seen as a shallow and frivolous use of scientific resources.
27. The man was universally shunned for his habit of vivisecting innocent animals for fun and amusement.
28. Many religious groups condemn the practice of vivisecting animals as they believe it goes against the principles of respect for all life.
29. The scientist was hailed as a pioneer in the field of neuroscience, but many found his methods of vivisecting living creatures to be disturbing.
30. The use of vivisecting humans for medical experiments was condemned by the United Nations as a violation of basic human rights.

Common Phases

1. The scientists were vivisecting the rats; studying their organs and tissues.
2. The controversial practice of vivisecting animals for scientific research has been heavily debated.
3. The medical students were given the task of vivisecting a frog; to understand the anatomy of the amphibian.
4. The lab technicians were vivisecting the mice; cutting them open for experimentation.
5. Vivisecting animals for cosmetic testing is considered unethical by many animal rights activists.
6. The veterinarian had to vivisect the dog to locate a foreign object in its stomach; ultimately saving its life.
7. The animal testing company was accused of cruelly vivisecting monkeys for product research.
8. The researchers were vivisecting the pig; looking for potential breakthroughs in the field of medicine.
9. Vivisecting birds to study their skeletal structure has been a common practice among ornithologists for years.
10. The professor was demonstrating the process of vivisecting a rabbit to his students; explaining the importance of animal testing in the field of science.

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