Voicemail example sentences
Related (1): answerphone
voice-mail (noun)
- a centralized electronic system that can store messages from telephone callers.
- a spoken message left by a caller on a voicemail system:
letters, packages, parcels, correspondence, communications, airmail, delivery, collection, mailing, email, post, dak"Voicemail" Example Sentences
1. I have to check my voicemail after this meeting.2. My voicemail box is full, I need to delete some messages.
3. I left a voicemail for my friend, but she hasn't called me back yet.
4. Can you leave a voicemail so I know you received my message?
5. I have a voicemail from my boss that I need to listen to.
6. I hate leaving voicemails, I always feel awkward.
7. I didn't get your message, can you try leaving a voicemail again?
8. I have to set up my voicemail on my new phone.
9. The company's customer service line goes straight to voicemail sometimes.
10. I always forget to check my voicemail when I'm on vacation.
11. My voicemail greeting is outdated, I need to update it.
12. You can leave me a voicemail if I don't answer your call.
13. I don't like leaving voicemails because I never know what to say.
14. My voicemail is saying that my mailbox is currently full.
15. Can you listen to my voicemail and transcribe the message for me?
16. I need to call my boss back, he left a voicemail about a meeting.
17. I have to call my doctor back, he left a voicemail about my test results.
18. My friend left a funny voicemail for my birthday.
19. I forgot to turn on my voicemail when I got my new phone.
20. My voicemail is in Spanish because I lived in Spain for a few years.
21. I hate when people leave really long voicemails.
22. I love when people leave me voicemails because I can listen to them later.
23. My mom always leaves me voicemails just to say hi.
24. I have to check my voicemail before I go to bed.
25. I turned off my voicemail because I was getting too many telemarketer calls.
26. My ex left me a voicemail apologizing for everything.
27. I need to delete some voicemails I have saved from 5 years ago.
28. I always get anxious when I have a voicemail from an unknown number.
29. My voicemail greeting is too long, I need to shorten it.
30. My voicemail is set up to give callers alternate contact information if I don't answer.
Common Phases
Sorry, I missed your call. Please leave a message after the beep.; Hey, it's me. I can't talk right now, so leave your message after the tone.; Hi, you've reached [Name]. I'm currently unavailable, so please leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.; You've reached the voicemail of [Name]. Leave a message and I'll return your call as soon as I can.; Sorry I'm unable to get to the phone. Please leave your name, number, and a brief message, and I'll get back to you shortly.Recently Searched
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