Volatile example sentences

Related (5): explosive, unpredictable, unstable, changeable, capricious

"Volatile" Example Sentences

1. The volatile markets make investing a risky proposition.
2. The volatile chemicals posed a health hazard in the factory.
3. The volatile debate turned into shouting and name-calling.
4. His volatile temper led to many conflicts at work.
5. The volatile situation in the region threatened to erupt into open conflict.
6. Relations between the two countries remained volatile following the border dispute.
7. The volatile mixture of chemicals could explode if not handled properly.
8. The stock market experienced volatile swings over the course of the day.
9. The policy debate became increasingly volatile as positions hardened on both sides.
10. The volatile political climate made it difficult to achieve any real progress.
11. The situation was too volatile to send in ground troops.
12. The volatile chemicals needed to be stored separately for safety.
13. His volatile personality made him difficult to work with.
14. The debate turned increasingly volatile as tempers flared.
15. The volatile substances reacted violently when mixed together.
16. Their volatile relationship ended in a bitter breakup.
17. The price of oil experienced a volatile decline due to oversupply.
18. The crowd became increasingly volatile as tensions mounted.
19. The mix of fluids created a volatile reaction.
20. The market experienced a volatile but short-lived downturn.
21. The country's progress remained volatile due to rampant corruption.
22. The patient's vital signs were volatile after the surgery.
23. The situation in the region remained volatile with sporadic outbreaks of fighting.
24. The emotional issues created volatile reactions within the child.
25. The economy experienced a volatile growth spurt following the stimulus package.
26. The data proved too volatile to draw any reliable conclusions.
27. Weather patterns in the region tend to be volatile and unpredictable.
28. His emotions were extremely volatile, shifting quickly from joy to rage.
29. The management style created a volatile work environment.
30. The meeting turned increasingly volatile as disagreements intensified.
31. The substance gave off volatile fumes that could cause dizziness and nausea.
32. The chemicals needed careful handling due to their volatile nature.
33. Politics in the province remained volatile following the disputed election.
34. The candidate's campaign experienced a volatile upswing in popularity.
35. The explosion sent volatile shards of glass flying into the air.
36. The stock's performance proved highly volatile over the last quarter.
37. The levels of certain minerals proved volatile over time.
38. Crime rates remained volatile despite efforts to improve policing.
39. The mix of elements created volatile results.
40. His moods proved extremely volatile, swinging between extremes.
41. The region experienced volatile swings between drought and flood.
42. The mix of volatile substances needed to be handled with great care.
43. The mix produced volatile vapors which were potentially harmful.
44. The prices proved volatile despite government intervention.
45. The product proved too volatile to market successfully.
46. The political situation remained volatile due to ethnic tensions.
47. His finances remained volatile due to persistent debt issues.
48. The demonstration quickly turned volatile as protesters clashed with police.
49. The artist's work proved volatile and unpredictable over the years.
50. The temperature proved volatile due to changes in atmospheric pressure.
51. The chemicals gave off volatile fumes that threatened to explode.
52. The economy experienced volatile swings due to global pressures.
53. The storm brought volatile conditions that made travel dangerous.
54. The market experienced volatile inflation over the last year.
55. The couple's arguments proved highly volatile due to their conflicting communication styles.
56. The situation remained highly volatile with sporadic violence and unrest.
57. The mix of elements produced volatile results that were difficult to control.
58. The performance proved highly volatile depending on external market factors.
59. The policies proved highly volatile due to frequent changes in leadership.
60. Sales proved highly volatile and unreliable due to inconsistent demand.

Common Phases

1. Volatile market - A market characterized by unpredictable and large changes in price.
2. Volatile stock - A stock that experiences drastic and unpredictable swings in price.
3. Volatile situation - An unstable situation that is prone to sudden and unpredictable changes.
4. Volatile chemicals - Chemicals that are prone to sudden changes and easily react with each other.
5. Volatile compound - A compound with reactive molecules that can easily separate and form new bonds.
6. Volatile temper - A tendency to experience frequent and extreme shifts in mood that results in anger.
7. Volatile mix - An unpredictable combination of elements that tend to react violently when mixed.
8. Volatile conditions - Rapidly changing and unpredictable environmental parameters.
9. Volatile reaction - An unpredictable interaction between substances that takes place quickly and violently.

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