Volitionless example sentences

Related (5): apathetic, unresponsive, indifferent, passionless, listless.

"Volitionless" Example Sentences

1. The robot moved with a volitionless gait.
2. His face was stoic and volitionless as he listened to the news.
3. Her eyes were dull and volitionless, lacking any spark of life.
4. The wind blew through the volitionless trees, rustling their leaves.
5. The automaton moved with a volitionless precision, carrying out its programmed tasks.
6. He spoke in a volitionless monotone, devoid of any emotion or inflection.
7. The sea was calm and volitionless, with no movement other than the gentle rise and fall of the waves.
8. The mob moved as one, a volitionless mass of humanity driven forward by a sense of purpose.
9. Her body lay volitionless on the bed, drained of energy and motivation.
10. The machine moved with a volitionless efficiency, never pausing or hesitating in its tasks.
11. The world around him seemed hazy and volitionless, lacking any clear sense of direction or purpose.
12. The crowd surged forward, a volitionless tide of humanity sweeping towards the stage.
13. His limbs felt heavy and volitionless, as if they were disconnected from his mind.
14. The clock ticked on, a volitionless reminder of the passing of time.
15. The landscape was barren and volitionless, with no sign of life or vitality.
16. The rain fell in a volitionless curtain, drenching everything in its path.
17. His mind was a volitionless void, devoid of any clear thought or direction.
18. The dog lay volitionless on the floor, exhausted from its exertions.
19. The wind howled through the volitionless trees, stirring up clouds of dust and debris.
20. The robot performed its duties with a volitionless efficiency, never questioning or hesitating.
21. The landscape was a volitionless expanse of desert, stretching out as far as the eye could see.
22. His voice was flat and volitionless, lacking any hint of emotion or conviction.
23. The river flowed onwards, a volitionless force driven by the power of the current.
24. The city was a volitionless maze of streets and buildings, sprawling in all directions.
25. His body moved with a volitionless grace, as if he were guided by some unseen force.
26. The music flowed on, a volitionless stream of sound filling the room.
27. The sky was a volitionless expanse of grey, stretching out to infinity.
28. The boat drifted along, a volitionless vessel carried by the wind and current.
29. The forest was a volitionless mass of trees, pulsing with life and vitality.
30. His mind felt volitionless, trapped in a constant cycle of doubt and indecision.

Common Phases

1. She carried out the task volitionless; it was just another item on her to-do list.
2. He attended the party volitionless; he couldn't say no to his friends' invitation.
3. The athlete trained volitionless; it was ingrained in his daily routine.
4. She made the decision volitionless; she knew it was the right thing to do.
5. He followed the rules volitionless; he didn't want to risk getting in trouble.
6. She went through the motions volitionless; her heart wasn't in it anymore.
7. He accepted the job offer volitionless; he needed the money to pay his bills.
8. She agreed to the terms volitionless; she had no other choice.
9. He completed the project volitionless; he just wanted to get it done and move on.
10. She apologized volitionless; it was expected of her in that situation.

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