Volume example sentences

Related (6): capacity, loudness, size, mass, quantity, extent

"Volume" Example Sentences

1. Turn up the volume on the radio.
2. The music was playing at a high volume.
3. The volume was too loud and I had to ask them to turn it down.
4. I turned the volume knob to increase the volume of the television.
5. Please lower the volume so we can study in peace.
6. The volume of traffic on the highway increased during rush hour.
7. She adjusted the volume control to make the sound just right.
8. The sales volume of the company increased last quarter.
9. The annual report showed the total sales volume for the year.
10. The volume of the orchestra rose as they built to the climax of the piece.
11. Reading with background noise at a low volume helped me focus.
12. I adjusted the master volume switch to just the right setting.
13. The volume was raised during the climax of the movie.
14. The new headphones allowed me to listen at a lower volume comfortably.
15. The noise volume from the party next door kept me awake all night.
16. I turned down the volume as my parents walked into the room.
17. The heated argument took place in hushed volume.
18. The volume of the explosion rocked the building.
19. The book is a thick volume containing many illustrations.
20. The decibel level indicated the noise volume.
21. The teacher asked students to lower their conversation volume.
22. The chef measured the volume of the liquids with a measuring cup.
23. The audience volume increased dramatically after the final scene.
24. The liquid volume in the graduated cylinder measured exactly 50 milliliters.
25. The machine measures air volume by liters.
26. Turn down the volume so we can have a conversation.
27. The floodwaters rose to alarming volume.
28. The report contained supporting volumes of data and research.
29. I lowered the TV volume so it wouldn't disturb my sleeping child.
30. The data volume was so large it filled terabytes of storage space.
31. The financial report showed quarterly sales volumes for each product category.
32. The speaker's volume rose as he grew more passionate.
33. I read the entire volume in one sitting.
34. The speaker warned that the liquid's volume would increase when heated.
35. Please keep the volume of your shouting to a minimum.
36. Investment volumes were at record highs last quarter.
37. The speaker volume needs to be increased for the back of the room.
38. The volume of theClasses are getting larger each semester.
39. I use headphones to control the volume when watching videos.
40. The noise volume during lunch hour was unbearable.
41. She measured the liquid volume using a graduated cylinder.
42. The TV volume rose during commercial breaks.
43. As the speech progressed the speaker's volume rose for emphasis.
44. He adjusted the headphone volume to a comfortable level.
45. I lowered the television volume during commercial breaks.
46. Classes this semester had record enrollment volumes.
47. The sales associate shouted over the din of the crowd's high volume.
48. The sound volume in the stadium was deafening.
49. The narrator spoke in a low volume to build suspense.
50. She adjusted the volume dial to her preferred level.
51. The crowd's volume grew louder with each play.
52. The patient's breathing volume indicated respiratory distress.
53. The decibel meter measured sound volume levels in the room.
54. Please turn down the TV volume as some students are trying to study.
55. The recipe called for measuring the liquid volumes precisely.
56. The book's pages formed several thick volumes.
57. The music played at a whisper volume as people slept.
58. Loud conversations reduced my ability to focus on the lecture at that volume.
59. The stock prices rose to volumes not seen in decades.
60. The narrator's low volume built suspense as the scene progressed.

Common Phases

1. Turn up/down the volume
2. Set the volume to/at (a level)
3. Increase/decrease the volume
4. Adjust the volume
5. Control the volume
6. Change the volume
7. Volume level/setting
8. Set to maximum/minimum volume
9. Mute the volume
10. High/low volume

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