Voraciously example sentences
Related (7): ravenously, eagerly, hungrily, avidly, insatiably, graspingly, gluttonously
- adverb form of voracious
voracious (adjective)
- wanting or devouring great quantities of food:
- having a very eager approach to an activity:
voracious, insatiable, unquenchable, unappeasable, prodigious, uncontrollable, uncontrolled, omnivorous, compulsive, gluttonous, greedy, rapacious, enthusiastic, eager, keen, avid, desirous, craving, hungry, ravenous, ravening, wolfish, piggish, hoggish, swinish, gutsy, insatiate, edacious, esurient"Voraciously" Example Sentences
1. The starving children ate the food voraciously.
2. The puppy devoured the treats voraciously.
3. The hungry readers consumed the new books voraciously.
4. She read voraciously to prepare for the exam.
5. The baby gobbled up the pureed carrots voraciously.
6. He drank the beer voraciously after working in the hot sun all day.
7. The grapevine grew voraciously, covering the fence in just a few months.
8. The vines spread voraciously over the abandoned building.
9. The invasive species spread voraciously throughout the habitat.
10. The fire burned voraciously through the dry forest.
11. The detective watched voraciously for clues at the crime scene.
12. The reporter gathered information voraciously for his next big exposé.
13. The crowd devoured the concert voraciously, demanding multiple encores.
14. The rumors spread voraciously through social media.
15. The house plants grew voraciously under her attentive care.
16. The students consumed knowledge voraciously through all available media.
17. The news of the scandal spread voraciously within hours.
18. The weeds grew voraciously through the cracks in the sidewalk.
19. The flames consumed the dry grass voraciously.
20. The children played voraciously in the colorful leaves.
21. The mold grew voraciously on the leftover food.
22. The crowd consumed the free samples voraciously.
23. He voraciously lapped up the milk from his bowl.
24. Bad habits developed voraciously in the absence of structure.
25. The tiger stalked its prey voraciously.
26. The investors snapped up the new tech startups voraciously.
27. The young writer consumed books voraciously.
28. The kitten played voraciously with the ball of string.
29. The colors popped voraciously in the artist's latest painting.
30. The mushrooms grew voraciously after a heavy rain.
31. The fishermen voraciously devoured their lunch by the lake.
32. The investors voraciously snatched up the affordable real estate.
33. The leaves grew voraciously after the first spring rain.
34. The monster devoured its prey voraciously.
35. The team celebrated their victory voraciously.
36. The story spread voraciously on social media.
37. The cats voraciously licked the cream from their bowls.
38. Infections spread voraciously in hospitals without proper sanitation.
39. The flowers bloomed voraciously after the fertilizer was applied.
40. The fruit ripened voraciously on the vine in the hot summer sun.
41. The rain poured voraciously from the dark clouds.
42. The weeds grew back voraciously after each attempt to pull them.
43. The roots spread voraciously through the broken pipes.
44. The organism reproduced voraciously in its ideal conditions.
45. The locusts devoured the crops voraciously.
46. The reporters picked at the details voraciously.
47. The critics attacked the movie voraciously.
48. The buyer scooped up the available stock voraciously.
49. The gossip spread voraciously through the office.
50. The mosquitos swarmed voraciously at dusk.
Common Phases
consume voraciously - The starving children consumed the food voraciously.
devour voraciously - The puppy devoured the treats voraciously.
read voraciously - She read voraciously to prepare for the exam.
grow voraciously - The weeds grew voraciously through the cracks in the sidewalk.
spread voraciously - The rumors spread voraciously through social media.
lick voraciously - The cats voraciously licked the cream from their bowls.
attack voraciously - The critics attacked the movie voraciously.
snap up voraciously - The investors voraciously snatched up the available real estate.
reproduce voraciously - The organism reproduced voraciously in its ideal conditions.
swarm voraciously - The mosquitos swarmed voraciously at dusk.
pick at voraciously - The reporters picked at the details voraciously.
absorb voraciously - The students absorbed knowledge voraciously through various media.
eat voraciously - The children ate the food voraciously.
bloom voraciously - The flowers bloomed voraciously after the fertilizer was applied.
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