Vortex example sentences

Related (10): tornado, whirlpool, spiral, maelstrom, eddy, cyclone, storm, funnel, gyre, tempest

"Vortex" Example Sentences

1. The bathtub drain sucked everything into its vortex.
2. The tornado whipped up a vortex of wind and debris.
3. The failed project spiraled into a vortex of missed deadlines and broken promises.
4. The whirlpool created a powerful vortex in the middle of the river.
5. The black hole created a gravitational vortex that destroyed everything surrounding it.
6. The controversial issue sucked the participants into a vortex of heated debate.
7. The argument quickly descended into a vortex of name-calling and insults.
8. The political scandal threatened to become a vortex that could swallow the whole administration.
9. The financial crisis spiraled into a vortex that reached every corner of the economy.
10. The president's actions plunged the country into a vortex of international distrust and condemnation.
11. The crisis drew the country into the vortex of a long and deadly civil war.
12. The scandal sucked the celebrity into a destructive vortex of drug abuse and alcoholism.
13. The company fell into a vortex of lawsuits, layoffs and declining profits.
14. The business partner's greed sucked the struggling startup into a vortex of debt.
15. The referendum question sucked the nation into a vortex of polarization and division.
16. The social media post created a vortex of controversy and outrage.
17. His choices over the years pulled him into a destructive vortex of isolation and misery.
18. The shifting currents created a vortex that sucked the swimmer underwater.
19. The company was pulled into the destructive vortex of the larger financial crisis.
20. The swirling thoughts created a vortex of anxiety and depression in her mind.
21. The divisive rhetoric sucked the nation into a vortex of partisan animosity.
22. The sinkhole created a powerful vortex that sucked in everything around it.
23. The burglar's confession sucked the town into a vortex of suspicion and mistrust.
24. The controversy pulled the candidates into a vortex of dirty politics and negative campaigning.
25. The hurricane created a destructive vortex that leveled everything in its path.
26. The financial difficulties sucked the family into a vortex of worry and hardship.
27. The secretive plot sucked the innocent man into a vortex of injustice and suffering.
28. The party sucked her into a vortex of alcohol and reckless behavior.
29. The political event devolved into a vortex of racial slurs and violence.
30. The hacking scandal created a vortex of distrust in government institutions.
31. The rumor mill created a destructive vortex of gossip and hearsay.
32. The energy from the dance formed a vortex at the center of the circle.
33. The news coverage created a media vortex around the missing child case.
34. The relationship issues sucked them into a vortex of distrust and hostility.
35. The white water rapids formed a whirlpool vortex that trapped the kayakers.
36. The controversy created a vortex of debate and division in the community.
37. The marketing battle sucked the competitors into a destructive vortex of expensive lawsuits.
38. The suspicious accusation created a vortex of doubt around his character.
39. The sinkhole's powerful vacuum created a dangerous vortex that sucked in debris.
40. The anger and resentment created a destructive vortex in their relationship.
41. The issue of corruption sucked the populous into a polarizing vortex of protest and anger.
42. His anger created a destructive vortex that sucked in everything around him.
43. The swirling rapids formed a dangerous vortex that pulled the boat in.
44. The tornado created a vortex of wind and debris that ripped through the town.
45. The friendly debate created a vortex of ideas and insights.
46. The leaking pipe created a powerful vortex that sucked debris out of the basement.
47. The scandal sucked the media into a destructive vortex of sensationalism and exaggeration.
48. The creative minds formed a vortex of new ideas and perspectives.
49. The plotline created an intriguing vortex that pulled the reader in.
50. The refereeing mistake sucked the teams into a vortex of anger and bad blood.
51. The scandal created a media vortex that threatened to swallow the whole administration.
52. The flooding created a powerful vortex that sucked debris into the storm drain.
53. The misunderstanding created a destructive vortex of resentment and miscommunication.
54. The hurricane created a vortex that weakened buildings and uprooted trees.
55. The issue polarized the public, sucking them into a destructive vortex of hostility and mistrust.
56. The ethical lapse sucked the whole company into a vortex of public outrage and declining profits.
57. The whirlpool created a powerful vortex that trapped debris and swimmers in its current.
58. The politics created a divisive vortex that pulled the party apart.
59. The lavish lifestyle sucked him into a destructive vortex of debt and poor decisions.
60. The structural failure created a dangerous vortex that sucked debris into the collapsing hole.

Common Phases

1. Vortex of activity- Used to describe a whirlwind of constant action, chaos and busyness.
Example: The office was a vortex of activity as they tried to meet the deadline.
2. Vortex of controversy- Used to describe a situation that has created a lot of disagreement and debate.
Example: The court's decision created a vortex of controversy in the legal community.
3. Sucked into a vortex- Used to describe being drawn into a chaotic and destructive situation.
Example: The family was sucked into a vortex of debt and hardship after the father lost his job.
4. Spiraled into a vortex- Used to describe a situation that deteriorated into a chaotic and out of control state.
Example: The mission spiraled into a vortex of confusion and danger when the guide got lost.
5. Became a vortex- Used to describe something that developed into a chaotic center of activity.
Example: The news event quickly became a vortex of media attention and speculation.
6. Pull into a vortex- Used to describe drawing someone into a chaotic and destructive situation.
Example: The gambling addiction threatened to pull him into a destructive financial vortex.
7. Whirlwind vortex- Used to describe a rapidly swirling and chaotic situation.
Example: The company was caught up in a whirlwind vortex of negative publicity.
8. Spin into a vortex- Used to describe a situation that deteriorated into an uncontrolled and chaotic state.
Example: The sibling rivalry threatened to spin into a destructive family vortex.
9. Dangerous vortex- Used to describe a chaotic situation that poses risks or harm.
Example: The financial crisis became a dangerous vortex that threatened the whole economy.
10. Polarizing vortex- Used to describe a situation that divides people in opposing viewpoints and causes conflict.
Example: The political debate became a polarizing vortex that divided friends and family.

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