Warble example sentences

Related (5): trill, chirp, tweet, sing, vocalize

"Warble" Example Sentences

1. The larks warbled a beautiful melody as the sun rose.
2. The finches warbled cheerfully from their perches on the branches.
3. The mockingbird warbled and trilled across the garden in the early morning.
4. The canaries warbled merrily from their cages.
5. The colorful songbirds warbled joyfully in the trees.
6. The birds warbled and chirped all around me as I hiked through the woods.
7. The blackbird warbled a tinkly tune in the hawthorn bushes.
8. The sweet song of the thrush warbled against the stillness of dawn.
9. The robin warbled his cheerful melody to greet the new day.
10. The crickets warbled throughout the hot summer night.
11. The warblers warbled gaily in chorus from every corner of the garden.
12. The skylarks high above our heads warbled a sweet chorus.
13. The yellowthroat warbled its descending ditty from the bushy understory.
14. The melodious nightingale warbled its enchanting serenade under the moonlight.
15. The yellow-breasted chat warbled incessantly from the tall reeds.
16. The mockingbird warbled and trilled with impressive mimicry.
17. I could hear the oriole warbling from deep within the forest.
18. The tanager warbled a complex, syncopated melody as it flew from tree to tree.
19. The blackcap warbled its complex song of whistles and trills.
20. The bobolink warbled its bubbly, erratic melody as it flew over the meadow.
21. The bunting warbled merrily from the hawthorn hedge.
22. The goldfinch warbled a sweet, melodic tune to its mate.
23. The wren warbled cheerfully from its nest hidden in the rose bush.
24. The garden warbler warbled high and clear above the honeysuckle.
25. The chickadees happily warbled from atop their leafless perches.
26. The magpie warbled tunelessly from its lofty lookout post.
27. The nightingale warbled its beautiful sonata to serenade his love.
28. The kinglet warbled shrilly from amidst the dusty evergreen boughs.
29. She began to warble the old folk song she had learned as a child.
30. The marching band warbled and clattered down the main street during the parade.
31. The old man warbled a few bars of an old Irish tune.
32. The caged bird sadly warbled its solitary tune.
33. The child warbled a nonsensical melody as he scribbled in his notebook.
34. The nestling warbled plaintively from deep within the cup of the nest.
35. The mockingbird warbled and imitated the songs of the other birds.
36. The tune he warbled on the flute was cheerful and upbeat.
37. The brown creeper warbled softly as it crept up the trunk of an oak tree.
38. As the soprano began to warble her beautiful aria, the audience fell silent.
39. The veteran barbershop quartet warbled nostalgic tunes from decades past.
40. The choir warbled the hymn with gusto and good cheer.
41. The parrot warbled a few bars of a pop song before squawking loudly.
42. She warbled a nonsensical rhyme while brushing her hair in front of the mirror.
43. The children warbled a silly campfire tune as they roasted marshmallows.
44. The kindergarteners warbled their way through "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star."
45. The drunkards in the corner warbled incoherently over their pints.
46. The whistlers warbled their way down the street on their morning stroll.
47. The group of adolescents giggled as they warbled an off-key rendition of the hit song.
48. The crowd warbled the national anthem to start off the big game.
49. The fishermen warbled sea shanties as they sailed along the coast.
50. The employees warbled "Happy Birthday" to their boss as he walked in the door.
51. The little lambs warbled pitifully, looking for their mothers.
52. The idiot's speech had devolved into warbling nonsense.
53. The clown warbled nonsensical gibberish to entertain the children.
54. The ailing grandmother's speech had become unintelligible warbling.
55. He warbled a few notes of some forgotten melody.
56. The old ram's bleating had devolved into warbling grunts.
57. My young son warbled amusingly as he pretended to sing along to the radio.
58. The exotic bird warbled an insistent, yet unfamiliar call.
59. The whippoorwills warbled their haunting melodies throughout the night.
60. Her shrill, tuneless warbling caused the cat to run from the room.

Common Phases

warbled a/an (adjective) tune/song/melody
Example: The bird warbled a cheerful melody.
warbled (adverb) from/in/on/amongst (location)
Example: The mockingbird warbled joyfully from the tree branch.
warbled (adverb) in a/an (adjective) manner
Example: The finch warbled in a shrill tone.
warbled (adverb) their/his/her (possessive pronoun) way
Example: The whistlers warbled their way down the street.
began to warble
Example: She began to warble an old folk song.
warbled (adverb) (intonation)
Example: The singer warbled tunefully.
continued to warble
Example: The crickets continued to warble throughout the night.
warbled (adverb) and trilled/imitated/chirped/sang etc.
Example: The mockingbird warbled and trilled with impressive mimicry.
Does this help provide some examples of common phrases using the word 'warble'? Let me know if you have any other questions.

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