Watchdogverb example sentences

Related (8): bark, guard, alert, monitor, patrol, scrutinize, sniff, supervise

"Watchdogverb" Example Sentences

1. Watchdogverb the situation to ensure the safety of all.
2. We must watchdogverb the progress of the project.
3. The team will watchdogverb the data to ensure accuracy.
4. The supervisor must watchdogverb the employees.
5. We need to watchdogverb the progress of the work.
6. He will watchdogverb the process to ensure success.
7. They must watchdogverb the situation to prevent mistakes.
8. We should watchdogverb the results to make sure they are correct.
9. The manager needs to watchdogverb the project to make sure it is completed on time.
10. The team must watchdogverb the process to make sure it is efficient.
11. She needs to watchdogverb the performance of the staff.
12. We must watchdogverb the situation to make sure it is safe.
13. He will watchdogverb the results to ensure accuracy.
14. The supervisor must watchdogverb the progress of the work.
15. They should watchdogverb the project to make sure it is successful.
16. We must watchdogverb the data to ensure its accuracy.
17. The manager needs to watchdogverb the employees to make sure they are meeting expectations.
18. The team should watchdogverb the process to make sure it is effective.
19. She will watchdogverb the situation to prevent any mistakes.
20. We need to watchdogverb the results to make sure they are accurate.
21. He must watchdogverb the progress of the project.
22. The supervisor should watchdogverb the performance of the staff.
23. They must watchdogverb the project to ensure it is completed on time.
24. We must watchdogverb the data to make sure it is correct.
25. The manager needs to watchdogverb the process to make sure it is efficient.
26. The team should watchdogverb the situation to ensure safety.
27. She will watchdogverb the results to make sure they are accurate.
28. We need to watchdogverb the progress of the work to make sure it is successful.
29. He must watchdogverb the performance of the employees.
30. The supervisor should watchdogverb the project to ensure its success.
31. They must watchdogverb the data to make sure it is accurate.
32. We must watchdogverb the process to make sure it is effective.
33. The manager needs to watchdogverb the situation to prevent any mistakes.
34. The team should watchdogverb the results to ensure accuracy.
35. She will watchdogverb the progress of the work to make sure it is successful.
36. We need to watchdogverb the performance of the staff.
37. He must watchdogverb the project to make sure it is completed on time.
38. The supervisor should watchdogverb the data to ensure its accuracy.
39. They must watchdogverb the process to make sure it is efficient.
40. We must watchdogverb the situation to ensure safety.

Common Phases

Check; Monitor; Supervise; Audit; Assess; Inspect; Investigate; Enforce; Examine; Track; Evaluate; Oversee.

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