Waterlog example sentences
Related (9): drenched, soaked, saturated, flooded, submerged, swamped, inundated, water-sodden, immersed.
waterlog (verb) · waterlogs (third person present) · waterlogged (past tense) · waterlogged (past participle) · waterlogging (present participle) · water-log (verb) · water-logs (third person present) · water-logged (past tense) · water-logged (past participle) · water-logging (present participle)
- saturate with water; make (something) waterlogged:
"Waterlog" Example Sentences
1. The flood waters waterlogged the basement.
2. The waterlogged house smelled musty and damp.
3. The sandbags did little to prevent the fields from becoming waterlogged.
4. The monsoon rains had waterlogged the soil, making planting impossible.
5. The heavy downpour left the roads waterlogged and impassable.
6. The storm surge pushed seawater into the city, waterlogging much of the downtown area.
7. The sand in the palm's root ball had become waterlogged, causing the leaves to yellow.
8. The prolonged rainstorm left the garden beds waterlogged for days.
9. The heavy dew waterlogged the paper, making the ink run.
10. The deck boards became waterlogged and started to rot.
11. The soggy football field was waterlogged after the rain had finally stopped.
12. The waterlogged book pages became stuck together.
13. The car got stuck in the waterlogged ditch.
14. Waterlogging stressed the plants and caused some of them to die.
15. The waterlogged dead tree was a hazard, ready to fall at any moment.
16. Our shoes squelched water as we walked through the waterlogged field.
17. The sewer backup left the basement waterlogged and unusable.
18. The waterlogged insulation failed to prevent heat loss and pipes froze.
19. The rice crop failed due to the fields becoming waterlogged for too long.
20. The leaky roof waterlogged the hardwood floors, causing the boards to warp.
21. The spring flooding had left the prairie waterlogged and muddy for months.
22. The storm surge left the marshlands waterlogged and impassable for days.
23. The flooded streetcorners became muddy, waterlogged swamps.
24. The mines flooded and became permanently waterlogged.
25. The moldy scent of waterlogged paper greeted us as we entered the study.
26. The normally lush farmland lay waterlogged and fallow.
27. Our shoes squished as we walked through the waterlogged grass.
28. The campsite became a waterlogged mess after the downpour.
29. Animals avoided the waterlogged area due to lack of dry ground and food sources.
30. The construction was delayed due to the site becoming waterlogged over the winter.
31. The foundation plantings became a mush of waterlogged soil and mulch.
32. The dirt road turned into a quagmire of waterlogged mud.
33. The archaeologists had to pause excavation during the season of waterlogged ground.
34. The basement carpet became waterlogged and had to be removed.
35. The paper products became pulpy and waterlogged after the leak.
36. The gun never fired properly again after becoming waterlogged.
37. The rotten floor joists had become waterlogged and weakened over the years.
38. The waterlogged field became a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
39. The benefits of irrigation were outweighed by the risks of waterlogging the soil.
40. Mud squished between our toes as we hiked through the waterlogged trail.
41. The sandbag walls did little to prevent the field from becoming waterlogged.
42. The car didn't start after the engine became waterlogged during the flood.
43. The city was brought to a standstill by the waterlogged streets.
44. The waterlogged grain bags were tossed aside as a total loss.
45. The woodpile became waterlogged and useless after the heavy rains.
46. The city spent weeks pumping water from the waterlogged subway tunnels.
47. Irrigation without proper drainage risks waterlogging the orchards.
48. The soggy cardboard became waterlogged and started falling apart.
49. Our shoes were caked with waterlogged mud from the soybean field.
50. The swampy area became waterlogged after the dam broke.
Common Phases
1. The whole basement was waterlogged after the storm.
2. The historic papers had been waterlogged for so long they were illegible.
3. The farm fields were waterlogged and farmers could not plant their crops.
4. The flood waters receded but left everything in the town waterlogged and covered in mud.
5. The heavy rains caused waterlogging in the rice fields, harming the crop.
6. The storm surge waterlogged many coastal homes, causing extensive damage.
7. The hurricanes fierce winds and heavy rains left the city waterlogged for weeks.
8. The waterlogged field was too soggy to play soccer on.
9. The car engine was waterlogged after being submerged in flood waters for so long.
10. The firemen had to pump out the waterlogged basement of the old house.
11. The rainy season left the ground so waterlogged that very little grew in the fields.
12. High groundwater levels waterlogged many of the homes in the floodplain area.
13. The old newspapers and photographs had been in the attic for decades and were totally waterlogged.
14. The rising floodwaters waterlogged everything in the ground floor of the house.
15. The heavy rains turned parts of the street into small lakes, waterlogging the basements of nearby buildings.
16. The soaked, waterlogged plants were beyond saving after being flooded for so long.
17. The hurricane dumped so much rain that all the crops were waterlogged and ruined.
18. The waterlogged books had mildew growing on their pages and covers.
19. The furniture in the basement was waterlogged from the burst pipe flooding.
20. The soggy, waterlogged playing field was closed for the rest of the season.
21. The old rice fields were so waterlogged during rainy season they grew moss instead of crops.
22. The storm surge from the hurricane left the basement totally waterlogged.
23. The furniture had to be thrown out after sitting waterlogged for several days.
24. The root cellar was always musty and waterlogged during the rainy season.
25. The carpets were beyond saving after being completely waterlogged for a few days.
26. The hardwood floors buckled and warped after lying waterlogged for too long.
27. The photographs were valuable but completely waterlogged and stuck together.
28. The tide coming in left the tide pools waterlogged for hours before receding.
29. The rice paddies were purposely kept waterlogged throughout the growing season.
30. The soccer pitch was waterlogged for days after all the heavy rainstorms.
31. The ancient papyrus scrolls were so waterlogged they were illegible.
32. The marsh area was constantly waterlogged and soggy, making it difficult to walk through.
33. The outdoor court was waterlogged and unusable after sitting in heavy dew all morning.
34. The waterlogged documents proved hard to scan and digitize for preservation.
35. The field marshals again complained that the playing fields were too waterlogged for maneuvers.
36. The waterlogged wood rotted quickly even after being dried.
37. The mangled car sat waterlogged and rusting in the floodplain for years.
38. The moldy, waterlogged insulation had to be ripped out of the basement.
39. The historic battlefield lay mostly waterlogged and marshy for much of the year.
40. The muddy, waterlogged trail made hiking through the swamp unpleasant.
41. The match was called off due to the waterlogged pitch being deemed unsafe for play.
42. The waterlogging of the soil resulted in poor crop yield that year.
43. The musty smell in the basement came from the old waterlogged insulation.
44. The gym was closed due to the court being totally waterlogged from a pipe leak.
45. The intermittent flooding left the stream banks frequently waterlogged and muddy.
46. The coast suffered from ongoing waterlogging problems due to encroaching sea levels.
47. The area around the pier was constantly waterlogged due to the proximity to the bay.
48. The floods left so much of the valley waterlogged that mosquitoes bred at an alarming rate.
49. The furniture moved before it could dry out sat waterlogged and moldy for years.
50. The rain softened road turned into mud, waterlogging many cars and trucks.
51. The field was so waterlogged after the heavy rain that practices had to be canceled.
52. The old hot tub sat waterlogged and unused in the backyard for years.
53. The climbing gear sat waterlogged and moldy for too long before being replaced.
54. The heavy clay soil becomes waterlogged quickly during rainy periods.
55. The old, abandoned ship sat waterlogged and rusting in the harbor for decades.
56. The drains could not handle the heavy rain, leaving parts of the basement totally waterlogged.
57. The poorly drained field was often waterlogged and muddy after average rainfalls.
58. The pages of the diary had stuck together over the years due to being left waterlogged.
59. The cave system was prone to waterlogging during the wet season.
60. The swampy area was usually quite waterlogged and soggy throughout the year.
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