Watershed example sentences

Related (3): divide, milestone, game-changer

"Watershed" Example Sentences

1. The new legislation marked a watershed moment in environmental policy.
2. The invention of the printing press was a watershed event in human history.
3. The election victory was a major watershed that shifted politics for years to come.
4. The Supreme Court ruling was seen as a watershed decision for civil rights.
5. The scientific breakthrough represented a watershed in medical progress.
6. His conversion to nonviolence was a watershed point in his life.
7. The storm caused major flooding and damage to homes and businesses along the watershed.
8. Protecting watersheds is important for conserving water resources.
9. The boundary between the two watersheds is marked by a hill ridge.
10. Water flow and drainage patterns are determined by the shape of the watershed.
11. Development within a watershed can impact water quality downstream.
12. Urbanization and deforestation alter the natural hydrology of a watershed.
13. Watershed management aims to balance growth with resource conservation.
14. The watershed planning process involves stakeholder input and integrated solutions.
15. Healthy watershed ecosystems provide important benefits for people and wildlife.
16. Excessive runoff from farms and roads pollutes the watershed.
17. Best management practices can help reduce pollution in watersheds.
18. Reforestation efforts are underway within the degraded watershed.
19. Volunteers planted trees along stream banks within the urban watershed.
20. The watershed authority monitors water quality and manages resources.
21. The new report provides an updated assessment of conditions within the watershed.
22. The master plan outlines strategies for improving watershed health.
23. The upper watershed contains most of the remaining forested areas.
24. Volunteer programs engage citizens in watershed stewardship.
25. The drought created challenges for water supply within the river's watershed.
26. The tributaries feed into the main waterway that drains the watershed.
27. Water conservation efforts are needed throughout the expansive watershed.
28. Floodplains provide natural water storage and filtration within a watershed.
29. Wetlands serve as natural sponges that help regulate flow through the watershed.
30. Aquifers replenish underground water supplies for communities within the watershed.
31. Land use patterns continue to change and evolve within the dynamic watershed.
32. Wildlife populations are indicators of watershed health.
33. The watershed is prone to seasonal flooding that impacts local residents.
34. Climate change is expected to alter hydrologic cycles and water availability within watersheds.
35. Snowmelt runoff is an important source of water influx for the mountain watershed.
36. Restoring riparian habitat can improve water quality within the degraded watershed.
37. Nonpoint source pollution from farms remains an ongoing challenge for the watershed.
38. Drought conditions have stressed both people and ecosystems within the watershed.
39. The vast network of creeks and streams that form the watershed support diverse wildlife.
40. Conservation easements help preserve ecologically important lands within the watershed.
41. The once-pristine watershed now faces numerous threats to its long-term health and integrity.
42. Collective action is needed across the watershed to solve complex problems.
43. Collaborative watershed groups bring together diverse stakeholders.
44. Grassroots efforts are helping restore vitality to the long-suffering watershed.
45. Coordinated strategies are being implemented across jurisdictional boundaries within the watershed.
46. Upstream/downstream connections within the watershed must be considered in management plans.
47. Comprehensive watershed planning integrates ecological, social, and economic objectives.
48. The watershed vision seeks to balance human and environmental needs.
49. Modeling tools help researchers better understand hydrologic patterns within complex watersheds.
50. Long-term water quality monitoring provides insights into changes over time within the watershed.

Common Phases

1. The dam built across the river created a large reservoir that changed the landscape of the region in a watershed moment.
2. The passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a watershed moment in the history of race relations in the United States.
3. The protests earlier this year marked a watershed moment for the movement that will hopefully lead to real change.
4. The new invention was seen as a watershed event that would change the industry forever.
5. The floodwaters spread across the low-lying plain in a devastating watershed event.
6. The invention of the printing press was a watershed event that drastically altered the spread of knowledge.
7. The treaty signed between the two neighboring countries marked a watershed moment and led to decades of peace.
8. The new policy from the government was seen as a watershed decision that would profoundly impact education.
9. Experts believe the election results will have watershed implications for the future of the country.
10. The discovery of running water changed the fortunes of settlers in the region, marking an important watershed in the settlement's history.
11. His inauguration speech was seen as a potential watershed address that could reshape political discourse.
12. The court ruling was viewed as a watershed decision that could have far-reaching effects.
13. The overturning of that previous court ruling was considered a watershed moment for civil rights.
14. The new law represents a watershed milestone in environmental protection policy.
15. The invention of the television was a watershed development that changed media and entertainment forever.
16. The passage of that particular amendment to the constitution marked an important watershed point in history.
17. Activists hope the demonstrations will prove to be a watershed event that leads to real social change.
18. The election of the first woman president would represent a watershed moment for gender equality on the global stage.
19. The convention marked an important watershed in public awareness of the issue.
20. The new study was seen as a watershed piece of research that could dramatically shift scientific understanding of the topic.
21. The Olympic victory has the potential to be a watershed moment for the athlete's career.
22. The record sale of the artwork marked an important watershed point for the art market.
23. The economic crisis proved to be a watershed moment that exposed systemic problems.
24. The verdict in the high-profile trial was seen as a watershed decision by the justice system.
25. Many are looking to the new pope's remarks as a potential watershed that could alter the church's approach to world issues.
26. The new program aims to be a watershed initiative that provides real solutions to complex problems.
27. His appointment to the position could mark a watershed development in policy making.
28. The scandal served as a watershed event that forced the industry to change its practices.
29. The revisions to the tax code represent an important watershed in economic policy.
30. The momentous discovery marked a watershed in scientific progress.
31. The revolutionary technology has the potential to be a watershed advancement.
32. The speech ignited passions and is now seen as a watershed address that helped spur social change.
33. New strategies are aimed at making this watershed moment result in real transformation.
34. The environmental disaster was seen as an unfortunate watershed event that highlighted the need for change.
35. Experts call the new guidelines a watershed in care and treatment.
36. Her memoirs were seen as a watershed account that reshaped public perception of events.
37. Progress has been slow in turning this watershed moment into meaningful reform.
38. The voyage marked an important watershed in human exploration.
39. The new filing is seen as a watershed case that could set legal precedents.
40. The housing market crash represented a watershed event that led to the recession.
41. The tea party movement represented a potential watershed moment in the shift of political power in the U.S.
42. The armistice signed that day marked an important watershed in ending the war.
43. Many experts considered his resignation as president a watershed moment in U.S. political history.
44. The new medicine is being hailed as a watershed cure that could save millions of lives.
45. The confirmation of the new justice to the Supreme Court may mark a watershed shift in ideological balance.
46. The stock market crash of 1929 is considered a watershed event that ushered in the Great Depression.
47. His victory in the election is seen by many as a watershed moment that could transform the political landscape.
48. The spread of tariffs represented a watershed period that shaped international trade for decades.
49. The merger of the two companies represents a watershed event in the evolution of the industry.
50. The new regulations are hoped to mark an important watershed for consumer protection.
51. The demonstration proved to be a watershed event that galvanized support for the movement.
52. The apocalyptic events threatened to be a watershed moment that changed society forever.
53. The conference provided an important watershed in our understanding of current events.
54. The album release marked a watershed moment in the musician's career.
55. The storm triggered devastating floods that ecologists call a watershed event for the region.
56. The unveiling of the invention was touted as a watershed moment that would revolutionize the field.
57. The new method of treatment marks an important watershed for medical science.
58. Some consider this discovery to be a watershed point that reshaped scientific understanding.
59. The innovation has the potential to be a watershed development that transforms the industry.
60. The decision proved to be an unfortunate watershed that led to further problems down the road.

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