Wen example sentences

Related (6): tumor, growth, nodule, cyst, lump, swelling

"Wen" Example Sentences

1. The wen on his neck was oozing pus.
2. The doctor removed the uncomfortable wen.
3. The wen grew larger over time.
4. She had several wens removed from her face.
5. The barber gave him a close shave, avoiding the wen on his cheek.
6. The wen was inflamed and needed medical attention.
7. The wen started out small but grew rapidly.
8. The wen was full of fluid and needed to be drained.
9. The doctor prescribed an ointment to apply to the wen.
10. The wen made his skin itchy and sore.
11. The barber reluctantly agreed to shave around the large wen on his customer's neck.
12. The wen was ulcerated and needed immediate surgical removal.
13. The surgeon carefully excised the wen from his patient's forehead.
14. Her grandmother's wens were a source of embarrassment.
15. She tried using numerous home remedies to get rid of the wen on her back.
16. The wen on his scalp oozed a yellowish fluid.
17. The wen moved around under his skin when he touched it.
18. The doctor recommended surgery to remove the bothersome wen.
19. The large wen affected his self-confidence.
20. The wen left an ugly scar after being removed.
21. Small wens are rarely anything to worry about but larger ones need medical attention.
22. The wen was radiating heat and becoming more painful.
23. The doctor lanced the inflamed wen and drained the bloody pus.
24. The wen on the old man's neck had been there for decades.
25. The wen made an unattractive bump under his shirt collar.
26. As the large wen grew, it began to interfere with his ability to turn his head.
27. He had lived with the small wen on his face for years.
28. The dermatologist carefully examined the wens on the patient's back and arms.
29. The more wens that appeared, the more self-conscious she became.
30. The wen kept getting caught on his shirt collar.
31. A wen can be removed fairly easily in a doctor's office.
32. The doctor diagnosed the red, inflamed wen as infected.
33. Herbal remedies failed to shrink the large wen on his neck.
34. The wen turned out to be non-cancerous after having a biopsy done.
35. The dermatologist recommended surgical removal of the constantly-growing wen.
36. The wen was unsightly but otherwise benign.
37. The doctor injected a numbing agent before excising the inflamed wen.
38. The wen grew larger within a matter of weeks.
39. The wen turned a dark, purplish color as it became infected.
40. The family doctor had been monitoring the slowly growing wen for years.
41. The infant had a small congenital wen on her back.
42. The barber used extra caution while shaving around the large wen.
43. The wen had been causing pain and irritation for months.
44. The old woman had accumulated numerous small wens over the years.
45. The wen looked like it had doubled in size overnight.
46. The doctor prescribed antibiotics to treat the infected wen.
47. The wen started as a tiny bump but quickly became disfiguring.
48. The wen throbbed painfully when touched.
49. He had lived with the embarrassing wen on his face for most of his life.
50. Numerous ineffective home remedies had failed to shrink the large wen on his neck.

Common Phases

remove the wen
surgically remove the wen
the wen on his neck/face/scalp
the large/small wen
the inflamed wen
the painful/irritating/itchy wen
the infected wen
the constantly growing/enlarging wen
the wen had become...
monitor the wen
get rid of the wen
live with the wen
the wen had been there for...
home remedies for the wen
inject the wen
the wen needed to be drained
the doctor examined the wen
the wen left an ugly scar
the wen interfered with...
the wen affected his self-confidence
the wen kept getting caught...
the wen was oozing pus/fluid
the wen turned purplish/red
the wen felt like a lump under the skin

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