Intercessory example sentences

Related (5): prayers, petitions, mediation, intervention, advocacy

"Intercessory" Example Sentences

1. Father John is known for his intercessory prayers.
2. The church has a group of intercessory prayer warriors.
3. The intercessory team prayed for the safety of the missionaries.
4. The Bible suggests that Jesus is an intercessory mediator.
5. The intercessory ministry has helped many families overcome difficulties.
6. She asked her friend to make an intercessory prayer on her behalf.
7. Their intercessory prayers have brought many miraculous healings.
8. The intercessory team fasted and prayed for three days.
9. The congregation was grateful for the intercessory prayer service provided by the church.
10. The pastor encouraged the congregation to take part in intercessory prayers.
11. His intercessory appeal saved the life of the accused.
12. The intercessory ministry organizes weekly prayer sessions for the sick.
13. The intercessory prayer chain is always active in times of crisis.
14. The intercessory ministry is a vital part of the local church.
15. The intercessory team gathered to pray for those affected by the natural disaster.
16. His intercessory prayers for global peace were heard and answered.
17. The intercessory ministry deals with various prayer requests and petitions.
18. The church hosts an intercessory prayer conference once a year.
19. The congregation witnessed many answered prayers as a result of the intercessory team's efforts.
20. The intercessory prayer group has grown to become a strong ministry in the church.
21. They hired an intercessory prayer specialist to help them through a difficult time.
22. Many people turned to intercessory prayer during the pandemic.
23. The intercessory ministry offers confidential prayer support to individuals and families.
24. She felt comforted knowing that the intercessory team was praying for her.
25. The Bible encourages believers to engage in intercessory prayers for others.
26. The intercessory team prayed for guidance for the leaders of the country.
27. The intercessory ministry provides resources and training on prayer and intercession.
28. The pastor's wife heads the intercessory prayer team in the church.
29. He credits his recovery to the intercessory prayers of his family and friends.
30. The intercessory team prayed for peace and reconciliation in a community torn by violence.

Common Phases

1. Lord, we come before you with intercessory prayers; we lift up our loved ones who are in need of your healing touch.
2. Father, we ask for your intercessory power to be upon us as we pray for the leaders of our country.
3. Holy Spirit, guide us as we engage in intercessory prayer for our families and friends.
4. God, we seek your intercessory hand to be upon those who are grieving, that they may find comfort and peace.
5. Jesus, we thank you for your intercessory work on our behalf, and we ask for your continued guidance and protection.

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