"Whet" Example Sentences
1. His appetite was whetted after the long hike.
2. The aroma of freshly baked bread served to whet his appetite for lunch.
3. The smell of spices from the kitchen got her taste buds tingling and whetted her appetite.
4. The prospect of victory in the upcoming tournament whetted their competitive spirit.
5. The debate whetted their intellectual appetite for further discussion.
6. The tour of the chocolate factory served to whet their sweet tooth.
7. The controversy only served to whet the public's interest in the topic.
8. The sound of birds chirping in the morning whetted his appetite for experiencing nature.
9. The storytelling session whet their desire for more tales of adventure.
10. Their desire for change was further whetted by the events of recent weeks.
11. The news report whetted his curiosity about the mysterious unfolding events.
12. The enticing menu descriptions simply whetted my hunger.
13. She used the dagger to whet the edge of the sword.
14. He made a habit of whetting his razor every morning.
15. I take a stone to whet the edge of my knife often.
16. The students continued to whet their debating skills through regular practice.
17. The challenging opposing arguments served to whet her mental acuity.
18. Her competitive spirit was further whetted after watching her rivals excel.
19. The sight of victory within reach whetted his determination to succeed.
20. Her appetite for knowledge was further whetted by exposure to new ideas.
21. The advertisement campaign only served to whet consumers' desire for the product.
22. His desire for more news stories was further whetted after reading the daily paper.
23. The photographer's vision was further whetted after viewing masterpieces of art.
24. Her creative drive was further whetted after watching her favorite films.
25. The journalist whetted his pen on a fresh supply of ink before writing his next story.
26. The rivals whetted their swords before engaging in the duel.
27. The beleaguered troops briefly whetted their blades before facing the enemy army.
28. He took up the stone to whet the edge of his ax before chopping more logs of wood.
29. The professor used discussion questions to whet students' intellectual curiosity.
30. The frightening story served to whet the children's interest in hearing more tales.
31. The discussion of fascinating scientific theories only seemed to further whet my hunger for knowledge.
32. The interesting interview had the effect of whetting my appetite for political analysis.
33. Sharp logic and clear arguments were used to whet the wit of philosophers during debates.
34. The inspiring speech whetted the crowd's desire for revolutionary change.
35. The tour guide used stories to whet tourists' interest in visiting local attractions.
36. The frightening glimpse of danger served to whet the adventurer's desire for risk.
37. The championship match served to whet both teams' competitive spirit to excel.
38. The history lesson whetted the students' curiosity about ancient events.
39. The fantastic rumors only served to whet public interest in the hidden secrets.
40. The demonstration of new technologies further whetted engineers' desire for innovation.
41. The politician used shocking details in his speech to whet voters' desire for change.
42. The exchange of opposing ideas in debate simply served to further whet our intellectual thirst.
43. Experience had taught him to whet the blade carefully before shaving.
44. The performance of his rivals only served to further whet his competitive drive.
45. She took up the stone to whet the blade of her knife before slicing the meat.
46. The review of challenging concepts only seemed to further whet my desire for learning.
47. The enticing song lyrics simply served to further whet my appetite for that genre of music.
48. The warriors whet their blades in preparation for battle.
49. My hunger had been sufficiently whetted by the delicious scent wafting from the kitchen.
50. Her ambition was further whet by promises of promotion.
51. Fresh challenges only served to further whet her competitive spirit.
52. His appetite for adventure was further whet after reading the book.
53. The journalist used provocative quotes to whet readers' interest in the article.
54. The preview of coming attractions served only to further whet public curiosity.
55. The ad's stunning imagery simply served to further whet consumers' desire for the product.
56. The rumor mill only seemed to further whet public appetite for salacious gossip.
57. The prospect of discovering treasures whetted the pirates' desire to plunder.
58. The published excerpts only served to further whet readers' desire for the full book.
59. Fresh challenges on the trail only seemed to further whet their desire for adventure.
60. The promise of more stories simply served to further whet children's interest in learning.
Common Phases
Whet one's appetite - Increase one's desire for food or stimulation.
Whet one's curiosity - Increase one's mental curiosity or interest in something.
Whet one's interest - Make someone more interested in something.
Whet one's desire - Increase someone's longing or craving for something.
Whet one's thirst - Increase someone's desire or hunger for something.
Whet one's competitive spirit - Make someone more eager to compete.
Whet one's blade - Sharpen a blade by rubbing it against a stone.
Whet one's wits - Sharpen someone's mental acuity or intellectual faculties.