While example sentences
"While" Example Sentences
1. While I was cooking dinner, the phone rang.
2. While walking down the street, I saw an old friend.
3. While on vacation, we visited many historic sites.
4. While waiting in line, I started reading a book.
5. While in college, I studied English literature.
6. While watching the news, I fell asleep on the couch.
7. While the kids were napping, we enjoyed a quiet cup of tea.
8. While we were driving, it started raining cats and dogs.
9. While reading his book, he drank a cup of coffee.
10. While shopping at the mall, I spotted my neighbor.
11. I ate a snack while doing my homework.
12. While out for a jog, I saw a deer cross the path.
13. The kids played in the yard while I pulled weeds.
14. While she was running late, traffic became horribly jammed.
15. The puppy chewed on my shoes while I was at work.
16. She talked on the phone while driving down the street.
17. The patients waited patiently while the doctor ran late.
18. While working out at the gym, I met an old friend.
19. The evening news played on the TV while we cooked dinner.
20. While my sister was napping, I listened to music.
21. I wrote down ideas while I talked on the phone.
22. While watching the sunset, we held hands.
23. The mechanic worked on my brakes while I waited.
24. The tour guide talked while we walked through the museum.
25. He came up with the solution while taking a shower.
26. While I was sleeping, a package arrived at my door.
27. I did some yoga stretches while taking a break from work.
28. The teacher spoke while writing on the chalkboard.
29. Bob mowed the lawn while Sue made lemonade.
30. While brushing your teeth, think about what you want to accomplish.
31. I rested my eyes while the plane was taxiing.
32. The guests arrived while the dinner was cooking.
33. The puppy chewed on my slipper while I was reading.
34. While waiting for the bus, I read the newspaper.
35. I started crying while listening to that sad song.
36. Text me when you get home while I finish making dinner.
37. While practicing the violin, my dog howled loudly.
38. The fishermen sat by the lake while they waited for a bite.
39. I printed my homework while listening to music.
40. The children played outside while the adults chatted inside.
41. The athlete lifted weights while the coach talked strategy.
42. While jogging this morning, I saw the sunrise.
43. The secretary typed while the boss dictated.
44. The models walked down the runway while the audience applauded.
45. I checked my email while on hold with customer service.
46. The soldier wrote letters home while on deployment.
47. The teacher graded papers while her students worked independently.
48. While baking cookies, the scent filled the whole house.
49. The reporters filed their stories while waiting for the next segment.
50. I rested my feet while standing in line.
51. The team strategized while waiting for the second half to start.
52. I cleaned my room while listening to music.
53. The professor lectured while the students took notes.
54. While walking the dog this morning, I saw so many flowers blooming.
55. While painting the wall, I got paint all over myself.
56. I thought about the day while falling asleep.
57. The construction crew worked while traffic passed by.
58. The student studied while their friends went out.
59. The dog barked at the squirrel while I gardened outside.
60. While listening to music, I daydreamed about traveling.
Common Phases
1. While away (to occupy or spend time doing something)
e.g. I whiled away the hours reading a good book.
2. As long as/while: used to say something will continue for a period of time
e.g. You can stay here as long as/while you need.
3. All the while: during the entire time that something is happening
e.g. All the while I was working, my dog kept barking.
4. All along: used to say that something has been true the entire time
e.g. All along I knew he was lying to me.
5. Once in a while: occasionally
e.g. I go running once in a while to stay in shape.
6. Once and for all: permanently, conclusively
e.g. I'm going to solve this problem once and for all!
7. Make do (with): manage with what is available
e.g. We'll have to make do with what we've got.
8. Keep at bay: prevent from approaching or attacking
e.g. The soldiers were able to keep the enemy at bay.
9. At the same time: simultaneously
e.g. We left the house at the same time.
10. Take turns: alternate with each other
e.g. The children took turns riding the pony.
11. Lo and behold: used to express surprise at something discovered or seen
e.g. Lo and behold, there was a beautiful rainbow!
12. Come what may: regardless of what happens
e.g. Come what may, I'll stick by your decision.