Whimpering example sentences

Related (10): crying, whining, sobbing, moaning, wailing, yelping, blubbering, sniveling, howling, mewling.

"Whimpering" Example Sentences

1. The puppy lay on the floor whimpering in pain.
2. The abandoned kitten was curled up in a ball, whimpering softly.
3. The toddler sat on the floor of the supermarket aisle, whimpering and crying for his mother.
4. The wounded soldier lay on the stretcher, whimpering in agony.
5. The frightened child hid under the bed, whimpering and shaking.
6. I heard the young girl whimpering down the hall, scared from a nightmare.
7. The injured dog limped home, whimpering and bleeding.
8. The bullied boy sat alone in the corner, whimpering and sniffling.
9. The scared puppy crawled under the sofa, whimpering and shaking.
10. The baby was crying and whimpering, hungry for her mother's milk.
11. I hugged my son tight, trying to calm his whimpering sobs.
12. The horse whinnied and whimpered, desperately missing its companion.
13. The lost toddler stood in the middle of the mall, crying and whimpering for her mom.
14. The dying animal lay in the grass, whimpering pitifully.
15. I picked up the whimpering puppy and gently cradled him in my arms.
16. The stray dogs sat in the alley, whimpering and howling mournfully.
17. The frightened girl hid under the covers, whimpering softly into her pillow.
18. The frightened colt bucked and whinnied, whimpering for its mother.
19. The hurt child ran sobbing into his mother's arms, whimpering into her shoulder.
20. I heard the cat outside my window, meowing and whimpering to be let inside.
21. The patient moaned and whimpered in pain from the burn blistering his skin.
22. The dog was cowering under the table, whimpering and shaking in fear.
23. The neglected child sat alone in the corner of the playground, whimpering and sniffling.
24. The traumatized veteran sat alone in his room, trembling and whimpering from nightmares.
25. The young pup stumbled around blindly, whimpering pitifully for its litter mates.
26. The hungry infant cried and whimpered from her crib, desperately needing to be fed.
27. The elderly woman lay in bed moaning and whimpering, in pain and wanting help.
28. The horse neighed and whimpered, frantic from glimpsing lightning in the distance.
29. The frightened kitten trembled under the bed, meowing and whimpering in fear.
30. The soldier lay wounded and bleeding, whimpering in agony as he clutched his chest.
31. I could hear the lost puppy outside the door, whimpering and scratching to be let inside.
32. The child clung to her mother, whimpering and trembling with fear during the storm.
33. The wounded dog limped home, tail between its legs, whimpering pitifully.
34. The caged lion paced back and forth, whimpering mournfully for its freedom.
35. The abused dog cowered under the porch, whimpering and whining piteously.
36. The terrified toddler clung to her father's leg, whimpering and crying hysterically.
37. The starving stray ate the scraps from my hand, whimpering its gratitude.
38. The frightened mare scurried around the pasture, whinnying and whimpering at every noise.
39. The traumatized veteran curled up in a ball on the floor, shaking and whimpering from memories of war.
40. The neglected infant lay forgotten in its crib, crying and whimpering endlessly.
41. The lonely old dog lay on the porch, whimpering softly for companionship.
42. The beaten puppy cowered in the corner, trembling and whimpering from bruises.
43. The caged bird fluttered around the tiny enclosure, chirping and whimpering mournfully.
44. The bullied boy sat alone at recess, whimpering softly as he hugged his knees.
45. The stray cat sat forlornly on the stoop, meowing pitifully and whimpering with hunger.
46. The neglected child sat alone at lunchtime, whimpering quietly as he picked at his food.
47. The frightened toddler clung to my leg, trembling and whimpering at every loud noise.
48. The injured soldier moaned and whimpered, clutching his blood-soaked shirt.
49. The cold kitten mewed and whimpered, desperately seeking warmth and comfort.
50. The trembling puppy cowered under the table, whimpering and trembling in fear.
51. The baby cried and whimpered, desperately in need of his mother's loving embrace.
52. The trapped dog howled and whimpered, clawing desperately at the closed door.
53. The frightened calf scurried around the pen, mooing and whimpering for its mother.
54. The bullied child cried into his pillow at night, whimpering softly so his parents wouldn't hear.
55. The lost kitten mewed pathetically under the porch, whimpering and crying for its mom.
56. The neglected infant cried endlessly in its crib, whimpering and pleading for attention.
57. The wounded patient moaned and whimpered in pain as the doctor examined his injuries.
58. The beaten dog cowered under the porch, trembling and whimpering with injuries.
59. The shivering stray curled up on my doorstep, whimpering pitifully in the cold.
60. The scared toddler clung to my hand, trembling and whimpering at random noises.

Common Phases

1. whimpering sounds - sounds made by whimpering or crying
2. whimpering cries - the cries produced by whimpering
3. whimpering sobs - sobs accompanied by whimpering
4. whimpering softly - making quiet whimpering sounds
5. whimpering pitifully - whimpering in a pathetic or pitiable way
6. whimpering painfully - whimpering in a way that shows pain
7. whimpering mournfully - whimpering in a way that suggests sadness or grief
8. whimpering endlessly - whimpering continuously for a long time
9. whimpering with fear - whimpering because of being afraid or scared
10. whimpering with hunger - whimpering because of a need for food
11. whimpering with injury - whimpering resulting from a physical wound or trauma
12. whimpering for comfort - whimpering to express a need for consolation or reassurance

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