Whimperings example sentences

Related (29): 1. Whimperings, murmurs, groans, 2. Whimperings, whinings, moans, 3. Whimperings, cries, sobs, 4. Whimperings, wailings, lamentations, 5. Whimperings, sighs, whispers, 6. Whimperings, plaints, bemoanings, 7. Whimperings, mournings, 8. Whimperings, grumblings, mutterings, 9. Whimperings, mewlings, yelpings, 10. Whimperings, howlings, bawlings

"Whimperings" Example Sentences

1. The puppy's whimperings could be heard from inside the cardboard box.
2. The child's whimperings turned into sobs as she threw herself into her mother's arms.
3. His whimperings slowly subsided as his mother cradled him in her arms.
4. The whimperings and cries of the abandoned puppies broke our hearts.
5. The whimperings of the injured animal filled the air.
6. The whimperings of the hungry babies pierced the silence of the night.
7. The whimperings of the wounded soldier could barely be heard over the gunfire.
8. The whimperings and mewing of the kittens called out for their mother.
9. We heard the whimperings of what sounded like a distressed animal coming from the bushes.
10. The whimperings arose punctuated with sobs from the darkened room.
11. The whimperings of the frightened dog coming from under the porch pulled at our heartstrings.
12. The whimperings aroused our sympathy for the creature in pain.
13. The whimperings of the frightened children could be heard through the walls.
14. The whimperings and cries of the sleeping baby arose in the night.
15. Her whimperings gradually became soft snores as she drifted off to sleep.
16. The whimperings of the injured puppy broke my heart.
17. The whimperings and cries of the cold and hungry children filled the night air.
18. The whimperings of the wounded soldier filled the makeshift medical tent.
19. The whimperings of the lost puppy drew us closer to investigate.
20. The whimperings and cries of the sick infant pierced the still night.
21. We heard the whimperings of a scared animal coming from under the porch.
22. As we approached, the whimperings turned into strained barks.
23. The whimperings of the cold baby disturbed the stillness of the house.
24. The whimperings and cries of the neglected children brought tears to our eyes.
25. The whimperings of the frightened baby cut through the silence.
26. The whimperings of the wounded puppy called forth our sympathy.
27. The whimperings of the neglected child aroused concern.
28. The puppy's whimpering cries broke our hearts.
29. The whimperings of the frightened infant pierced the stillness of the night.
30. His whimperings faded as sleep overtook him.
31. The whimperings emanating from the corner tugged at our heartstrings.
32. Her whimperings sounded like they were coming from under the porch.
33. His whimperings subsided as she gently rocked him to sleep.
34. The whimperings and whines of the abandoned puppies pierced the still night air.
35. The whimperings came in waves punctuated by sobs.
36. The whimperings of the injured animal moved us to help.
37. The puppies' whimperings aroused sympathy within us.
38. The whimperings of the frightened child pulled at our conscience.
39. The whimperings eventually dissolved into whimpers and then silence.
40. The whimperings of the wounded puppy called out for help.
41. The whimperings of the abandoned infant moved us to action.
42. The whimperings of the frightened baby caused a wave of concern.
43. The whimperings of the wounded child filled the makeshift hospital.
44. The whimperings of the frightened dog called forth our compassion.
45. The whimperings of the cold baby pierced the silence of the night.
46. The whimperings and whines of the wounded puppy brought tears to our eyes.
47. Her whimperings subsided as her mother held her close.
48. The whimperings of the injured animal pulled at our heartstrings.
49. The whimperings slowly died away as the puppy fell into an exhausted sleep.
50. The whimperings of the frightened child awoke deep feelings of sympathy within us.
51. The whimperings of the lost puppy aroused deep feelings of empathy.
52. The whimpering cries of the neglected children awoke a deep moral outrage within us.
53. Her whimperings slowly faded as she drifted off to sleep in her mother's arms.
54. The whimperings and whines of the cold puppies broke our hearts.
55. His whimperings faded into soft snores as he fell into a deep sleep.
56. The whimperings soon gave way to shrill cries of distress.
57. The whimperings of the wounded animal pulled at our heartstrings and called us to action.
58. The whimperings of the frightened child broke the stillness of the night.
59. The whimperings eventually subsided as exhaustion overtook him.
60. The whimperings of the hungry infant pierced the stillness of the house.

Common Phases

1. The whimperings of the dying animal broke my heart.
2. The hurt whimperings of the lost puppy melted my resistance.
3. The frantic whimperings of the infant called the mother to its side.
4. The lonely whimperings of the wolf echoed through the forest.
5. I could hear the soft whimperings coming from beneath the porch.
6. The whimperings of the puppy awoke me during the middle of the night.
7. His whimperings and pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears.
8. I awoke to the distant whimperings of the abandoned dog.
9. The whimperings of the trapped mouse slowly died away.
10. Her whimperings filled the small room as she recounted her woes.
11. The infant's whimperings sent chills down my spine.
12. The frightened whimperings turned into full blown wails.
13. The whimperings of the wounded animal broke my heart.
14. His whimperings elicited no sympathy from his captors.
15. The lambs' whimperings called to mind their mother.
16. The whimperings soon turned to cries of agony.
17. The whimperings of the abused dog pulled at my heartstrings.
18. The kitten's weak whimperings for its mother pierced the silence.
19. The wounded creature's whimperings echoed in my dreams.
20. The frightened whimperings portended the coming calamity.
21. His whimperings were like the cries of a lost child.
22. The whimperings soon gave way to silence.
23. The whimperings of the prisoner filled the cold dark cell.
24. The sound of the kitten's whimperings pierced the silence of the night.
25. His whimperings begged mercy from his tormenters.
26. She became lost in her own whimperings and sorrow.
27. The whimperings grew steadily weaker.
28. The steady whimperings tore at my heart.
29. The lonely whimperings of the abandoned cub awoke my sympathy.
30. The whimperings of the injured animal awoke me from my slumber.
31. The whimperings soon faded away into nothingness.
32. The whimperings gave witness to the creature's suffering.
33. The whimperings came with increasing frequency.
34. The whimperings carried by the wind moved me to tears.
35. The whimperings of the frightened animal awoke me in the middle of the night.
36. The weak whimperings of the injured creature filled the early morning silence.
37. His whimperings begged for mercy that would never come.
38. The whimperings spoke of pain and loneliness.
39. The whimperings died away into an eerie silence.
40. The whimperings were pitiful to hear.
41. The haunting whimperings followed him into his dreams.
42. His whimperings told a tale of defeat and submission.
43. The whimperings grew fainter and fainter.
44. The whimperings filled the lonely house.
45. The terrified whimperings pierced the silent night.
46. The whimperings sounded like voices from the past.
47. The whimperings tugged at my conscience.
48. The animal's dying whimperings awoke his primal instincts.
49. The whimperings grew plaintive and grating.
50. The whimperings sounded like music to his cruel ears.
51. The whimperings echoed in the confined space.
52. His whimperings evoked no pity.
53. The whimperings spoke of abject fear and despair.
54. The whimperings carried by the wind tore at my heart.
55. The weary whimperings painted a pitiful picture.
56. His whimperings belied his former strength.
57. The whimperings dropped to a whisper.
58. The whimperings grew steadily weaker and fainter.
59. The whimperings were strangled and desperate.
60. The wavering whimperings were painful to hear.

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