Wifeys example sentences

Related (7): spouses, partners, soulmates, mates, beloveds, companions, girlfriends

"Wifeys" Example Sentences

1. The wifeys went out for their weekly ladies night out.
2. My wifey is the love of my life.
3. The wifeys planned a surprise party for their husband's 50th birthday.
4. The wifeys prepared dinner together before their husbands got home from work.
5. The wifeys chatted over coffee while their children played together.
6. I had to ask my wifey's permission before buying the new gadget.
7. The wifeys traveled together for their yearly girl's trip.
8. My wifey took care of me when I was sick.
9. The wifeys share parenting tips and advice with each other.
10. My wifey is my best friend.
11. The wifeys went shopping for new outfits together.
12. The wifeys cooked dinner for their hardworking husbands.
13. My wifey knows just what to say to cheer me up.
14. The wifeys laughed together over inside jokes only they would understand.
15. The wifeys were reminiscing about their wedding day.
16. My wifey encouraged me to pursue my dreams.
17.The wifeys hugged and comforted each other when needed.
18. My wifey's smile brightens up my whole day.
19. The wifeys celebrated their wedding anniversaries around the same time.
20. The wifeys spent lazy weekends lounging around with their husbands.
21. I had to ask my wifey for permission before making a big purchase.
22. My wifey took care of the kids while I was working late.
23. The wifeys enjoyed date nights with their spouses.
24. My wifey is my biggest fan and supporter.
25. The wifeys loved having each other for company at PTA meetings.
26. I texted my wifey to see what we needed from the grocery store.
27. My wifey and I have been through so much together.
28. The wifeys called each other for advice when they were stressed.
29. I couldn't imagine my life without my wifey.
30. The wifeys looked out for each other like sisters.
31. The wifeys experienced the joys and hardships of marriage side by side.
32. My wifey is my rock.
33. The wifeys kept no secrets from each other.
34.I told my wifey everything that happened in my day.
35. The wifeys celebrated each other's successes.
36. My wifey brings out the best in me.
37. The wifeys enjoyed many laughs together over the years.
38. I spoiled my wifey with gifts on special occasions.
39. The wifeys relied on each other for emotional support.
40. My wifey is my partner in crime.
41. The wifeys helped each other through problems with their children.
42. I couldn't live without my wifey by my side.
43. The wifeys planned girls' nights in when their husbands took the kids.
44. My wifey keeps me grounded.
45. The wifeys celebrated each holiday and special occasion together.
46. I love coming home to my wifey every day.
47. The wifeys texted each other throughout the day to chat.
48. My wifey stood by me through thick and thin.
49. The wifeys walked alongside each other through all of life's ups and downs.
50. My wifey is my everything.

Common Phases

1. My wifeys and I love spending time together.
2. I love you wifeys, you make me so happy.
3. The wifeys and I went out for a nice dinner last night.
4. I got my wifeys some flowers to show my appreciation.
5. Happy anniversary to my amazing wifeys!
6. It was wifeys treat today, so I let her choose all the activities.
7. The wifeys caught me eating snacks when I wasn't supposed to.
8. Good morning beautiful wifeys, I miss you already.
9. How did I get so lucky to find two beautiful wifeys?
10. The wifeys and I laughed all night long watching our favorite comedy shows.
11. I enjoy just sitting at home cuddling with my wifeys on the weekends.
12. What will we do today dear wifeys? The whole day is ours.
13. I did the chores fast so I could spend more time with my wifeys.
14. I listen to whatever my wifeys say, they're always right.
15. My wifeys always know how to cheer me up when I'm feeling down.
16. We had a pillow fight last night wifeys, you're still the champion.
17. The wifeys said I snore too loud so they made me sleep on the couch.
18. I got lost walking the dog and my wifeys teased me the whole day.
19. My wifeys aren't talking to me because I forgot our anniversary.
20. The wifeys like my new haircut but I'm still not convinced.
21. Goodnight beautiful wifeys, sweet dreams.
22. I heard my wifeys giggling late at night, what are they planning now?
23. My wifeys smother me with love, kisses and hugs every chance they get.
24. Sexy wifeys, I'm counting down the minutes until we're alone tonight.
25. I just want to make my wifeys happy for the rest of our lives.
26. I got scolded by the wifeys again for not putting the toilet seat down.
27. I only have eyes for my wifeys, no one else compares.
28. How did I get so lucky to marry two boss-like wifeys?
29. The wifeys say they aren't hungry but they end up eating all my food.
30. My wifeys kept me up all night with their talking and laughing.
31. I let the wifeys drive my favorite car, they enjoyed themselves way too much.
32. The wifeys surprised me with tickets to my favorite band's concert.
33. I miss my wifeys like crazy when we're apart, even for a short time.
34. I can't wait to come home from work and see my beautiful wifeys.
35. The wifeys made all my favorite foods for dinner tonight.
36. My wifeys are so perfect, I could just kiss them all day long.
37. There's no one I'd rather spend my life with than my two amazing wifeys.
38. I'll do anything to make my wifeys happy, they deserve the world.
39. My wifeys put a smile on my face even on the worst of days.
40. I can't function properly without my wifeys by my side.
41. Thank you wifeys for making me the luckiest man in the world.
42. I don't know what I did to deserve wifeys as wonderful as you.
43. I bow down to my wifeys, they're perfect in every way.
44. I try to listen intently to what my wifeys say, even though I'm clueless.
45. I would be lost without my wifeys guiding me through life.
46. My wifeys taught me the true meaning of love and happiness.
47. I melt every time my wifeys smile at me.
48. My wifeys are my world, my everything.
49. I spoil my wifeys rotten because they deserve the very best.
50. My wifeys are a constant source of joy and laughter in my life.
51. I will always choose my wifeys, no matter what.
52. The wifeys give the best hugs and kisses.
53. I love everything about my wifeys, even their cute little quirks.
54. My wifeys keep me young at heart.
55. I married way up when I married my wifeys.
56. I can't live without my wifeys, they complete me in every way.
57. I didn't think I could love two people so much until I met my wifeys.
58. My wifeys are my soulmates, my other halves.
59. I'm the luckiest man alive to be married to two strong, independent wifeys.
60. I could sing my wifeys' praises all day long.

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