Wigsby example sentences

Related (8): wig, wigging, wigmaker, wigwam, wiglet, wigwagging, wigmaker's, wigsby's

"Wigsby" Example Sentences

1. Wigsby was the only one who knew the secret.
2. She had to keep it hidden from everyone else, including Wigsby.
3. Wigsby was the first one to suggest a solution to the problem.
4. Wigsby's idea was the one that finally worked.
5. Wigsby's face lit up with joy when the plan worked.
6. Wigsby was the only one who could make it happen.
7. Wigsby was determined to make it work no matter what.
8. Wigsby was the only one brave enough to try the risky plan.
9. Wigsby's courage and determination inspired the others.
10. Wigsby was the only one who never gave up hope.
11. Wigsby had the strength to keep going even when things seemed impossible.
12. Wigsby had a plan and was determined to see it through.
13. Wigsby was the only one who could make the difficult decisions.
14. Wigsby's leadership was the key to success.
15. Wigsby was the one who brought everyone together.
16. Wigsby had the vision and the courage to make it happen.
17. Wigsby was the driving force behind the project.
18. Wigsby was the one who believed in the impossible.
19. Wigsby was the only one who could see the bigger picture.
20. Wigsby was the one who had the courage to take risks.
21. Wigsby knew that it was worth the risk to achieve the goal.
22. Wigsby's faith and determination were an inspiration to all.
23. Wigsby was the only one who could make the tough calls.
24. Wigsby was the leader who could make the hard decisions.
25. Wigsby was the only one who could make the impossible happen.
26. Wigsby's wisdom and courage were an example to all.
27. Wigsby was the one who could always find a way.
28. Wigsby was the only one who could see the potential.
29. Wigsby was the one who could make the dream come true.
30. Wigsby was the one who never gave up hope.
31. Wigsby was the one who kept everyone focused on the goal.
32. Wigsby was the only one who could make the impossible a reality.
33. Wigsby was the one who pushed everyone to do their best.
34. Wigsby was the one who believed in the power of teamwork.
35. Wigsby was the one who could bring out the best in everyone.
36. Wigsby was the one who could make it all come together.
37. Wigsby was the one who could make the impossible seem possible.
38. Wigsby's determination and courage were an inspiration to all.
39. Wigsby was the one who could make the impossible happen.
40. Wigsby was the one who never gave up, no matter what.

Common Phases

1. Put on the Wig;
2. Style the Wig;
3. Secure the Wig;
4. Trim the Wig;
5. Clean the Wig;
6. Store the Wig.

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