Withdrawal example sentences

Related (11): resignation, retreat, departure, disengagement, abdication, pullout, evacuation, retirement, exodus, pullback, retraction

"Withdrawal" Example Sentences

1. The bank imposed a penalty for early withdrawal from the account.
2. They decided on a gradual withdrawal of troops from the conflict zone.
3. The inflation rate increased following the Central Bank's interest rate hike and withdrawal of stimulus measures.
4. The signs of drug withdrawal became apparent the next day.
5. Some patients need medical assistance to manage the symptoms of drug withdrawal.
6. The committee proposed a phased withdrawal of subsidies over a five-year period.
7. Corporate tax cuts were partially offset by the withdrawal of various tax incentives.
8. The treaty stipulated a mutual withdrawal of forces to pre-war positions.
9. She went through a slow and painful withdrawal from alcohol.
10. Symptoms of alcohol withdrawal can be severe and even life-threatening.
11. The withdrawal of funding caused many programs to shut down.
12. The company started the withdrawal of its products from the market following numerous safety issues.
13. Opioid withdrawal symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, body aches and insomnia.
14. They negotiated an orderly withdrawal of foreign troops from the country.
15. Abrupt withdrawal from certain prescription medications can be dangerous.
16. He experienced severe depression and panic attacks during nicotine withdrawal.
17. Symptoms of nicotine withdrawal include anxiety, insomnia, irritability and difficulty concentrating.
18. The sudden withdrawal of fluids can lead to electrolyte imbalances and other health problems.
19. Psychological support and medications can help ease the symptoms of drug and alcohol withdrawal.
20. The government's withdrawal of subsidies led to price increases across multiple industries.
21. She felt tired, irritable and depressed in the weeks following her abrupt withdrawal from anti-anxiety medication.
22. The financial markets reacted negatively to the Central Bank's unexpected withdrawal of stimulus measures.
23. Weaning oneself slowly from a drug or substance can reduce the symptoms of withdrawal.
24. Failure to follow a medically supervised withdrawal program can lead to relapse.
25. The economic crisis forced the company to initiate a phased withdrawal from the market.
26. Withdrawal from an addictive substance is the opposite of dependence and involves both physical and psychological symptoms.
27. Protracted withdrawal syndrome describes prolonged symptoms of withdrawal beyond the normal period.
28. He experienced flu-like symptoms, nausea and headaches during benzodiazepine withdrawal.
29. Hospitals have specialized units for managing the serious withdrawal effects of certain drugs, especially opioids.
30. Her sudden withdrawal from her friends made them worry that she was depressed.
31. Heightened anxiety and irritability are common symptoms during antidepressant withdrawal.
32. The treaty stipulated a mutual withdrawal of all heavy weaponry within 30 days.
33. She did not attend school for a week following her abrupt withdrawal from an anxiety medication.
34. Moderate exercise and good nutrition can make withdrawal from stimulants like caffeine less difficult.
35. The student's sudden withdrawal from classes raised concerns from the school counselor.
36. Hospitalization during drug withdrawal may be needed in extreme cases.
37. Fatigue, nausea and lowered mood are common during serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) withdrawal.
38. Opioid withdrawal symptoms peak within days but can last for several weeks without medical management.
39. He experienced shaking, insomnia, restlessness and confusion during barbiturate withdrawal.
40. Fluoxetine (Prozac) withdrawal symptoms can include fatigue, dizziness, headache and nausea.
41. The rising costs and public backlash led to the phased withdrawal of the controversial program.
42. He spent several weeks in a rehabilitation center undergoing a medically supervised withdrawal program for prescription painkiller abuse.
43. Any medication changes need to be done slowly under medical supervision to reduce withdrawal symptoms.
44. Heroin withdrawal symptoms typically start within 6 to 12 hours after the last dose and peak within 2 to 3 days.
45. Gradual reduction of a drug or medication is called tapering and helps minimize withdrawal symptoms.
46. Cutting back slowly on caffeine can make the symptoms of caffeine withdrawal more manageable.
47. Gabapentin and clonidine are often used to treat symptoms during opioid withdrawal.
48. Failure to taper off a medication as instructed can lead to avoidable withdrawal symptoms.
49. Withdrawal syndrome refers to the constellation of physical and psychological symptoms experienced when reducing or discontinuing drug use.
50. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome is a serious medical condition that requires monitoring and treatment.
51. Psychological support during and after withdrawal can help reduce the risk of relapse.
52. The harsh sanctions imposed by the international community led to Iran's gradual withdrawal from the nuclear agreement.
53. The treaty stipulated a step-by-step mutual withdrawal of missiles from the disputed region.
54. Patients undergoing drug withdrawal may need to be hospitalized for safety and around-the-clock monitoring.
55. A medically supervised detoxification program involves managing the physical symptoms of withdrawal while the body rids itself of drugs.
56. Cold turkey refers to abrupt and complete withdrawal from a substance without tapering or medical assistance.
57. His abrupt withdrawal from social situations made his family worry about his mental health.
58. Coming off antidepressants too quickly can lead to withdrawal symptoms as the body readjusts to lower serotonin levels.
59. Benzodiazepine withdrawal is potentially life-threatening and should be managed by a medical professional.
60. Proper nutrition, rest and moderate exercise can aid in the body's ability to recover from drug withdrawal.

Common Phases

1. Experienced withdrawal symptoms.
2. Underwent supervised withdrawal.
3. Suffered from withdrawal.
4. Experiencing withdrawal.
5. Going through withdrawal.
6. Faced withdrawal.
7. Dealt with withdrawal.
8. Battled withdrawal.
9. Struggled with withdrawal.
10. Managed withdrawal.

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